Do you believe in chemtrails?
If so, how come?
Do you believe in chemtrails?
If so, how come?
Other urls found in this thread:
>go outside
>see plane leave tiny strip behind it
>plane is high up
>not an expert in aeronautical science but probably nothing
>trails disappears shortly after
>one week later going outside
>planes at all altitudes leaving massive white trails behind them
>trails do not dissipate this time
>instead they disperse
>blue sky gone massive fog merges with near by clouds
Low content OP.
Not politics.
No. The infrastructure needed isn’t at any airport. I worked in aviation for 5 years and every cart and container I saw was used for something besides chem trails. Kind of a lame conspiracy imo.
One thing I never understood about chemtrails - and the proponents never seem to come up with a plausible answer - is, why is there a visible "gap" between the chemtrail and the plane engines?
This is completely inconsistent with spraying but 100% consistent with condensing water vapor
>I worked as an air hostess so I can personally guarantee that geoengineering doesn't exist.
>Contrails exist.
They do indeed my wayward kraut.
Yes I believe in chemtrailing, because
geoengineering by spraying shit out the back of planes is a thing. The same thing, which has been admitted to by 9 countries world wide.
So the term chemtrails has changed from "a method to poison people" to "it's for geo-engineering".
How come?
The interviews widely available from various parts of the US where the sky gets cross hatched with trails.
- boron and other chemically in ridiculously high quantities in their areas
- people who have worked on the aircraft talking about the jets with giant liquid tanks installed and no seats
It's all to do with weather manipulation, there's a lot of regular people who have had water and soul tests done due to sickness. Just YouTube it. About the Alex Jones tier videos, which is hard to do.
That’s relatively presumptuous considering my actual profession but ok.
Sorry, barium and aluminium. Not boring. I'm tired as shit
>go outside
>10 planes leaving (by now) usual thick, lingering trails billowing out and hazing up otherwise clear sky
>1 plane at apparently same altitude with a normal disappearing contrail
>point it out to conspiracy skeptic daughter
>(19 towelhead with boxcutters, fires brought down bldg 7, gov't only does what's good for us, etc.)
>refuses to even be bothered to look
>Do you believe in chemtrails?
you believe in god or the easter bunny
you investigate and test for airborn particulate, and yes airborn particulate is a thing, not sure if it's important compared to acid rain
>Observe weather in two different settings
>apparently same altitude
Nope. Minimum separation is pretty massive, and naked eye is rubbish at gauging heights.
Wake up, the sky is clear, put on sunglasses us UV protection, thesky still looks clear.
Planes start leaving "contrails" Look up at the skyl; looks smoggy; put on UV protective sunglasses... see a diffusion from contrails to form the vale...
Not to mention legally regestered business whose business is "The Weather"...
They are an expression of dominance over the airspace by the white patriarchy and the alt-right.
>i worked for the airport therefore the endless years old documented information regarding geo engineeringing does not exist currently and has never existed
>naked eye is rubbish at gauging heights.
this. if you're gazing at an airliner at a flightlevel of 10.000 meters at clear conditions in dry air it seems like it is way lower
>low humidity -> contrails disappear quickly
>high humidity -> contrails disappear slower and can form fog like clouds
You can't deny chemtrails. Convincing yourself is as easy as watching planes in the sky.
cold > water condenses into clouds and is visible
hot > water stays a gas and is not visible
First Chem trails, then they removed the word gullible from the dictionary. Shits getting real!
Passenger plains form contrails at high altitudes. Converted passenger plains dump aluminum sulfate at even higher altitudes. There's a Wikipedia article for high altitude aerosol injection (geoengineering). Just because the firms don't give progress reports and press releases to the AP doesn't mean they're not real.
How can "clouds" be resistant to winds that blow around other clouds?
because the government literally admitted to putting aluminum particles in the atmosphere.
They aren't. But you most likely aren't comparing equal clouds in equal environments at equal heights.
If everyone just said SAIs (stratospheric aerosol injection) instead of the tin foil term chemtrails you wouldn't have so many people rolling their eyes
You offer a good point but they can stay in place for days
That hat has a picture of a contrail though
the elites breathe the same air as us, retard
The giant liquid tanks is how they used to test an aircraft with a simulated load of passengers. And how would aluminum be in the liquid? Like a smoothie?
Aluminum sulfate is released from pressurized tanks as an aerosol, a solid dissolved in gas
So can clouds. Ever see cirrus clouds move?
Who's to say you couldn't disguise a chemtrail to look like a mundane natural phenomena?
Sure yeah if it's windy up there
And sometimes it's not windy up there
Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering
And it sometimes isn't.
Whoops I'm retarded.
Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols
This. It seems so obvious doesn't it?
If you knew anything about weather and atmospheric conditions you would know that the chemtrail conspiracy is completely bullshit
Oh word?
It's a conspiracy but the civilian scientific community is openly planning on doing it
yeah this new normal here now
Yup. That's weather for you. Different all the time.
Do you has cheat sheet? No? If it’s so easily refuted, yet SAIs admitted, then why bullshit Mr. Nye?
No matter how much proof you post, it's amazing how easily people will ignore it and say 'i'ts just clouds' or 'its just contrails. This shit has been admitted and in the public record for years.
No one is denying such things are potentially possible. But you're pointing at horses and calling them unicorns.
At one time, I didn't believe in the Chemtrails thing, but after seeing day after day after day of the sky polluted with artificial clouds, I changed my mind.
Ah yes, those fakers with their fairy floss and hovering cotton.
>what is damage control?
and your dad works for nintendo..
What damage is being mitigated my chemtrail advocating enthusiast?
normal condesation trail lasts from seconds to minutes. Military planes codensation planes lasts days. wew lad. type geoenginiring into youtube / google. it's ez. walk outside and see the fucked up sky by chemtrails so bad it's not blue any more in US.
>normal condesation trail lasts from seconds to minutes.*
*Depending on weather. They can however last as long as they like, per prevailing weather conditions. Anything else would be contrary to the laws of physics as applied to meteorology.
>they can persist for long periods of time, typically a few minutes to hours, thus covering much of the sky in a narrow path
k retard
>they can persist for long periods of time, typically a few minutes to hours
So we're in agreement? Lovely. Always happy help clear disinfo by groundlets.
ok abbo
I work outdoors, I see them all the time.
100% real.
Contrails disappear within seconds, chemtrails linger in the air becoming a giant hazy cloud that covers the entire sky.
It's not Weather related, it's not altitude related, as I have seen every condition.
You will even see higher Jets do nothing, while only certain lower altitude jets are doing it, or vice versa. Summer, Winter, all seasons.
I don't care how hot something is, if it's surrounded by cold air, it will dissipate quickly. Like an exhaust or a factory chimney in winter.
And i agree that aircraft are capable of spraying aerosols. Worked briefly as a crop duster, even.
But i'm guessing you've never seen a "chemtrail" ever, and instead misname contrails.
>Contrails disappear within seconds
Why do you think they can't linger? Have you never seen other clouds before?
>You will even see higher Jets do nothing, while only certain lower altitude jets are doing it, or vice versa.
Almost like atmosphere is highly variable? No wonder it's such a hard subject for you people to learn.
>I don't care how hot something is, if it's surrounded by cold air, it will dissipate quickly.*
*Depending on the prevailing conditions, and factors such as dew point, pressure, wind speed/direction, prevailing terrain, etc.
They why do only certain planes do it?
At least you didn't call me a retard, cause I probably am, but I would have many questions.
They grow, they get bigger and bigger
It's always done in a checker pattern for the most part
If it's conditions, why are only some planes doing it, while others at roughly the same altitude are not?
Why don't you ever see this outside of cities?
Vacationed on a few Islands with heavy air traffic and never seen one. Like I never saw one in Jamaica the entire 2 weeks.
Wouldn't some of these "conditions" take place at ground level? like fog?
Clouds also blow in the wind. If it's windy, the clouds move quickly. Chemtrails never budge. They just get bigger. They don't blow away.
I might be retarded, honestly. I'm a pipeline worker, I just see it every week.
>They why do only certain planes do it?
All planes do it, from microlights to Belugas. It just depends on the prevailing conditions if they'll cause them at the time.
>At least you didn't call me a retard
Because i don't think you are one. Just someone who hasn't had the opportunity to study meteorology or aerodynamics. Yet.
>They grow, they get bigger and bigger
Aye, the same way other clouds normally do, because the environment is ripe for it if it's happening.
>It's always done in a checker pattern for the most part
That's just due to sky highways. You can't fly willy-nilly, unfortunately. Flightplans are as close to chequer-pattern as possible because it's more fuel (and thus cost) efficient that way.
>If it's conditions, why are only some planes doing it, while others at roughly the same altitude are not?
First off, they probably aren't at the same altitude, or anywhere near it. And you'd be surprised how even a few feet can make all the difference in the sky. Think of how fog will settle on a town to only a certain height, then factor in every other variable at altitude, right down to the shape of the plane and it's speed.
>Why don't you ever see this outside of cities?
You do. But cities are where planes are flying to/from. Of course you'll notice it more there. Plus, a lot of flight paths stick near cities in case of emergencies. Less efficient, but that's government regulation for you.
>Vacationed on a few Islands with heavy air traffic and never seen one.
You get them in the winter (t. similar climate), but often it's too hot and humid to cause visible condensation over the airfoils.
>Wouldn't some of these "conditions" take place at ground level? like fog?
Yup, they do.
But that's more extraordinary, because conditions close to the ground are usually unfavourable, but not impossible since more lift is being generated. And mechanical turbulence is a bitch.
>Clouds also blow in the wind. If it's windy, the clouds move quickly. Chemtrails never budge. They just get bigger. They don't blow away.
They'd be at different levels. There's a reason certain altitudes are picked, and that's because they're a preferable wind speed/direction to other FLs. So they would be moving, but most likely they're just ambling in the same direction as the AC which caused them, and that's difficult to perceive with the naked eye (as are many things in the sky, and that's why you rely on instruments).
Because I'm not a retard. You see them, and then the whole sky turns overcast.
The sky isn't the same shade of blue it used to be. You can't fool all the people all the time.
using the term "chem" trails allows the perpetrators to mock people who call for a halt... they are metals like aluminum and maybe silicon used for weather modification.
>You see them, and then the whole sky turns overcast.
So you see clouds form in conditions which are favourable for the creation of clouds, then more clouds also form? That is quite a meteorological quandry.
>The sky isn't the same shade of blue it used to be.
That's called aging, you sad.
It is called Cloud seeding. Plenty of info on it.
> want to poison a population
> can't do it solo, some matter of conspiracy is necessary
> approach A: poison all their water and food supply, everyone who works in those areas needs to be in on it and reliably keep quiet, because otherwise they'd eventually find out and blow the whistle
> approach B: hire two guys to spread it from above, exactly three guys need to be in on it, yourself included
A is actually way easier than B, since B has far more scrutiny than just three niggas. While A gets (((industry))) funding to show it's actually beneficial.
No, I see a grid diffusing into the atmosphere
Real question is why are they making the ionosphere more reflective
In a sad attempt to reflect some heat.
Very well documented.
The CIA controls the narrative, which is why they are called chem trails in the first place.
I remember reading they are going to talk about weather control within the next couple of years, without obviously admitting that they are doing it.
There is so much info, truly it's mind boggling people aren't talking about this
omg you discovered moisture distribution in the atmosphere is not uniform. my almonds are super activated bro.
>No, I see a grid diffusing into the atmosphere
Also known as clouds. You create the same type when you breathe out on a cold morning.
It was a pretty decent disinfo campaign, honestly. Just the right amount of gaslighting and academia curtailing, so that normies were turned off from questioning altogether.
Clouds come from planes now? Cool. Are you now going to act like thats always been the case and it was never denied?
thats cloud seeding, not chemtrails retard. You are just as stupid as people who confuse evolution with abiogenesis.
Which was denied vehemently until the last 5 years
>Clouds come from planes now?
ACs can contribute to the creation of visible condensation, aye.
> Are you now going to act like thats always been the case
Yes. Or at least since 1738
It's only smartdust rfid nano like the crap we all get in our shots and then the airplanes and haarp microwave the shit out of them to build convection.
Same way you can be heart attacked through your walls and roof like Scalia.
What's the big deal? Doesnt everyone know this stuff?
wrong, it's been public knowledge for at least 60 years.
you are still retarded because cloud seeding is very different from """""""""""""chemtrails""""""""""
Then why was I gaslight 10 years ago when I made threads about it?
Some of us still have memory, you're going to need to be more creative with normalization
I’m an aircraft mechanic for one of the world’s largest airlines, and our planes don’t have this make believe bull shit installed on them.
I don't know, maybe they were fucking with you or your memory is fucked, which wouldn't surprise me since you buy into the chemtrail nonsense.
>Louis Gathmann in 1891 suggested shooting liquid carbon dioxide into rain clouds to cause them to rain. During the 1930s the Bergeron-Findeisen process theorized that supercooled water droplets present while ice crystals are released into rain clouds would cause rain. While researching aircraft icing, General Electric (GE)'s Vincent Schaefer and Irving Langmuir confirmed the theory.[25] Schaefer discovered the principle of cloud seeding in July 1946 through a series of serendipitous events. Following ideas generated between him and Nobel laureate Langmuir while climbing Mt Washington in New Hampshire, Schaefer, Langmuir's research associate, created a way of experimenting with supercooled clouds using a deep freeze unit of potential agents to stimulate ice crystal growth, i.e., table salt, talcum powder, soils, dust, and various chemical agents with minor effect. Then one hot and humid July 14, 1946, he wanted to try a few experiments at GE's Schenectady Research Lab.
I'm 50. Been watching planes my whole life. Persistent exhaust that expands across the sky is new. Started noticing it about 5 years ago. No amount of Bill Nye gaslighting is going to change that. I'm not a retard.
>Persistent exhaust that expands across the sky is new
it's not new, you are just retarded.
Thanks for the response.
I will have to educate myself further.
By the curvature of the Clausius-Clapeyron differential equation (regarding saturation levels of h2o) it is possible for a mix of hot undersaturated and cold undersaturated air fo be oversaturated, thus leading to formation of mist-droplets (the chemtrails) stop being such fags! Except if ther's a jew somwhere in the plane (passenger on pilot, but especially pilot) which would then lead us to conclude tha hitler did nothing wrong.