>Poland is so great and based!
I am getting sick and tired of all the Poland arse licking on here, usually by some retarded amerrimutt with 1/16th Polish ancestry. Poland is a fucking shithole with a GDP lower than Lithuania, a neighbouring shithole with a fraction of the landmass and population.
Poland is so great and based!
believing in the GDP meme.
surely kazakstan, trinidad, panama , chile etc are richer than Croatia.
>GDP is not real if my country is doing worse than country x
lick my ass perfidious anglo swine.
all british should be murdered on sight
T. Mateusz Koratinski.
kek better apologise for bleiburg you anglo shit, rather than acting smart.
I am an American (with no polish ancestry) and I think Poland is fucking based. Is their country perfect? No, but they at the very least have the balls to tell the mudslimes to go fuck themselves and this fact alone makes them based as fuck.
Anglos must be the most retarded inbreeds in Europe. I would literally kill my self and every familymember if i would've find out that i was partly anglo. Crooked teeth, bad food, ugly women, full of mudshits, full of pajeets and a royal family that rapes little children. KYS ANGLOBASTARDS
Go back to drinking tea with sperm you ugly piece of shit. Can't wait till muslims rape your whole family or you die in a terrorist attack.
poland is better than lithuania
also gdp alone means nothing. We have way more power than poland
>having to tell yourselves all these fairytales so you don't inferior to the superior Anglo
Speaking my language right now, we cucked you and the whole world.
if odds, truck of peace
if evens, nail bomb
>using data from 2011/12 instead of the very recent data in the OP
Back to Turkey turkshit.
soon you will speak arab.
Some major inferiority complex, I know it must hurt knowing my country invented more things in 10 years than your entire country in its history.
Didn't your country lose to its own colony? And you are proud of british colonialism? That's sad man. You're a real masochist
You have to go back.
>Back to Turkey
thanks but I don't want to go to UK
>This is what they need to tell themselves
That 5% of Muslims is going to take over any day now, just like the 10% of Muslims in Russia has taken over. Oh wait...
That's right Russias population is 10% Muslim.
At least we had colonies. What have you ever had?
dont even bother m8. Just another whingeing phom. All they do is complain. But when Muhammad rapes their girls in the 1000s they are silent.
your country is cuckhold, arab alpha man dont need vote.
Keep fantasizing.
I'm more interested in facts.
And show your flag meme flag.
Embarrassed by how shit your country is compared to mine?
>sucking slav and Muslim cock this hard
dont come here
everyone is starving
children are eating each other on the street
just ignore us
And it's funny how the first two slav shits didn't even make an argument. Low IQ slavshits with low time preference and self control are always controlled by emotions
We had the biggest army in the whole Europe in 1400'. What can you be proud of? Invading some uncivilized tribes?
The last three letters of Mohammad, is mad.
Stay Mad, Mohammad. Also, I'm whiter than you.
Actually if you look at the statistics Slavs have higher IQ than British cunts
I have nothing against Poland, it's just the polish nationalists and dick riders on here have become insufferable lately.
Do you realize the Muslims in Russia aren't the same as the rapefugees who come to the UK? Russians know how to rule their muslims, you don't.
can confirm
>We had the biggest army in the whole Europe in 1400'.
Ooooh, wow, you had a land army. So impressive.
Meanwhile my country created the modern world, almost singlehandedly.
Nice meme stats.
Provide some reputable sources.
>posts lynn's study which has been debunked multiple times including the source I posted
I knew muslims have low iq due to inbreeding but this is just sad
btw please blow something up soon, been a while without a memorable happing
>It's debunked!!! I swear!
Lynn's stats are supported by the real world. Which countries are the best to live in? Not eastern European or southern European shitholes like Poland and Greece.
How easy it is to get your hands on a truck? I think it would be easier for you to cook a dirty one
previous post had peer reviewed data. This one is not peer reviewed.
>runs out of arguments
The only reason Greece doesn't have terrorist attacks is because you're all shitskins already.
neither are his birthrates :^)
That map he gave is from 1982.
He's some retarded Greek shitskin that picks stats and other things to make Greece look good. I've seen him in other threads. He has given two outdated statistics in this thread so far, one from 2011 for GDP and 1982 for IQ (no way to really know how accurate that was or what the methodology was).
100% of your birthrates are non-white, since you're all turk rape babies.
You seem upset
>calls me upset
>has been posting non-stop trying to compensate for his butthurt and inferiority complex
>Poland is a fucking shithole
lot of farmland with bad leadership and 'former' (((Communists))). jest jak jest Nigel. hate us if you want; were doing our best man
You got me there
The fact of the matter is that bongs are so cucked that they will only attack other whites.
They are silent about Caribbeans doing trains on thier working class women, fucking them so much that every working class blonde there is a coal burner, pakis are fucking and raping 10 year old white girls as they please - not a fucking word.
But some Poles go to do some work like picking fruit or construction
The absolute state of the cucked remnant anglos, all the good ones left to the new world a long time ago. The ones that are left are the true subhumans of the white race.
Thank god my anglo ancestors left 150 years ago.
I don't hate you mate, ITT I'm taking a jibe at the extreme-Polish nationalists and arse lickers that always post false historical revisionism about topics in which Poland was involved in some way.
Yeah it's sad
dont be retard
poland is best country polish people are best people
T. Pole in Ireland.
Jeez UKanon how many cups of tea have you had today?
you fuck bongo bongo land
kurwa suka blyat
irony is as fucked as it is here(today hot water at sink, later no water in shower, np.), this place will be safer if shtf. I waiting on politkans to stab us in back, but until then a little we wuzzing by children and fools ok