Should gore be illegal? I think it should. I think anyone who watches it should go to prison and be put on a public registry so their safety and means of living are threatened. I mean, really? Watching a beheading video is just as bad as murder if we are honest. Day of the rope can't come soon enough.
Should gore be illegal? I think it should...
Other urls found in this thread:
Go climb a wall of dicks, you candle-sniffing fuckface.
I love to watch torture videos.
Degenerate murderer spotted.
It depends, if a guy had a snowboarding accident and uploads what happened to him when he skimmed a tree, that's one thing. When it's a fanatical religion that hurts others, the entire video should be banned.
Thank you. But why is motivation important? All death videos should be outlawed because you never know which fucks are watching them.
No because everyone who has been on this website more than a month would be in prison.
If it was illegal mods would permaban gore posters and report them to the authorities.
>be me
> agego to /gif/ ylyl thread for the lulz xd pewdiepie
>get scared by gore
>act gay on Sup Forums thinking it would change shit
Quite the opposite. By refusing to publish gory footage and thus shielding the public from the brutal nature of reality the media has done great harm to society.
People's minds and their perception of what is right and wrong have beend completely warped.
That's retarded. By that logic all crimes should be broadcast. This sets a dangerous precedent in the mind of the public. Their thoughts will turn towards degeneracy. Thoughts produce actions. Actions have consequences. For this reason I believe thoughts should be policed.
Are you some sort of degenerate necrophile? Anyone with decency sees you for the human scum you are.
>Anyone with decency sees you for the human scum you are
I think you are on the wrong website
Bump. I know there are some decent people on Sup Forums. Let's change he world for the better.
yeah we have murderers and rapists walking the streets and you want to jail people for opening their minds? you sir, are a product of european brainwashing.
You're just a degenerate if you like gore. Simple.
How does gore open one's mind? I think you're a product of American brainwashing.
hey you special snowflake, shouldn't you be on Plebbit right now? and shitposting about how it went well ironing your shoelaces dipped in lavendel extract first?
This. Degenerates need to be sequestered from the general public.
Im Gore addicted and watch it on daily basis, mainly becouse its pure entertainment. By your logic everyone need to go to jail who watch action and horror movies becouse people get killed there.
Amazing. You created a straw man and were so intellectually weak you couldn't even beat that.
how doesn't gore open your mind? you're watching something you will never see unless you live in a warzone. stop being a complete brainwashed loser. step outside your bubble
No. Art can convey an important message. A rape scene showing the evils of rape would be an example.
we have a belief in the US that freedom of speech and freedom of the press are god given rights and are codified into our constitution. so no.
Next you'll say cutting off your own hand is somehow a way of opening your own mind.
What does this have to do with freedom of speech or press? You don't even have those things anyway.
not surprised a brainwashed idiot who possesses intolerant and totalitarian traits uses argumentative fallacies such as false equivocacy
why dont you take a tamer stance such as people who watch porn? porn is way worse for humans than gore
Cutting off the top of your skull would certainly qualify as 'opening your mind' via gore
Intellectual checkmate.
>Watching a beheading video is just as bad as murder
Your logic is utterly broken
Irish shill and Obamaleaf both spotted.
When you watch gore you are creating a market for it
I know you're trolling but what county do you live in?
gore videos are free
Anyone not immune to gore is an obvious newfag. I think I'm one of the last gore spammers on Sup Forums which is sad. Yes it's disturbing but it is also the ultimate red pill in a way.
Everyone dies and many of us will end up looking like pic related someday. Fearing the inevitable makes you a coward. Embrace the gore.
How does the porn industry still exist then?
>Should gore be illegal?
>Are people watching gore degenerate sociopaths with severe mental problems?
thinly-veiled pro-CP thread
So fake Hollywood gore that almost looks real is ok ?
A lot of those orange jumpsuit beheading are staged propaganda
Old people.
dem milkies
wild monkeys
The same faggots that can't watch gore are the ones who are happy to watch people being shot and stabbed and killed in Hollywood movies
I think you should die for violating the NAP and initiating force upon me and trying to deprive me of my personal liberties.
Kys faggot.
Same fagging here but next time you see a thread with a Reddit screen shot in the OP post some gore and watch how fast they abandon the thread. Usually less than 6 replies before 404. Gore is an effective newfag repellent. Use it more often.
So no more historical videos / images of WW 1, WW 2 , Viet nam ,etc..
Dropping nuke on Japan mushroom cloud banned. Footage storming Normandy banned.
Where is this magical line you want to draw ?
Who's enforcing your rules ?
Mr Historical Revisionist
was that a "NO U" argument?
and you dare to mention intelligence here?
dude? never go full sjw
Thread theme
...So gore is fine if it's "art", an abstract term for an abstract idea, completely malleable by the wielder. As you see here, gore shows the evils of sub-humans and/or terrorists. It's of no different to your rape metaphor.
no I like watching gore :(
Yup. Bad is bad , but "ART"=enlightenment
OP = retard Pedo pusher
Anyone who opposes getting desensitised shouldent be on Sup Forums. This is about survival. It always has been
>Go get killed by a 4y old sandnigger.
Stay mentally ready for the coming collapse.
Try to make your bait more subtle next time.
Lost all my folders in 2014. Now i got one big folder for everything.
I have never recoverd. Dont stop. Many of us are either dead or spread out on diffrent shit tier chans.
The Irish were a mistake
How do people like you end up on Sup Forums? Go back to facebook.
This . Any time you see the word "Strawman " it's
Jimmy Jazz Hands the Pedo Diaper Sniper from Share Blue Balls.
Part of their shill script
Oh, I see what you're doing..
Desensitization is dangerous, but I don't like the idea of mass censorship.
Gore has made stop driving fast. I used to often go 180 km/h (~112 mph) on the highways and express roads but I'm done with it now thanks to mostly Russian car accident videos. It all gave me better ability to imagine what could happen if something would went wrong.
All the classics can still be found there.
So much work with a machete. Should just kept using the chainsaw. Or can they not afford gas?
True story.
My entire life as boomer never wore seat belts . Cars didn't even have them back in 60's. Been in several accidents, smashed 3 windshields with face/ head . Still never wore seatbelt . Forced my children to wear them but never me.
Last year started watching Best Gore.
Very eye opening , old dogs do learn new tricks.
NOW I always wear my seatbelt. Don't want to be video of day on that sight.
Lesson= had to see first hand how mangled the human body gets during accident.
ALSO I'll never visit Brazil and I'll never get into a car driven by an Asian.
Gore made me shed an uneeded emotional response. Remember when you first watched 2 guys 1 hammer? Remember how fucked up it was? How would you react if you saw that now?
now ask yourself this.
how would your friends react?
I feel like if shit ever 'got real' I would be more calm and collected than other people who aren't as desensitiezed.
>Should gore be illegal?
It already is in Canada. It is enforced a lot like copyright laws. The police are not looking for it and no one is going to get fined or jailed for having a vid on their phone, but when some dude sets up a website that starts making cash off of it they hit him with the public indecency law and arrest his ass.
>degenerate sexual proclivities
Checks out
I think this girl is a psyop.
Hahaha, why do(mtf) Tranny's insist on calling themselves women. That's a dam man .
That's unacceptable gore
This site has really gone downhill as it got more popular.
I really want to go back to the pre-2007 days.
>ALSO I'll never visit Brazil
hahaha same, that's one thing LiveLeak and BestGore definitely taught me, what a shithole
same here, when i was once drunk with friends I wanted to show them that one gore video and all of them screamed in disgust. However Im disgusted by how I would call "unatural" things. In berllin there is a museum of dead people, they are real dead people and are in a special substance to not rot, I was disgusted and didnt want to visit it but my family had no problem. With gore videos however I dont have problems even if they are brutal as fuck because it seems natural for me that humans kill each other. The Museum disgusted me because it was pervert in my eyes to show off dead people in a museum.
Story for pic related?
the only sane reply in the thread, and it lacks a solution
kids reading this, desensitization is not hip and counter-cultural
don't rob yourselves of your emotion
Go to hell you SJW tumblr faggot.
They did it that way mostly for the shock factor. The main purpose of these kind of footage is not to confirm someone's death but to generate a psychological impact on the ones related to the victim. That's why they use knifes and chainsaws instead of simply shoot at them.
Death and despair is a core aspect of life and it's inherent tragedy at hand. To turn a blind eye to death and despair is to turn a blind eye to the darkness within you. And it is your sacred duty to act in accordance to grace calling for an extermination of evil.
Exposure to Gore and murder is a part of every man's life; that is necessary to uphold a righteous and moral society.
I can handle gore pretty well now, but beheadings still make me queasy. Exsanguination is like a phobia of mine. It's been ever since I was shown a cartel video unexpectedly as a kid.
How do I get rid of my fear, gorebros?
It's disgusting to disrespect the dead like that. I agree with you. I don't go to funerals for a similar hang up.
Brazil. He didn't have a crazy accident or deserve it. He was just in brazil.
You're an idiot weeb.
>get the fuck off this planet.
^God of the world{HELL}.
Are you stupid? Have you ever been on Its news the media doesnt report because they want you all to walk around like dumbasses thinking the world is all sunshine and rainbows. This is some of the most blue pilled shit ive read here. The liberals and sjws want to ban gore so nobody sees how fucked things are. redpilled me. It made me realize what shitty people nonwhites are. And made me realize the fucking media is lying like non fucking stop about how everyone is the same. Its that thinking that will get you killed.
This was a good episode of Breaking Bad
You don't, getting your head cut off is pretty scary stuff.
Stop being a faggot. Why would you want more government control over your life? Your feels were jaunted bc you watched some terrorist saw someone's head off and now you want the government snooping into everyone's browser history. God you're a weak little faggot.
Watching a beheading is extremely visceral. If you had no reaction to it, you'd be a psychopath.
Watch more beheading videos. Eventually you'll get numb too the shock of the whole ordesl and start appreciating the minor details. Finger tips used to be my kryptonite. Id pass out if I got so much As a paper cut on them. Looking at stuff like pic related cured my irrational phobia.
There's only 1 kind of gore that disturbs me but id never confess it on Sup Forums for obvious reasons.
Best gore was my original red pill. It was around 2012 and the Luka Fagnotta affair. The red pills were about women in general, muslims, mass immigration, police state.
Executions should be broadcast
>Mexico wants to make gore illegal
Stop exporting it to us you brown retards.
No,that's just censorship and we need to see what we are really up against and what is happening in the world. It would also keep us from seeing war crimes. If didn't see these fake videos from Syria the government would have just said "this happened" and we would be there deposing Assad - who did nothing wrong.
If someone is doing something illegal in the video they should be charged.
Pussy detected. How would you even survive in a combat situation? You'd see one mutilated body and start vomiting. That's no character of a man.