What is this phenomenon?
Mouth agap, scraggly beard with glasses
What is this phenomenon?
"In humans, another yearbook study showed that higher levels of testosterone are significantly correlated with smile intensity: the higher the testosterone, the fewer the smiles. And in a separate study people tended to smile more when they were lower in social status."
Every time I've been to the States in the past 3 years, all I see are overweight men with shite beards.
Someone give me a quick rundown on this
Each one of their eyes is ded inside. They didn't buy Skyrim Remastered.
food is readily available in the modern age and men grow facial hair
comes from youtube videos aimed at 12 year olds
i can now imagine a bunch of 16 year old Sup Forumstards putting on a moody face constantly because of some article they read
Soylent gin
men are less attractive when they smile. it's been proven by science.
biomecanics is king.
cock landing strip syndrome AKA soyface
All these men are ugly and if they had a closed mouth serious look it would be more obvious. case closed
they look like they're screaming for their lives. "the scream" was a prophecy desu
The expression is called the "fear grimace," commonly observed in other primates, such as chimpanzees. Gaping mouth with showing teeth is a defensive expression of submission. When these weak men are confronted with a camera -- confronted with the idea that their image of weakness will be viewed by hundreds -- their immediate response is fear, hence the exaggerated expression of happiness.
The fear grimace is a way of unconsciously telegraphing their insecurities to the world under a veneer of pleasantry.
That fucking jew with the cookie crisps pisses me off most.
Nigger tell that to Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He’ll fuck your mom and dad
>The Numale Gape
they think they look weird while smiling for some reason so they just open their mouths so that they look weird/wacky "on purpose."
t. Someone who did this when they were an awkward teenager 7 years ago
monkey teeth are closed, those guys are open
This is just people looking for something that isn't there. There are like, 40 pictures in the op. How many numales are there? If it were a trend, you'd have one picture of that type for every numale, meaning you could trawl nearly infinitely and come up with more examples, but you can't. Might as well describe the science behind the duck mouth selfie.
This is just randos making ";e funny face"
*breathes in*
>What is this phenomenon?
not politics, that's what you faggot
Hormones are everything to do with politics:
-Weaker men more likely to support welfare state and wealth redistribution
-Link may reflect psychological traits that evolved in our ancestors
-Strength was a proxy for ability to defend or acquire resources
>monkey teeth are closed, those guys are open
>that monkey did a fear grimace with closed teeth one time, so it's that way all the time
Wow, you're really grasping at straws. Not sure what else I should have expected from a commie faggot. Just do an image search for "fear grimace" and you will find plenty of examples with open mouths, like the numales in OP.
I dont know but they destroyed the beard for normal guys.
Because they cant smile. I am bad at making smiles so i avoid pictures in general but i would never do that.
this is what i hate the most. also, i tried making this face and i felt ridiculous.
Ok so if the monkey face is inconsistent, and the people face is inconsistent, and you admit that, how the fuck do you expect me to take you seriously when you draw a line connecting the two?
>Work in a cinema
>Every month, whenever a soyperhero film comes out, the bugmen come out in droves
They're literally the people propping up Hollywood right now.
>works at movie theater
And then John was the soyboy.
Social media ruined us as a species.
Based on this, the woman in the rear has the most testosterone in this photo.
"In primates, baring teeth is used as a signal of submission or subordination – a means of avoiding potentially harmful and aggressive physical confrontations with others. In humans, another yearbook study showed that higher levels of testosterone are significantly correlated with smile intensity: the higher the testosterone, the fewer the smiles. And in a separate study people tended to smile more when they were lower in social status."
soy and excessive masturbation through puberty and into man hood cause weak facial hair growth
Shut your fucking mouth idiot. You're splitting hairs and you know it. Both the chimps and the humans are baring their teeth and showing gaping mouths. You must be blind, retarded, or have some (((ulterior motive))) if you can't make the connection between the two.
They're scromitting
literally who cares? i recognize some of those faggots in OP's pic as people who have made video games (and subsequently healthy amounts of money). on top of that, you dont actually expect anyone here to believe that a little trumpcuck fairy like you is "high test", do you? i imagine your dad must have been a little queer himself, to produce a girlyboy like you.
Jews ITT gettin roasty-toasted, no goy, bad goy, don't question my (((narrative)))
A retarded internet trend.
Its for all the cocks
Lol, yep, I'm definitely the one who's pozzed for arguing that weak men are expressing fear with their stupid gaping mouth smiles. You got me.
>T mad Jew
Don't worry, Schlomo, the Rabbi will be back soon with a bag of tricks for me to call you out on
>implying they're not indicating their willingness to suck oblong objects.
Also, simians tend to show their teeth as a sign of submission.
There is also the point that leftards are bugmen, know their lives are hollow, and tend to over-react in an inadequate manner.
You probably have a faggot like that in your environment.
It’s fucking ridiculous, I see it everywhere and am acutely aware of it now
getting spooked
These are the testosterone test results from the guys in the very top left of your pic. Buzzfeed's "Try Guys"
In my defense:
I'm balding but I have a Muslim looking beard so I keep it short
I use glasses because working 10hrs a day in front of a computer cooks your retinas
Also not a man child, when I have my picture taken I just smile without showing teeth
>these are the people calling you names over the web because you differ politically
You realize that Sup Forums isn't stupid, right? You realize that I'm actually making an argument based on evidence, and you're saying, "I just don't see the connection! Better call him a jew so I discredit his argument in the eyes of all these raycists!"
Fucking look at the syntax of your posts and it's clear you're a newfag. No one uses "T" when they mean "t." No one says "roasty-toasted." You don't even know what a roastie is if you typed that out and thought it was ok to post. Please leave this board and do not return.
This refutes your theory that women are dumber.
>lying to make a point
Just goes to show there is NOBODY left to trust. Read it on Sup Forums, fake meme. Read it on CNN, fake news. Fuck this gay earth.
he looks scared, while she looks like she is about to blow a line of cocks
>making sock puppet posts
You won't get any karma that way, Schmoolie
Are they trying to be guys? The numbers would indicate failure to accomplish that goal.
>Alex Kurtagić is a friend of mine who’s known to certain people in this room, and he wrote a very interesting article a couple of years ago about the decline of the modern face. The decline of the modern face. It was an article in physiognomy, which is quite a technique of analysis in the 19th century. Have you noticed that most people when they’re photographed today wish to look as nice as possible, as reflexive as possible, as open-hearted as possible? They’re pleading to be liked.
>Whereas he dug up all of these photographs of missionaries from the late 19th century and Shakers from New England—remember that cult called the Shakers?—they used to have these ecstatic dances, they all died out because they were frightened of sexual intercourse—which of course will occur, because if you’re frightened of the one you will certainly meet the other. But the face of these Shakers was furious. Even just to pose nicely for the camera they would look like this. They would look with a demonic intensity and ferocity and sense of themselves and sense of courageous purpose and that sort of thing.
>Today you’re regarded as mentally ill if you look like that for your own portrait, aren’t you? And yet what they were doing is they were putting on a face. They were putting on the way in which they wish to be perceived by the world. It was like sitting for portrait, sitting for an oil portrait. You didn’t show your weakest or your most reflexive or your most kind-hearted side; that, if it existed, was for private use. This was a public face. And in the decline of the West’s public face you can see writ large the decline in the spirit of ourselves which has occurred over the past last century, and which has accelerated over the last century.
>People say today that men are less masculine than they used to be. That men have been emasculated by feminism. That maleness itself is so under threat that most men don’t even wish to mention the concept, certainly not in polite society. There’s nothing more fascistic than a recrudescent male, is the general idea. If you cannot even—and these are ideas that are outside of the racial box, outside of the culturally-specific area, still important ideas in relation to political correctness—but they are a softer area in which it’s possible to be more radical one would have imagined; and yet even here one sees funk, and one sees decline, and one sees an acceptance of that which will lead to the destruction of forms of identity which existed in the past and that need to exist in the present and the future, if there is to be a future.
is this picture for real?
like wtf is this the absolute state of the western world?
is this like instagram duck face in 2000's can someone tell these dudes to stop they come from a long line of bros and this is the worst
>i recognize some of those faggots in OP's pic as people who have made video games (and subsequently healthy amounts of money)
>(and subsequently healthy amounts of money)
Wtf does that have to do with anything? My kike detector is twitching.
umm sweetie you need to get on their level
Doesn't look like the smile that those white kids use.
Sorry, You're wrong.
did you wrote that text for ants?
I bet there isn't a single Trump voter in OP's picture.
>To test this idea, the researchers first had trained coders rate the intensity of the smiles of 152 Mixed Martial Arts fighters in the posed pre-fight photos
>coders analyzing performance art
completely flawed and bullshit study with no scientific merit
They are mouthbreathers, it's natural to them. Their mothers didn't tell them to close their mouths when they were a child, so as an adult they running around with the mouth open all the time is normal.
Well I hope he fucks me!
>sock puppet
Classic pilpul -- accusing whoever you're arguing with of the very things you're guilty of. I'm not the one who initially posted with a commie flag, and you still haven't offered any coherent attempt at refuting my initial argument. You're seriously terrible at this. Please leave us alone.
>The fear grimace is a way of unconsciously telegraphing
Why has this become such a normal statement? I see this rather than the proper "subconsciously" in nearly every use lately, even in supposedly intelligent articles and videos. You aren't doing shit "unconsciously"
>just did my laundry, better take a selfie
Blame pewdiepie and old RWJ. The big mouth shit helped them get super popular
You're right, subconsciously is the correct word. My mistake.
I stand corrected, as they are apparently more synonymous than how I was taught, but this still makes more sense to me
>Unconscious means not awake or lacking awareness.
>Subconscious refers to thoughts, actions or brain processes of which a person is not directly aware.
You are a shill and this is a picture of (you)
No, you are probably justified in using it after looking into just now. I have just seen the word "unconscious" used in place of "subconscious" so frequently lately it's been bugging me because this has always just made sense in my head.
It's just a trend. You can piss and moan about it or you can just let it run its course, like all trends do.
When you're older than 21 you'll understand trends a little better
and now I said "just" so many times after using "justified" I feel like I manipulated my own mind into a quasi valley girl. I need coffee dammit
Care to offer any evidence to back that up? Though I appreciate the fear grimace and its resemblance to OP's pic, I'm not being paid to shitpost.
>Mouth agap
>Scraggly beard
Dude, you don't even need to see that test to know they're low T if you actually just watch that video. They straight up act all like women. The Asian (who happens to have the highest T) is the only one who seems somewhat close to normal.
this isn't even funny
it's fucking repulsive
Dude don't make fun of the mentally deficient.
I think you're right that in this case "unconscious" and "subconscious" could both apply, but I like the distinction you've made between the two terms. I think you were right in saying subconscious is the more precise term, since I was referring to the expression coming from their subconscious mind; more than I was referring to the fact that they're unconscious of the reasons why they're doing it.
Yes its a classic technique for the unatractive or insecure. Make a face (silly face, numale huge smile, duckface etc) and its not a picture of "you", its a picture of you looking bad on purpose, so you are safe from criticism. Basically cowardise.
>men are less attractive when they smile
A carefully-timed smile while looking into a woman's eyes can make her knickers wet user. For this to work it is essential you don't walk round with a stupid grin on your face all the time though. And I think opening your mouth wide like these fags would also destroy the effect. Pic unrelated.
>Make a face (silly face, numale huge smile, duckface etc) and its not a picture of "you", its a picture of you looking bad on purpose, so you are safe from criticism.
This is actually brilliant. Well put.
Thats very sweet of you user thank you.
is that weed?
bitch got some fine tittays, crop out the faggot tho
is there a scientific name for this?