Please lord
>Alex Jones
Fuck off you make it difficult for people to see real red pills with these clowns in front
And if this were the case the back stabbing Brits would leak it to the press to get ahead of any story to frame it as Trump something something Russia something wikileaks something
not happening, time to take your lipitor grandpa
why are subhuman retards allowed to use this board
If he was, it's a diplomatic incident between the U.S and UK seeing as he was still wanted for breaching the terms of his bail.
Should be fun.
Infowars = CIA
They mix real conspiracy theories/dissident news with repitiles and anal probes.
Does anyone have source link or a recent Qanon screencap? I haven't really been following him since he moved over to fullch.
Bumping for interest.
>I've seen the white papers...uh I've said to much
>Look, I haven't plugged in the last hour, free shipping ends Friday...
why didn't he rape her? that's the only thing i don't understand about that
Once you go got to hospital.
It's called "controlled opposition" newfriend.
toll = paid
Bump for justice, by Kek I hope this is real.
A+ on that file name leaf
It was a home invasion you tzakzi slurping faggot
Word is that nigga is a hologram
>Jerome Corsi
Not happening. It is odd how JA hasn't tweeted since 31 December though, while changing his bio to say he's a "geopolitical analyst" and changing the blue diamond after his name to the Wikileaks hourglass. I suspect he's just gone nuts, it can't be easy being stuck in there for so long.
That was a home invasion, not a coal burner.
maybe he's trying to stay afloat, user. Think about it: his protection status is going to run out soon (people are going to stop giving him free protection) so he's playing his cards right in an attempt at staying relevant in the future.
I hope he's OK, he has many faults as a human being but he's a brave bastard
Disinfo agents spreading disinfo whaddya know.
Assange is probably dead
Kid looks brown
he's got visas in his name
Yes, that was a weird one. I think he might be trolling us, he's probably ITT right now laughing his cock off.
Can anyone explain what the first two string for each listing are exactly?
Example: this string 56792781 and this string 0x36296CD Private key in DER format (PKCS header length: 4, sequence length: 22781 TODO
Grandpa Infowhores is hashtagging 8fag. lmao...big if true.
??56792781?? ??0x36296CD??
fuck I hate my country. first we protect roman polanski, a child rapist. now we protect an autist who one year ago promised to hand himself over to the US justice but of course didn't keep his word
He's been dead for months. This is a farce. Don't be stupid anons.
why do so many boomers fall for the q larp so easily? it's amazing.
that said I don't believe OP is true till I see evidence
>trump is so amazing let me tell you about him for three hours
>trump is being chemically lobotomized through his food
Who is Jerome Corsi?
>White guy called Jerome?
I dunno
Bump for this WTF
>hand himself over to the US justice
For what? He hasn't committed a crime in the US, at least not one they'll tell us about
exactly, so if he has nothing to fear why didnt he do it like he promised
>8 chan
>exactly, so if he has nothing to fear why didnt he do it like he promised
Would you? The CIA want his bollocks on a stick, Hillary asked why they couldn't drone-strike him, if I were him I wouldn't go near the place.
At this point, yes.
But he was poisoned by Pam Anderson and renditioned forever ago. So it's kind of a moot point
Anal probes are real you retard and we'll be forced to develop our own soon enough. The toilet is a huge waste of water. Certainly any sufficiently advanced species would have been forced to come to terms with that to escape extinction.
sorta contradicts mega no? whose lying then ?
JA was extracted in Oct 2016. Q/Jones claiming recent extraction so that when he does re-emerge (and not from the Ecuadorian embassy) they can peel off even more people with their uberlarp.
JA seriously has not been in the embassy for the entirety of 2017.
>they all lie
the point is to muddy the water so much avg. folks stop paying attention until someone else filters the bullshit and spoonfeeds the kernels of truth to them
Is there any difference that Polanski is wanted in the US and Assange is wanted in EU Sweden?
I really have no idea on EU extradition laws.
If he was free, he would be all over the news. Why would you go free and be silent? He would be bragging up a storm now, and have free access to internet regardless.
They post so many vague questions that literally any event on the planet could be interpenetrated as "I told you so"
I've asked Qfags over 20 times, just show me a single prediction he got right, just one. They can't.
Larp is like 2 months old now, still nothing. Same old "In the coming weeks"
Q said Muller is on Trumps team as well, I still refuse to believe that.
Isn't Switzerland CIA HQ?
thank you for your contribution
the U.N. headquarters are, no doubt about that..
in that case, how did they do it?