Greetings fellow feminists, have we got a deal for you today.
So, they want more pay for less work?
What's new?
the whole "Women only make 75 cents for every dollar a man makes" myth was actually debunked by a feminist, some years ago.
You know, according to Greek mythology, Zeus created womyn as a curse to inhibit mankind.
>spends too much money on worthless shit
oh god why is it so expensive to be a woman?
Since when do women care about facts?
>make controversial ad
>get free views as retards get mad about it thinking it's a serious political statement
>rake in shekels
My computer parts are more expensive then women's, I need more gibs now. No longer will I save and be frugal with my money, why should I, I have a penis.
>Since when do women care about facts?
They only care about facts when the rest of the civilization care about facts....
OR at least, when they PERCEIVE that the rest of civilization cares about facts.
Women are slaves to group approval.
These idiots bitching about it now will be surprised soon enough when that #metoo campaign leads to a decrease in employment of women as they would rather take discrimination suits instead of sexual harassment suits.
It was debunked by the facts
>calls others retards
>too stupid to realize that, for a big company, getting a bad reputation is far worse than getting a few shekels on youtube from an ad that costed hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions to produce
Kek is this actually true.
Is this sarcastic or a false flag? In any case, please carry on.
Underrated comment.
this is obviously a meme
"our underwear is more expensive"
What about the fact that alot of the jobs exclusively men do can kill them at any time?
Woman was God’s second mistake – Friedrich Nietzsch
You mean you don't go to your local mall and buy your boxers and briefs on sale at Victor's Secret @ 2 for $25?
gott gütiger, wofür brauchen die votzen schuhe in der küche ?
dear lord, what do those cunts need boots in the kitchen for?
>muh haircut is more expensive
>muh knickers
Maybe if women knew the value of money but actual hard work they wouldn't be prepared to pay exorbitant amounts for cheap shit.
>Proceed to trow a tantrum
>High time preference
>Surprised they get less
I'm dropping the redpill that surprisingly (((youtube))) hasn't deleted yet
i go to the town square where i can find GOOD underwear
and if im lucky im going to find them on sale for only ~$50
*Grundgütiger oder gütiger Gott
>which do you grab
Nothing. I'm gonna beat their ass in my boxers and steal your girlfriend.
>Willingly pay more and more frequently for things that you don't have to because of societal pressure from other women
But why?
I truly hope a sane future people will look bad on this time and shake their heads in disgust
Gott, gütiger Herr ... deswegen war das nicht komplett flasch
und Votzen schreibt man hier so :D
Exactly what i fucking thought of
this is unbelievably stupid. i'm glad that most of our women are smart enough to not fall for this shameful cringey thing as feminism
Show vergana and open bob first.
Then sexy tiem.
Then money.
do milk
bitch lasania
according to Jewish mythology god created woman because doggo is a good companion but not good enough, but then woman lied to Adam, tricked him and got them both kicked out of paradise.
>live in literal paradise
>woman ruins it