The average Star Wars nerd doesn't see it. Do you?
The average Star Wars nerd doesn't see it. Do you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about star wars
are you 12?
>I don't have anyone to go to a movie with
What are we looking at?
Please tell.
>still cares about star wars
newfags, please leave
Bunch of white devils
Owl of Minerva?
fooking space nazis an shieet
If you don't even realise movies are one of the most vociferous forms of propaganda and worthy of study, you are a fucking lobelet and should just leave because you don't belong here with such a sub-par intellect.
Enlighten us OP.
This goy knows. It's a serpent.
All the star wars have invoked Nazi imagery, since the original trilogy. Nothing new.
There's apparently a character in the new Han Solo movie that's actually named Moloch
Fuck, now you mentioned it
I was tunneling on that man-figure carved out of the structure behind the throne. Looks Aztec.
Would make sense with the mythos too. Quetzalcoatl, a serpent god and pretty important.
>Among theAztecs, whose beliefs are the best-documented in the historical sources, Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of the planetVenus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge.
But perhaps most importantly
>To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like adragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind
This would be too deep for a leftist propaganda movie made and written by women, but might as well right
This, the storm troopers are modeled after the Wehrmacht, fuck, Han Solo's blaster is a fucking Luger, Storm Trooper blasters are MG34s.
Well spotted, what the actual fuck
No, I don't see it. Stop being cryptic and just tell us what it is.
No, that's not what they were going for. It's "subtle" Parteiadler/Reichsadler shapes
I don't get the snake reference
in this one (where is that?) I guess the ovals are snake eyes and the stage is the mouth and the two columns are the fangs
but the star wars, I don't get it, is the red supposed to be the cobra neck flaps or some shit? there doesnt look anything like a snake there
Bohemian grove
It is in vatican and it is vatican II aesthetics pretty much.
The owl
Han's blaster is based off a Mauser C96 reeeeee
Who the fuck is comparing Donald to the brilliant Sheev?
Wow look at that projection
No, I saw it with my otter who finally got around to viewing the previous episode the night before. He seemed to enjoy it. I loved it, and I was EU LARPing in the 90s.
>cant move fast, paper thin, somehow dont need to be pressurized
but hey it looks like a b-wing right?
>Mauser C96
You mean Walther C96.
fucking work of art
It's the Nazi bird. The one from Subtle but it's there.
Forcefields have held in atmosphere in every Star Wars movie, and B-17s in space is frakkin wizard. It shows Rian Johnson really understands what inspired the originals. It's even named MG-100 StarFortress SF-17
Literally nothing:
Why, OP...
You know that we're not able to rely on the institutions, If they hadn't included you in their plot they soon will.
You must sense what we have come to suspect - the globalists want total control over our peoples' self-autonomy. They're planning to betray us.
Search your feelings, you know, don't you?
You know they don't trust us,
nor the Senate,
nor our Republic,
Or democracy for that matter.
Has your trust in them been shaken? Have they asked you to do something that's made you feel dishonest?
They've implied for you to shill us, haven't they?
Remember back to your early teachings: "All who gain power are afraid to lose it"-even our own "representatives".
>But they use it for good?
'Good' is a point of view, OP. The views of the far left and right are similar in almost every way-including their quest for greater power.
>You say that the far right rely on their hatred for their strength, you say that they think inwards, only about ourselves.
But I ask you this- the leftists don't?
>But the left is selfless, and that they only care about others!
You ever hear the tragedy, of the nation-states of the West?
I wouldn't think. It's not something they'd tell you.
It's a right-wing legend.
The West was the lord of the world - so wise he could use his power to influence the ways of others to self-propagate.
He had such a knowledge of the right that he could even keep the flame of Rome he so cared about from dying.
The rightwing is a pathway to many ways of running a country - some consider to be 'problematic'.
>Well, what happened to him?
He became so powerful, that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course he did.
Of course, he taught the leftist everything he knew, and then the leftist killed him in his sleep.
...Ironic, he could Westernise others, but not himself.
>Is it possible to learn this power?
Not from the left.
Yeah I see him, OP. I couldn't miss best boy if I tried.
I hate disney's costume design. The guard guys look like red lobster mascots.
>best boy
>constantly btfo
>somehow a general, no one listens to his orders
>always on the verge of tears
>wants to have an intense rivalry with Kylo, who barely considers him an actual person
>freezes up whenever any sort of military decision must be made
>is such a short-sighted idiot, that even the smallest appeal to his ego gets him exactly where you want him.
12 year olds love Samuel L Jackson.
Let’s spend 4 billion on this.
so he's a well written nazi?
>not going to the movies alone
>not having both side seats empty because normans are afraid of you
I put that picture eon Kairos for shits and giggles to see if it misinterpreted Hayden's flared nostrils for Negroid features and it fucking did, lmao.
- In fairness, it could just be the Amerimutt genes, :) -
I'll provide a screenshots and url so that you don't have to take my word for it.
These look more like references to ovaries
dutch soccer teams (soccer is #1 sport in europe) have huge psychedelic owls painted in their locker rooms or atleast in hallways where players go through
then i see afterwards a commercial for lego star wars, called the moloch landspeeder