How come you people's racist views are built on anecdotes. I saw a thread the other day going along the lines of "What instance made you turn racist", it was all full of stories of people having bad experiences with minorities and that turning them racist. I have not seen any good proof that the white race is genetically superior. What's up with that?
How come you people's racist views are built on anecdotes...
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So why dont you live in Somalia then and larp from there ? I guess its much more comfy in Sweden.
What is that test called and where can find it?
Wasn't it you who thought Sweden was overrun by violent immigrants? And I know you like thinking black people made Africa shitty themselves, but that's not really true buddy, at least not the entire African population, black leaders screwed them over though.
>be born in romania
>live among gypsys
>darker skin then everybody else
>they steal
>they scam
>they even fight each other with swords
>they commit shitloads of crimes
>they dont care about "romania" they care about being gypsy
>they are aggresive, manifest themselfs like chimps have no respect for everybody else, country or themselfs
>they shit on the things that were given to them
>they even stink too
yfw I hate gypsies more then you
yfw grandma hates gypsies even more
>how can you be racist
>we are one race the human race
we build sterotypes and based on those sterotypes we avoid groups or are open towards groups its human nature
For example right now when you look at my flag you think GTFO gypsy, and first thing that comes to your mind is how gypsys steal,beg, and steal yo wallets.
Its up to me to prove that I'm no gypsy, and in time dilute the romanian dark skinned gypsy, by taking some humilation not crying like a little bitch and being CIVILIZED
something that gypsys aren't in time you'll have a clear distictions between gyspies and romanians and you'll no longre be racist towards romanians but you'll still gypsies
Proof that white race is superior
Migration from central europe to USA made US economy greatest, Central europe was the most industrilized area on the planet 100-200 years ago.
All cultures and nations touched by central european whites are great, live better, and have economically surpassed everything other class
>why subhuman romanian
because cold makes you work together, be social towards each other
Working together is key in building things
Niggers don't work together, Niggers are like wild humans, you have large variaty... they rape, kill, and try to be tough... SImilar to how a wolf to asure it's survival will growl and try to seem dangerous towards those he thinks may be threats.
Adaptability to cold make europeans/whites are superior
So you're saying yourself your racism is not rooted in any sort of scientific evidence? Sure I know having a racial bias is normal but that doesn't justify ideas like a white ethnostate, because of the lack of scientific evidence. And while you say niggers are horrible beings you don't take a second to contemplate whether or not that is because of genetics or because of culture. I like focusing on the ethnonationalism in these cases cause it's one of the most popular ways to enact racist ideas into the real world.
Thus white people especially white central european who delovepted most in the cold northern part of the world have the most productive and the living standards are greater then any country on the other contients.
Proof of concept i bring the subiject of USA into context
USA> central european migration (usa great)
Mexico> arab rape babie spanish mixed with azetc and native american (quite a shitty place where they still cut people into little pieces on a daily basis)
Mexico had a head start, Mexico had everything it needed to be great...yet its not.
Shitty genes from the Spaniards and shitty genes from natives+slaves import make them quite shitty as a nation/economy/socially.
Think of it as
Are wolf superior to dogs?
Are niggres superior to whites?
Phyisically sure, niggers genetically are superior because of african climante and thought envoriment.
But so are wolfs to humans, and bears.
Intectually and socially whites are superior, we work together as a people to build, fight, and grow.
But no wolf is a dog
A dog is loyal, tammed, its a good dog. You can have it around your child and it won't kill it. They are genetically predisposed to answer and be loyal to humans.
So are whites, are genetically to be less aggresiv and more social
Proof of concept "hot countries" are more aggresive, more greedy, more rapey
"cold countries" more social, more calm, lots more chill
Look how ruskies tammed foxes, cold tammed humans socially. As cunts would die in the cold.
In africa and warm places there is less risk of being killed by weather within few hours. There is actually an advantage to rape, kill and steal bikes.
Because the one that rapes = will have babies
The one that kills = doesn't gets killed has babies
The one that steals = can eat, sell, have with what to survive enought to make babies
While whites who live in the cold, you cunt no babies for you
>nobody is born racist
we become based on how people behave.
If you dont pray like me, walk like me, talk like me, behave like me... and you go around killing and murdering then imma be "racist" and "biased" towards anybody that walks likes you, prays like you and behaves like you as my subconcines asocietes X with Y
But you can prove that you don't kill even if you don't walk/talk/behave like me
Here is some examples
Chinese came to USA, they were humiliated, discrimiated, they worked hard and now are americans
Irish came to USA, they were humiliated, discrimated, they worked hard and now are americans
jews came to the USA, they were discrimated, humiliated, they worked hard and now are americans
Niggers were sold off by their own people to European/jewish ships and were forced to work, they didn't choose to come to the USA, they worked hard because they were forced.
But when there was their time to work hard, they didn't, when they were humilited they behaved like cunts, the socials walls between blacks and whites were reinforced because niggers couldn't take the humiliation
As a people you take the humiliation and over time a clear distiction is made between a group and the other. When members in the group reinforces the sterotype...then you have all the reasons in the world to be racist.
Its normal and you shouldn't be ashamed of it
Second exemple, slavs in central europe were germanized over time. they are nice people
Southern european slavs hate each other fighting each other but still respect each other
Russian slavs, bascily the shities form of slav, rapes, kills, murders, and bascily behaves like a nigger.
Slav comes from slave, meaning culturally there was no reason to be less aggresive, less of a cunt. Since often those genes were passed down via the "hot females" this is my theory why slav females are hot as fuck.
Large genetic variaty, and selection over time due to hotness as they were raided by stepp people and taken as slaves.
children are born racist. they will self segregate.
What would be a legitimate reason to be racist then?
Here you are assuming that all these different people's situations were the same, but that's not really true either, the discrimination against black people was way worse than against others. Again, I realize that racial bias is natural but making that a political question without any scientific backup is foolish and should be avoided.
Proving that other races are genetically inferior and that that is a good reason to banish them or discriminate against them.
I thought 1st gen african americans were slaves, no? Pretty hard to come back from that and especially so if you are surrounded by americans who hate blacks.
good enough
racism is simply pattern recognition; i.e. recognizing the pattern that non-whites ruin everything.
So every single black leader is a idiot
They hated gooks too
I never said that. I meant that there has been a lot of corruption and bad leadership in Africa.
>genetically superior
is an error
There are AVERAGES of human measures in which the whites are better.
AVERAGE, that's the key word.
Average white amrican IQ is 1SD over basketball-americans. This is huge. When you get a lot of niggers in the same place, let's say 10.000, the majority under 90IQ overwhelms the 4 niggers with >130IQ, and either high IQ niggers flee, or they're killed.
The the majority under 90IQ makes a mess, shitty houses, dirt, trash, murders. Is not only low IQ, is also impulse control and future planing that are missing in the low iq nigger.
OTOH, niggers seems to have a better AVERAGE genetics in the physical department. For example, in the physical traits required to play high-level basketballs, niggers are ahead of whites. How much? it can be deduced from NBA teams racial conformation.
Again, you assume that this is genetic and not a cause of culture.
How is culture any different from genetics. It is merely a manifestation of the group's genetics. Shitty genetics make shitty cultures, which make shitty countries. Its impossible to differentiate the two.
>scientific evidence
>The only evidence of fact I'll accept is that most arbitrarily narrowly defined by leftist academics who cherry pick their methods and data to support their hypotheses from the get-go .
Scientific "fact" is that which we have the most empirical evidence to support. In which case Africans are violent animals and subhumans and ought to be ejected from western nations, because everywhere they go they ruin; gays are dozens of times more likely to be child abusers and carriers of vile diseases; women bring down civilisations when given equal rights...
>oh wait no lol repeat that in a lab, no wait MY lab, oh it's not science then
Here's one for you Sven:
Can you provide any scientific evidence for the idea that the only kind of fact or truth is that which can be scientifically proven? Can you scientifically prove the supremacy of the scientific method for ascertaining fact and truth.
Hint: in order to do this you would have to be able to prove that nobody knew anything before the modern scientific method came about.
Can you provide any evidence to prove or suggest that scientific evidence is the only reasonable basis for a white ethnostate? Or any other moral question?
Because science pre-sjw PC-truth era in Sweden proved that eugenics was a good thing, and it created the dream Scandinavian society that you regards have fucked up with all the apes you imported.
No, culture is formed from environment, if a group of people is economically fucked like black people are in the US, that will affect their lifestyle and thus their culture.
I never got evidence. I got fucking pictures with no source. I can't do shit with that.
>culture is formed from environment
This is a superstition Sven. Many behaviours are inherent and inherited. Science has proven that repeatedly.
Sorry I forgot, not the science you like or get from your priests I mean scientists so you reject it. Faggot saged.
Info is EVERYWHERE you just choose not to see it.
Jesus Christ. This is the mentality of the swede? Pathetic.
Can you link me the study that picture is referring to? I know you accept the cocks of the people in here and just accept all the sourceless pictures these people throw your way since it aligns with your view but I don't.
You got a point to present?
So assuming this, you would expect groups of people living in similar environments to develop similar cultures, and consequently similar average behavior. To test this, researchers conducted what is known as the Minnesota trans racial adoption studies, to get some insight into the interplay between genetics and environment.
Ofc, you MUST already know this, because surely you aren't absolutely retarded enough to post here without lurking for 2-3 years first.
Either way, if you are truly interested in the topic, there are plenty of research papers on this (interrelation between IQ and skin brightness, estimated variation due to environment, etc..). Id recommend you read them before coming here and looking like a complete buffoon.
This paper is good start.
Thats bs, you should know this since sweden used to be really poor, still we didnt chimp out like fucking niggers or other lesser races.
You should be ashamed and shut your fucking mouth.
White people were superior based on resources, and from those resources the white people became smarter than everyone else on the planet. That inherently makes them superior.
men vafan varför måste det just vara en svensk flagga som skriver sådant skit
För att OP är en liten bög som behöver en spark i arslet.
Häng dig själv
ignore OP he is a DISGRACE
This is a better start actually.
>who thought
fucking nazi
I became racist after Sup Forums.
Just read that Romanian Gypsies' rant above, that black sea nigger is 100% correct. If you're not a racist after it then you're missing more than a few brain cells
Jeg er enig min svenske ven
I fucking hate gypsies. But tell me more, why are gypsies like they are. Why the fuck is it cool to be gypsy, and what does that even mean?
This is why I am racist.
>0 black women were raped by white men
Cuz black women are ugly as fuck
Gypsies are quite common here in Latvia too.
>they even fight each other with swords
Its like those fucks are stuck in medieval times, they even move around with horses.
Here you lazy faggot
Stop evading and look at the evidence for yourself.
quality post, have a (you) :)
Nah, your scared of her senpai bro, be real.
you are both right
>darker skin then everybody else
so gypsy in denial FUCKING KEK
I'm where I'd expect to be
You're not a Communist lmao. Look at where Stalin sat. That's where you should be if you were, larper.
Compare skulls. Black frontal lobe is far smaller than white. Massive amounts of anecdotes support this with very few counter-cases.
>Slav comes from slave
Im not sure about that, Slava means glory. to be Slaven, to be famous, there's definitely a connection there.