If you can smash asian girls then we white girls should be permitted to fuck black men.
This is a fact.
If you can smash asian girls then we white girls should be permitted to fuck black men.
This is a fact.
>we white girls
Saged and reported
Fuck, these threads are terrible.
>if men fuck subhumans we should be allowed to fuck animals
doesn't work that way sweetie
U has peener
>women and men are equal
top kek
worst term
What do you call it when wite smish blick.
I'll take the bait. No one cares, even if you were a wyman (you are not) I bet no one except rapefugees would touch your cottage cheese-looking ass.
who's the titty monster?
Looks you stupid bitch, I don't know if you've been conscious before, but it IS legal for you to fuck nigs and contract herpes and single motherhood. But after you ruin your life, don't expect any self respecting white man to support you
Sage and begone
lol k bye good luck with that!
>If white men don't racemix neither will white women
Should be the sentiment, but it's fucking bollocks isn't it.
>This is a fact
You are a braindead nigger
That's a fact
>asian girls
>black men
this is retarded bizzaro logic.
If anything if man are the be allowed to colonize yellow pussy, then woman should be allowed to be yellowed.
There are no niggers in this equasion, except when you want to force them.
Anyway woman are property so they should not have laws anyway
Ahhh Hahaha. Sure thing sweetie.
Who's REALLY getting the shit end of the stick here.
Men = OK to Fuck beautiful Asian women
Women (YOU) = get stuck fucking niggers
OK punish WHO ?, Hahaha
Fuck away thot! Pic related!
fuck off kike larper