Why can't the left meme? It's not hard.
Why can't the left meme? It's not hard
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Because they don't understand that all good works such as art, music and innovation comes from a divide source that they are no longer connected to.
which is why they will lose in the end.
I just figured they tiptoed around taboo to much.
>Why can't the left meme?
because they are a bunch of brain dead, pop-zombies.
They don't think, they just regurgitate what the mainstream media tells them, to try to fit in.
I'm telling you, the left is made up of people who are dumb enough to fall for propaganda and mind control.
They're too fixated on controlling the message than spreading it. What makes the right's memes good is that you form your own interpretation about it. You don't get some of it at first, but will understand it and spread it later.
the root emotion of all comedy is surprise and since the left are currently the mainstream their ideas are whats normal and expected
The left cannot handle criticism of any kind, even if it comes from themselves. The right can mock themselves and their ideology without losing any faith in their beliefs, because they have confidence.
To sum it up briefly: right memes come across as banter, left memes come across as bullying or insecure insults.
>It's not hard
Only when you have truth on your side.
Lack of original thought/critical thinking.
Also, like in everything else they do, the pseudo-intellectualism practically shines in the dark. They feel the need to prove that they are intellectuals, so their memes (that they haven't stolen from us) are usually walls of text, and a meme should be the opposite of that; simple.
Hey guys, let’s dab for hillary
Ah yes, there's good right wing memes like, uhh...well...
The ancap-ball memes are funny because they have walls of text. Left-wingers just have no sense of comedic timing or context.
The left can't me-
oh really?
Game over
I think these are called, and correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not), strawmen
Are you saying that the right can't debate? Because I assure you I fully agree with you.
Dominoes, bitch
Because everything isn’t too serious for them.
Even there jokes will be “why can’t donald trump cross the road? Because he’s TOO STUPID AND ALSO EVIL AND HITLER! IMPEACH!”
Very few people can. Have you seen the normie right-wing memes at r/the_donald?
I'm just getting started. Surprised yet?
It's not a debate, you autist, it's a joke with an element of truth to it. It pulls the reader in to laugh and then they realize that people ACTUALLY think like that (ex: Brexit aftermath blaming "stupid old people")
There’s no clever joke here though. It’s just “lol drumpf tweet and poop!”
Because they don’t have any humour in their heart. Honestly. Try joking with one about an “issue”. There’s no space for humour
proof chicken is a leftist meme
It's funny because it's true, and the left rejects reality and substitutes it with a safe space.
>To Meme is to Understand Humor to Understand Humor is to Expose the Deepest Darkest Places of YOUR Soul and having enough Empathy to be Able to Identify what is Hurtful to others.
Ah, so the right can't meme and debate. Got it. Had fun talk with you, thanks.
This. If a leftist does joke, it’s totally unrelated to politics. They may joke about pop culture, or insides jokes with their friends, but never politics. Politics are too serious.
spot on
Proof chicken hardly had anything to do with politics.
Between being serious and having a sense of humor, the left chooses serious every time. It's always gotta be about fighting for a cause or defending the oppressed fotm. The left has no idea that their seriousness is their biggest fault.
if you only had a brain, keep punching the strawman
Sup Forums can hardly meme these days either, it's gotten very stale and stagnant here lately. Just wojaks and Chad/virgin shit. Amerimutts are funny though.
No you braindead leftist. See, you don’t get it, you can’t get it. The indoctrination has warped your brain to a point you think everything is meaningful. He’s making fun of how leftists think that a lifetime of learning means nothing because he doesn’t read huff. Was it that hard?
that was such a fucking shitty meme
meme magic is elusive. if you want it too badly (and the left are fucking desperate) it will slip through your fingers.
Wall of text, you say? Never!
>I keep coming to these threads hoping to see The Mythical Leftist Meme That is Funny and
Take the ZUCC memes as an example of right-wing high-tier memes. He's not a lisard or a robot, but he acts so fucking strange that the memes resonated with the general public.
Typical leftist comment. "ok whatever BYE BYE sweetie
leftists try to get to serious about jokes like these faggots will never get it
Lame. Try harder
They cant meme becuase they try to meme. You can fabricate memes. Its natural.
>hardly had anything to do with politics
>russians online denying conflict in ukraine
They find the truth not funny.
*Can't fabricate
Because a good meme is edgy and or offensive, at least a little.
The left can't hate on anyone besides straight white men, who are awesome and pretty much impossible to degrade as a group with humor. The degrade us with university general studies commie bullshit and HR departments instead.
Our weapons are dynamic, fun, and most importantly true. Their weapons are soul crushing, plodding, and obvious lies.
lol yeah leftists are behaving like women 90% of the time
Humor is an Evolutionary trait Men developed because if you can make her laugh you can get some ass
the left is very effeminate and thats why they dont get the jokes
my brother for instance fucking hates me when i crack sexist jokes. He works with almost all females and has a female boss, it feels bad man
What I mean is it wasn’t a leftist meme, and even if it started as one it quickly evolved into just bing a shitpost when you would ask for proofs with anything.
nope, you're confirming the issue. I guess you don't even understand why your pic is not a meme
prime example of no comedic influence
>we hijacked a meme
>we originalz nou
To meme (or to make internet comedy) is to take jokes to the next step further. That is to have the courage to say words like 'nigger' and make stereotypical jokes. Sup Forums and some other parts of Sup Forums have already mastered that. The Left can't do that because they want to appease to their sensitive multi-cultural society.
What a sad thing to hear. I can't even imagine living like that.
See. This is funny. I laugh at this. I don’t think if the impact it might have on a trans because if they are that fucking sensitive that this sort of thing can make them depressed or consider suicide? Then the world is too tough for them. And the world isn’t gonna change for a bunch of transies
Why are hate and fear considered such bad things these days? Both evolved and nature selected for them. They are advantageous adaptations and trying to shame them out of existence just creates weak, gaslight, victims.
This and they have no concept of irony.
I figured it out guys.
Left memes fall into 2 catergories:
Walls of text
Political cartoons
We all know the infamous leftist wall of text, no need to go into detail here, but the political cartoon, that’s the elusive quality we’ve all been missing.
Political cartoons are written by someone who is trying to make a point, the focus of the image is that point, humor is at best a secondary goal. Think of the red menace cartoons, those weren’t funny, the scramble for Africa cartoons, not funny, leftists approach memes with the same mindset. Meanwhile, we are all about humor, the political point takes a backseat, hence, we can make fun of ourselves (ancap ball) just as easily as we can make fun of them.
>zuck isn't a lizard
Nice try, faggot
Left Meme:
>Trump is acting like a baby so I'll put a pacifier in his mouth! Lol he looks like a baby now!
Right Meme:
>Bill Clinton looks like shit, so we'll photoshop him to be an undead enemy from Dark Souls or make him look like his skin is rotting off.
The Left version of this meme would be to write "EWWWW so ugly" in Impact font on the pic. No depth.
simple. effective
Just because most of them are normies. That's the only reason. Normie cannot into memes.
They can’t even think, so why do you think they have even the capability to meme?
>Amerimutts are funny though
>caricatures of americans with the punchline of them being ugly inbreds and just that, being spammed over and over without further deviation, is considered funny
Was that supposed to be funny or something
Show me a great right wing meme then.
I'm waiting.
This analysis sucks, it's the symptom not the cause.
Causal analysis:
Left meme:
>Post modernism tells me I can have any reality I want. Here's a big unfunny mental dildo to try to shove in my enemie's cerebral cortex so they will think like me. I either need a wall of text or a ton of labels to make this stick.
Right meme:
>Here's a couple of things happening in real life that are pretty fucking absurd when viewed next to each other, no explanation required. Pic related.
I was thinking about that. When I talk to normies, it often feels like I’m talking to cleverbot or something. Like they are programmed to act a certain way, and they don’t have any actual thoughts. Maybe that’s just how others act around acquaintances and strangers, but it seems so weird.
Also, they are so easily manipulated. I can make a normie like me in 10 minutes.
It even backfires, you see?
Of course you must grab liberty by the pussy.
Freedom means need not to ask permission. You must grab life by the pussy, faggot.
>Also, they are so easily manipulated. I can make a normie like me in 10 minutes.
I'm pretty normal by Sup Forums standards, go. I can type a lot in more reddit spacing if you need proof.
i didnt even see the DurkaDurka one before i saw chad and i already started laughing.
Besides modern Europe, is there anything more depressing than normie memes?
amerimut was chosen for the best meme of 2017
and it's great
I'm waiting for the resident leftists to declare it a strawman so they can see part 2 also.
lurk moar
Most normie memes follow this formula
Someone: something
Me:stupid response
Someone: what
*picture of literally any face, any face is relateable, doesn’t have to relate to the above text in any way*
We memed the leader of the world into office by semi-ironically worshipping a dead Egyptian chaos god after a protracted 2 year long info war across the internet against an army of disinfo shit posters led by a murderous poof haired DC faggot.
Honestly where do you go from there?
The part I find interesting is how much it seems to bother us that they can't. I can't figure out if it's just for the lulz, or if it is a legit longing for a level playing field.
I mean, it's fucking hilarious regardless.
Well it’s because from birth, due to women being teachers where told to how to feel about things, not to think. They think feeling is thinking so they feel really smart when they feel good about something. If they didn’t know how to do the wagecuck jobs they would be thrown into a looney bin a long time ago.
I remember fucking with Tumblr. They were like a control group of people that don't understand satire. Most lefties can only pick up on strong sarcasm. It's pathetic.
With them really condescending emojis that they use, I hate them so much.
I feel like ours are more abstract, more satirical etc whereas theirs are usually just fallacious ad homs, strawmen, or retarded shit like "le impeachment coming, the_meuller is on his way xDD"
>he got triggered by a face
This one could be funny if the lefties learned how to keep their psuedointellectual dick int heir pants.
What you need to do is remove all text from the picture and write the following:
>Tweets, with Donald. J. Trump
>Now with Covfefe
There, nice and short.
>'tweeties' Donald trump toxic twitter addict, fueling americas downfall since 2016, available wherever misinformation thrives, fortified with covfefe.
sounds like you're fucking retarded. If you need a paragraph to explain the meme, you've done it wrong.
lefties are fucking retarded.
So you think even they find they’re memes to be retarded and unfunny? Do they have the self awareness to know how unfunny the shit they post is?
>gorka, bannon
>anywhere nearly as important as priebus, flynn, trump jr, jarvanka, etc.
Delusional leftist spotted.
i wish those Faggitrons just had a bit more pizzazz with their sparkle.
>defends normie culture