>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Killer Miller on Tucker 1/8/18
>Pres Trump Speech @American Farm Bureau 1/8/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Nashville TN 1/8/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 1/8/18
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #25 (Lara) 1/8/18
>Pres Trump returns to DC 1/7/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/GOP presser @Camp David 1/6/18
>Pres Trump leaving for Camp David 1/5/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Iran 1/5/18
>SoS T-Rex on CNN 1/5/18
>This Week @State 1/5/18
>StateDep Video: Protests in Iran 1/5/18
>VP Pence on VOA w/Greta 1/3/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Senate GOP 1/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Pres Trump/Sarah) 1/4/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/4/18
>Mooch on F&F 1/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/3/18
>VP Pence convenes Senate &Swears in new dems 1/3/18
>UN Amb Haley Press Brief 1/2/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/2/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/2/18
OP pastebin:
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I love Kellyanne.
Why is reddit still here?
Finalized list of who will be attending the immigration meeting today at the White House at 11:30AM (DC time).
who /tuff/ here?
Trump as well, obviously
Today’s Trump Schedule
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
11:30 am || Meets with bipartisan group of senators on immigration; Cabinet Room
1:45 pm || Signs an Executive Order on “Supporting our Veterans during their Transition from Uniformed Service to Civilian Life”
2:30 pm || Meets with Secretary of Defense Mattis
All times Eastern
Live stream of White House briefing at 2:30 pm
rate my sandwich /ptg/
gonna need a slomo on any handshakes.
they hold the secret to his menta health.
Baby got fatback/10
OP is going. Czech user will take baking from here. Thanks for getting it.
And for anyone wondering about the OP image, it's from this.
Man's ass/10
poor spice placement. not efficient
sentence: to eat it
>trump is a master job creato-
>current narratives are:
>muh DACA
>muh mental health
>muh Ivanka
>everlasting muh Russia
>All of them are recycled
Shilling crosses the line from entertaining to just irritating when they can't come up with new bullshit to spew and just pick the old stuff from the ground
This so much!
Make sure you add Oliver Willis does not have a lisp to your talking point my fellow shareblue.
Drumphf is done! You Mutts stop working together and go back to your reddit page where we own the moderators and our people over there will tell you mutts to go back to pol!
David Brock is not a pedophile and everywhere here is Russian!
I think if Oprah does run, people will end up begin surprised at just how civil the campaign turns out. Trump understand that attacking Oprah is a losing move, he'll run on the economy, ISIS being defeated, real winning issues. People are going to spend 4 years preparing for 2016 Trump and get hit with the dignified statesman, completely throwing them off balance.
>use a graph with scaling to show a "big" difference despite the statistical standard deviation showing it's perfectly normal
top kek, Jews sure are evil and disgusting
lol at whoever made that graph, that’s a spicy truncated y-axis
Trump said he'd be an ally for LGBT people, but he is proving to be their worst enemy
>difference of 13,000
>make Trump's graph half the size
The most dishonest people
The President doesn't run the Supreme Court you dumb faggot. Go take a basic civics class, dipshit.
Whoever decided to use that Y axis scaling should be shot
It sucks at golf.
Nice Y-Axis faggot, but then again this is targeting niggers and sub-90 IQ retards so who am I kidding. Carry one!
bodacious meme my dude
>everything normal and decend is now "controversial"
Can you stop shitposting with your tweeters and "news" articles and shit for one god damn thread? Our government has 3 branches and Trump isn't a part of that one. Fuck off already.
Well that was fast
>January 9th 2018
>STILL arguing over Alabama
Sure, let's continue this all the way through the midterms.
Slippery slope is one helluva drug
It has been too quiet lately
Fuck you fags he meant he won’t send you kike homos to the furnace, not that he would keep pushing for homo family value destorying legislature
> Three hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and still nearly as many jobs that year as Obama
Thanks Trump!
Oprah has already shot this meme down multiple times. She's not going to run, it'd be a total waste of her time and she's smart enough to understand this. If she's gonna run it will be in 2024.
Wait a minute, that scale
Trump cucked on H1B visas. They are no longer going to end the extension for street shitters, meaning 750,000 won't face deportation.
Didn't the Packers lose against Alabama last night with a botched field goal attempt? i kinda feel bad for Aaron Rodgers. He tried so hard.
It's still fewer jobs
And Trump supposedly 'has the economy roaring' but it's basically the same economy as Obama's who was supposedly a 'disaster'
Drupfff is an orange butt nugget.
the opposition are low energy canthackits
Shit you may be right, it would be much smarter for her to wait until 2024. As much as I hate to admit it, she has a chance, but going up against 2020 Trump is suicide for whoever ends up deciding to do it.
Biden will probably throw in for 2020 because he won't get another chance realistically, so fuck it why not.
>(((Trump tower))) literally burning down
The revolution was never intended to be televised.
Quality over quantity. I'm also up 30% in my investments so the economy is roaring. 2015-2016 was basically dead flat outside of FANG thanks the Obama """"economy""""
and got so far
You forgot the 8 hours of TV time.
> 185,000 part-time jobs vs 174,000 full time jobs in a year with multiple large natural disasters
>crazy chick breaks up with normal guy
You clearly don't invest.
>11:30 am || Meets with bipartisan group of senators on immigration; Cabinet Room
Ohhh boy
>basically the same economy as Obama's
Big if true
This. Obama even had BLS change the reporting method to include part-time jobs in with full-time. Part-time had it's own category before he ordered that change. Lying ass nigger
"Executive Time"
Praise be to the emperor and to God!
>you dont invest
liberals dont invest
Come on, Kim. Right in the west coast. Just do it.
>That was down 28 percent from the same week in 2016 and the lowest tally in records dating to 1992.
Ehh guys...
Liberals don't have jobs or money; they're social parasites like their Jewish puppet masters
300 dollars a week in investments
Match me!
So we just have to neutralize the artillery aimed at Seoul and we can go fuck them up without retribution? Cool.
That is a private sector/free market issue not requiring government interference.
Was it a dating site for Star Wars geeks?
They look like Jawa/Gamorrean cosplayers.
Yeah bullshit. They MIGHT have 1 or 2 small middles that can reach actually reach any US territory. All of them are still aimed at South Korea.
>185,000 part-time jobs vs 174,000 full time jobs
Source on that?
>wall street oligarch elites doing well
>main street still struggling along
But I thought Trump was for the little guy?
It was a dating site for Single Muslims
1st amendment > your "rights"
Do you seriously think you have to be some kind of elite oligarch to invest in the fucking stock market?
I still can't believe that South korea are so damn foolish to let North korea rebound.
It's obvious that North korea felt the pressure of stronger ACTUAL sanctions so they couldn't even get oil from an "unknown entity" out at sea without getting caught.
It really took a toll on them which made them go to the meeting. But now, thanks to South korea going easy on them with sanctions.. again.. they will manage to rebound and do another missile test, upon another, upon another, until they fully perfect it.
I'm not even educated on the subject and even I realize that South korea is getting played again. So how can their diplomats not realize it?
/ptg/ why are you so retarded?
Quick rundown on fire and fury? What's the content that has gotten trump so flustered?
the newspapers just said it guys, I opened mine this morning and they were talking about 'trumpeconomics' and how there's no such thing. The truth is that Trump is just a very lucky guy who got into office during a time of global growth, he isn't responsible of it, he hasn't done shit and doesnt deserve praise. DUMB LUCK OK!??
>only the elites can invest
always fascinating to catch a glimpse of the mind of a leftist.
Are you saying I'm a Wall Street elite? Or the cop on the corner? Or the guy working 9-5? We're all up 30%. Of course, you wouldn't know because you're a social cancer who lives off welfare like the parasite dog you are.
You think you have the right to come into my home and force me to bake you a cake?
So it's okay for whites to do then?
If Trump never talked about that muslim ban, would he and Joe still be friends?
He finally realized there's no gorilla channel
He's 18 at college and his only knowledge of stocks is his parents complaining about someone they know who owned them. He's never had a job with an invested retirement plan, he's never had stocks or bonds because he lives paycheck to paycheck -- and by "paycheck" I mean "deposit from mom." It all goes to weed and snacks then he complains he can't afford textbooks and deserves more free money.
>south korea having any power at all
It's America my friend.
It's filled white interviews with Whitehouse staffers who all say he's an idiot. The writer of the book, Wolff, claims to has these interviews on tape.
That is one piss poor interpretation of the stock market. Do you even know what a 401k or IRA is?
Believe it or not, it makes him look like an even bigger moron than he already is.
Reminder to ignore shills and Make America Great Again
Wish me luck at work, training the new guy who smokes dope 24/7 and they've already told me not to fire him...
It's basically Leftie fanfic full of "Anonymous sources familiar with thinking of close Trump associate". Author even admits that he doesn't know if the things he wrote are true or not.
someone got a promotion
Source for that headline?
Trump’s not going to last his first term let alone stand for re-election. A turd could beat him if he did run again but he won’t.
>oh yeah you’re recording? Good, my boss is fucking stupid.
I don't think that this was a real friendship at all. Joe was friendly to Trump long after the muslim ban speech. But so strangely started attacking him after he secured the Republican nomination.
>U.S. coal production in 2016 is expected to total 743 million short tons (MMst), 17% lower than in 2015, and the lowest level since 1978. Falling production in 2016 continues an eight-year decline from peak production in 2008
>Estimated U.S. coal production for the first 11 months of 2017 is 719 million short tons (MMst), 54 MMst (8%) higher than production for the same period in 2016. Annual production is expected to be 791 MMst in 2017, falling to 771 MMst in 2018 because of lower exports and no growth in coal consumption.
>U.S. coal exports for the first three quarters of 2017 were 69 MMst, 68% (28 MMst) higher than exports for the same period in 2016. This total for the first three quarters of 2017 is already 14% (8 MMst) higher than total annual coal exports in 2016. EIA expects that exports will total 89 MMst in 2017 and 74 MMst in 2018.
(((Drumph))) is not a politician and he brought in his own people during the early days... they literally had no idea how to deal with journalists and gave this guy way too much access. Its unfiltered (((Trump))) and its hilarious.
Hi /ptg/
What is Drumpf's major malfunction?
You're going to be disappointed.