Interested in getting Sup Forums's opinion. I have the opportunity to either inherit 5-6 acres of land in rural Appalachia (will have to pay at least the back taxes on it throughout the years) and build a new house to raise my children, or buy a house somewhere else closer to a major city.
Anyone have experience with this? What did you do? Is living in a small rural town far from amenities better than suburbs closer to a major city?
Asher Morris
Acquire and hold land any way possable. I'll be inheriting 75 acres from my dad (It's been in my family since 1822), and I plan on buying as much as I can. My goal is to get attests 150 acres adjacent to the property. Buying land is the best thing you can do, and large estates are being split up, so the larger properties are becoming rare, and will become more valuable to people that want a large estate or like seclusion. Plus, the timber can be sold if quick cash is ever needed.
Alexander Long
Hard to do much on 4 acres. A proper homestead for a family needs to be at least 60 if not 100...
Adam Flores
You should take the isolated property. That way you can have sex with your children and they can't run off, or scream for help and be heard. Good luck bro.
Jonathan Bennett
The only way you make money building houses is if you own your own construction company. If you think the world is going to collapse, and have money, it would be cheaper to sell the land and rent a house already built. (Yes, rent.) Otherwise, live in the suburbs of a major city.
Connor Nelson
I would love to inherit that kind of property do it OP grow your own food. hunt. teach your children to do the same
Ryder Smith
Only takes 2 acres to feed a family of 4 very well. There are offsetting factors, such as you can live well on 1000 dollars a month when you grow all your own food on-site. Home schooling takes time and you will want to get a job as a transcriptionist or other work on your own time from home type of income. Transcriptionist is ideal, though. You can work a couple hours a day, in the evening or morning, whenever you have time and still make a couple grand a month.
Just start looking into everything. Growing your food, recycling your shit (poop), how deep the water table is and making sure it's not contaminated, distance to the nearest town, if Amazon delivers to you (this can be big, really)... Sit down and think about an average day and everything involved, then work in reverse.
Hunter Hughes
Thanks for the advice. Do you know the best foods to grow and what to avoid?
Henry Clark
Honestly, the best thing about living on a large piece of land is that you can build in the middle of it, and do whatever you want. Nothing like taking a piss wherever you want or not having deal with complaining neighbors.
Ryan Moore
>Do you know the best foods to grow and what to avoid?
God has given you a starter garden:
Why not use the things that like to grow without you having to put them there and care for them?
Hudson Murphy
Own land, is the only means of providing nutritional security to your offspring.
Why would you want to move close to a city?
You've hit the mother fucking JACKPOT!
Look into Permaculture.
Glory to the race!
Asher Ramirez
Words of wisdom.
Easton Torres
William Gomez
Sepp Holzer
Adrian Edwards
You have a misconception about the inheritance of land user. You cant inherit it. You can occupy it. But it is only rented from the state who ultimately trough taxation owns the land, hence you the only thing you own is the obligation to pay tax and if you cant or wont, then fed will come and take "your" land away.
Every possession comes with obligation.
Cameron Russell
And when we refuse to put on the mark of the beast, how will we pay our property taxes?
Aaron Watson
So what are you supposed to do? Roll over and die?
Wasn't the bible written by the Jews to Subjugate the white European pagan?
Isaac Bell
post more permaculture
Elijah Peterson
Not sure, user. Why would Jews not want us to adopt their one world currency though?
Jaxon Edwards
about how much in back taxes would you owe? i assume its in the banks possession now and if you don't take it? i would absolutely take the land. even if the taxes are absurd to pay off you can at least get onto the property and start the good life.
James Hill
The Jews are actually a brainwashing project of the Egyptians.
Egyptian boarders were notoriously hard to guard; because they spanned the length of the fertile Nile.
Egyptians lost many millitary campaigns, but they innovated and rose above broot force to conquer lands and people. They devised ideological means of subverting populations.
They took a poor semitic tribe, put an Egyptian priest (Moses) who would march them through a hot desert to a place where only he knew there would be food; left by next egyptian priest.
At the end of each day, Moses would indoctrinate them. The weak and old died. A generation was raised without hearing the stories of their grandparents.
They mutilated their children at birth, making them more susceptible to mind control.
At the end of 40 years you have a highly specialized, tough and trained army. When the Jews finally arrise at their Promised land, they begin a series of conquests... so on and so forth.
The Egyptian pries class first transitioned into the Venicean, the Dutch, English, and now Swiss oligarchy. They are the global predictor; the man behind the curtain.
Jews are a means to an end.
Cooper Williams
What is being done to the Goym, is in line with what was done to the Semite Slave.
Your chldren fight in wars overseas making money for some fat cat in Switzerland...
Matthew Turner
I should've been more precise. The land is still owned by family, and I would be paying *them* the amount of property taxes they've paid over the years in order to make it mine.
Jack Morgan
>A proper homestead for a family needs to be at least 60 if not 100 Imagine how strange this would appear to our land starved European friends. 100 acres of land is a fortune over there.
Ryder Rodriguez
Stuff like this is mostly bullshit written by people who've never left their garden.
Real survival in the wild isn't about what you bring with you, it's about what you know. Tools are fine but wont last forever, so learn to make your own. Likewise, food wont last long at all and if you don't know how to obtain your own in the wild you're not going to survive.
That being said, some of this advice is terrible. An axe is way too bulky to bring along. A handsaw is way too specific and has too few uses to bring along. A metal canteen is fine, but at most you'll bring along one metal pan as they have many uses. Shovels are too big and bulky and you're not going to bring one along. Flour is trash to bring along, jerky has way too much protein to make it a good survival food (protein is hard to digest if you don't have other nutrients/fat as well).
At most all you'll need is a solid knife and container for liquids. Other than this you need knowledge otherwise long term survival is not happening.
Bentley Davis
Make sure you get a contract drawn up. Other than that, if back taxes = less than value of land why wouldn't you buy it.
Angel Cook
that doesn't sound like too bad of a deal at all a far better option than your family just outright selling it for the money, which many would not think twice about doing. i envy your situation, can you tell us more? state, terrain, vegetation etc
Brandon Lewis
>since 1822 well done lad. well done.
Sebastian Jones
Lol I went to this guy’s seminar in Orlando.
Henry Anderson
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who could own land, grow their own food and just be their own man but choose not to
You aren't that different from a nigger in my eyes.
Samuel Smith
I think in my region (southern Bavaria) 100 acres of land (that I am allowed to build on) would be around 40 million euro.
Jace Flores
Don't fall in love with the land if it's not free. If you're going to make a payment think through if it is a good economical investment or not, without regarding for the emotional value. Sometimes for the same money you can get something better.
Definitely get closer to a major city if you can afford it. Money and things are in the city and you're always gonna need money and things, and if you don't then it's lord of the flies and nobody gives a damn about who owns what on paper.
> tl;dr google "possum living" and do that. Close to a city.
Charles Gray
>5-6 acres You can put in a garden, can raise some sheep on that size land, or a cow or two.
Buy a Dixie Chopper to mow that big ass yard.
A few things you need to consider. If your used to going out to eat, your choices will be mostly limited to redneck fast food. Plan your shopping trips well because going back and forth to the store a bunch of times isn't worth it. Get to know your neighbors, Own a tool or tractor that they can borrow and vice versa, Joe 2 housed down with his skid loader will plow your driveway in return.
Get a good water filter, on your well and RO system. Fracking is fucking up a lot of WV. I'm not even spewing hippie liberal shit on this, its true.
Ayden Garcia
Why do Anglos have this weird concept that this kind of barren looking grass yard is attractive? Plant something in there for fucks sake, you can get a permaculture garden going and even grow your own vegetables, fruits and nuts.