


Who was that webm with the burger being sliced with a knife and fork?









Bread on Grill


Why is it so common for anime characters to be good at cooking? Well at least the females are, but it's like MOST of them can make top-tier food. All I fucking do is make food in the microwave/oven, that's about it.

I can't cook to save my life, well I can probably make BASIC shit at best.

It's not that hard user, you could easily mimic random youtube food channel wit the right equipment and instruction.

You can't grill meat, bake breads or make omelettes?

Everything I see here looks pretty basic.

The question is will it come out looking as appetizing as it does in anime? Chances are probably not.

Also I have never grilled/barbecued meat in my life, sure it's not hard. And I've made sunny side up eggs and scrambled eggs, though I've managed to fuck that up before. I don't think I've ever tried making an omelette, but once again, I'm sure it's not that hard.

bento box culture

I think they spend most of their time making cute shapes with their food than actually cooking it.

Japanese women use food to impress men... Men aren't expected to cook for themselves in a relationship, so culturally females are expected to make good food, and anime is a reflection of that.

It's a very sexist society, basically.

>Why is it so common for anime characters to be good at cooking?
Japan still has home economic classes.

seems like the right thing to me

Egg thread ?

I thought the egg was a penis grasped by a hand ejaculating yellow cum.

They still learn to cook in class and with clubs. Do you think those were just a 2D meme?



all you have to do is follow instructions.


That looks gross.

What is with that "pizza" on the bottom. Did she forget about the crust on the top bit? Also, did they not slice the ingredients look at the size of those toppings.
Japanese and Pizza don't mix.

Cooking is a basic human skill. If you can't cook you are basically a failure as a human.
