Why aren't we teaming up to take down the real enemy?
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We take down the jews, we have based black men and women. Problem solved.
>yo witebois we needa team up gainst da jooz
>jus lemme fukk yo wimmin
>and live in yo hood fo free
>and steal yo shit
>an murder yo keedz
>an den we be a team
>how bout dat?
Civic nationalist christian strikes again
a group of autists shitposting on taiwan birdwatching forum taking down anything outside of call of duty. nice try cia
I tout dat kangz ar jooze
Black nationalists are based. They want to live segragated just like white nationalists. Whites really need to talk to them and explain the siutuation with the kikes. Most of them already knows but people should start to focus the counter-propaganda on the black community not on white normies. Getting rid of the kikes can only be achieved when black and whites are working together.
How much do you get paid a day?
>meme flag
>bs post
I've got a better idea: why don't you go back to the fields and start picking cotton again?
This time Sweden delivered. I was actually betting on the leafs, but Swedistan won't even let others close to winning gold on being cucked! Bra jobbat!
1. Blacks have lower IQ than whites (due to nutritional differences of course)
2. Whites have, do and will always have a greedy streak to dominate the less fortunate and dimwitted (especially the Irish)
3. ????
4. Eternal Jew Profit generation after generation
Its already made it happened.
Only retards think that we can achieve a better society by believing in ideological nonsense. Modern times need pragmatic solutions and that can only be achieved if the people within the country are cooperating instead of fighting eachother. We all know that the main force behing the multiculturalism is international jewry. So why fight blacks who literally have NO POWER whatsoever?
Okey lets team up by all people going back to their original countries.
Literally shit.
KRS One put it nicely years back
>white johnny be fighting black michael both are blind to the systems sick cycle
Ally with people that haven't wronged you and sign a prenup for the time when war ends.
I'm pretty sure an eurslavasian alliance could take on all the jews and savages and then share what's left for everybody. Imsgine the East and the West free of scum and Africa and South America completely barren of civilization, ready to for an entire new society to settle in and start anew.
Fucking gross, this is no different than grotesque shocksite porn.
It's like finding joy on smearing shit on a fancy silk dress.
And of course the owner of BLACKED is a fucking Jew.
Not holocausting the Jews was humanity's biggest loss.
>be white kid growing up
>pretty multi racial neighborhood and school
>honestly don't really see color or if I do don't acknowledge it, kids are just kids
>get old enough to understand TV beyond cartoons
>EVERYTHING has to be about race, gender, and other means of dividing us
The Jews created racists to keep their victim status alive as well as their opposition divided
Why do you think teaming up with animals will help or cause?
Who would want to team up with people who destroy anything they touch. Sounds like a failure before it’s even off the ground
I can't believe what I'm reading..... it's a based Swede? I completely agree with you, man. Fuck this divide-and-conquer shit that pits whites against blacks and even whites against other whites, we ought to remember who the (((true enemy))) of humanity is and then we need a truce (AT LEAST a temporary truce) between whites and non-whites to defeat our (((true enemy))) once and for all.
arab nationalist here, can i get in on some of this jew-hating multiculturalism?
shut up aussie or i rape your pussy
this is the fucking truth
it has never been more applicable than right now and it applies to all countries
it scares the jew more than anything else, and its likely the exact reason for all the divide and conquer bullshit we seem to be swimming in deeper and deeper every day here.
Because they're the ones who are pushing for a race war.
Because teaming up with niggers against kikes doesn’t change the fact that niggers are violent, dumb and have no impulse control.
>shut up aussie
No, I will never shut up.
>or i rape your pussy
Fuck off, poo.
Divide and rule has always worked. Nobody learns from history and it has always been that way.
Im all in for allying with blacks against the jews, but those blacks need to be in Africa. I dont care if you are LE BASED BLACK MAN or thug nigger you dont belong in white countries.
i have no arguments..wanna say troll...yet can't...wtf i love trolls now
>Teaming up with niggers
Not even once
In the event of that happening we would only be temporary allies but never equals
if you then after could kindly limit yourself to blowing up your own people. the more the merrier.
did he die?
yet i do not see any black nationalists moving from america to nigeria. niggers are parasites need whitey to elevate them
The Alt Right already does this mate. That guy t is a black nationalist who supports the Alt Right.
Niggers are 1000 times worse than Jews
Sorry Tyrone, your people are shit
After the great flood, Noah's 3 adopted sons populated the world.
Shem, (Semites) settled in Africa, dark skinned.
Japeth, (Caucasian) Settled in Europe
Ham, (Hamites) Settled in Asia
Jews, and Arabs are Semites. Descendants of Shem. Black.
everyone is doing it irl
Sup Forums is just an extremist place
The Queen of England thinks she can sell Africa to China. She has no right!!!
As we speak, China is colonizing Africa, and using the UN forces to genocide the Black race.
Black Nationalist need to Unite and save the motherland, from the Chinese invaders.
This lol. Not like niggers would even be a valuable asset to us
I'm white, paco. Fucking mutt.
Dude. I like BBC in my hole as much as the next faggot. But you cannot seriously believe the black race has advanced to the point where they are ready to take on the Jews.
They literally need another thousand years of evolution at minimum.
So its true, Arabs really don't have brains
Jews eat Palestinian children's brains to get high, and supposedly it makes them live longer.
The queen should have died 50 years ago, so maybe there's some truth to it.
Yep. Don’t know why it’s so hard for people to see. You win when you lift others up, not when you try and drag them down. Wonder who would benefit the most from this obvious d&c hmm....
>eating shitskin brains
Is Sup Forums really racist or is this all a meme?
Catholics eat Jesus slices every Sunday, with a nice chianti.
NO. Blacks ruin everything with their monkey paws.
>using the UN forces to genocide the Black race.
because the AIDS gene targeting infection isn't effective enough, created by the US Army and South Africa in the 1940s according to Fletcher Prouty
all the racism shit is the CIA, you can see the evidence for this by looking into various CIA books like Black macho and the myth of the superwoman, basically any black man who is famous has a book written by the CIA as an autobiography describing how much they love white womens
>Catholics actually think the bread and wine turn in to flesh and blood in their mouths
Catholocism, Canibalism, Potato Potatto
Catholics are just poseur cannibals.
Thanks user
60% LARPers 30% Closet racist 10% Actual racist/openly racist
I'm not racist.
Because we've been trying to do this for DECADES.
Literally more than a CENTURY.
And it hasn't worked.
Because it's never enough for them. We give them what they want, and they immediately want more. There is no end point. We have only become fed up with them because they have proven their unwillingness to work with us and their ineffectiveness. We've tried to team up, AND THEY DON'T WANT TO.
Look at the Occupy movement -- ostensibly a reasonable movement designed to draw attention to massive wealth inequality and the power of banks. The reason why it failed is because there was never a clear figurehead or a plan of action. The reason neither of those things were ever established is because minorities and women shouted and cried about being oppressed or not being included while the white men were attempting to organize and get shit done, which kept the goals of the group constantly in flux, too broad, and never settling on a coherent platform. Their mistake was their ignorance to the consequences of including "marginalized groups."
Because blacks as a political force can't handle the consequences of meritocracy, which is that blacks will lose mental skill-based competitions against whites more often, because they have smaller frontal lobes. Small brains, big egoes, blame whitey for their own failure. Meritocracy and good ol' normal blind justice would get the bad Jews out of power without genociding innocents, but that would mean accepting racial differences in intelligence, possibly even subspeciation. How do we do that?
>The reason why it failed is because there was never a clear figurehead or a plan of action.
read the wikileaks on this, it was sabotaged by the banking cartels
Darkies can be decent allies if they are properly red pilled.
>Getting rid of the kikes can only be achieved when black and whites are working together.
foking hell m8, congratulations on your successful programming; weeez needz to works togethaz
don't tell me, "everyone is equal, everyone's different everyones the same too"
The only way.
Random picture with completely unfounded shit.
>t. Alex jones tard
one doesn't need to take them on directly.
disconnect them from their shabbos goys, their judas goats, and their power will cease to exist.
their power is derived from our traitors who work for them and enforce their tyranny against their fellow brothers.
desu that's all im thinking about right now.
Just like that time the Orcs and the Elves teamed up to kill the Dwarves!
Because most people are hopelessly retarded,
and are brainwashed into believing everything
that is regurgitated by the media.
Notice this board for an example.....
You are divided on everything.
Jews aren't your enemies...
Idiots are
Also niggerlovers itt
Implying that Comrade Nancy Pelosivich, isn't an idiot.
People here are too far cucked between the varioius races. They've had everything taken from them so they're proud of the only thing they have left, their birth conditions, instead of trying to claim back what was stolen
>a 'little' bit of knowledge
tell blacks that jews taste like chicken
Why do you think Malcom X would have white nationalists watch his speeches? True black nationalists realize that blacks and whites need to be separated and that Jews have been dividing us for thousands of years.
Have you ever talked to a non-white before regarding a race that's not of either of you?
Because nigger women ruin everything.
there are only 3 races, you moron
:^D Sure thing!
don't be a fool. read "red intrigue and race turmoil" by Zygmund Dobbs (1958)
civilization's only hope is to unite all good people against the anti humans
>dancing israelis
>unfounded shit
these things are mutually exclusive, sven.
nigs are too lazy, pride will prevent them from letting us organise them.
Low IQs will lead to needless bloodshed that will be blamed on us.
Could you imagine Harlem/Brooklyn/Chicago/Detroit/Atlanta if the nigs realised it was the Jews who slaved them not us.
all these triggered kikes on meltown in this thread btfo