Wtf I love Logan Paul now

wtf I love Logan Paul now

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seems legit

stohp it

laghing atvfake news is not the same like the onion youtube channel

Too many malleable minds.

based logan wins again

Well the message was simple - don't kill yourself or you'll end up in his video.

People are dabbing on their haters rather than an heroing.

people don't want to kill themselves because they fear they'll be mocked by the eternal chad.

Not killing yourself to get featured on an Eceleb video, what a bunch of plebs.

so hes a hero then

The Jews are against it because the video would have influenced suicidal young white males. The jews want all the dead white men they can get.

Nothing will snap a guy out of killing himself like showing a dead rotting corpse hanging from a tree. The reality of death is the most effective suicide prevention. Logan Paul's video is probably 100x more effective at preventing suicide than some stupid hotline or infomercial.

It kinda makes sense.

People that kill themselves think everyone will be crying and screaming “why god why?” But in reality most of us think what a pussy faggot who cant handle reality.

The douche might have actually done some good.

*an hero

the hero we deserve

check and kek

Chad found a way

what a dumb and misleading headline

It's everyday, bro!

>dead corpse
I'm laughing at you

>want to kms
>can't out of fear that Logan Paul will break into my room and start vloging with my corpse.

The suffering continues

I have no idea what your comment means.

People that kill themselves often think that it will trach people a lesson or get that someone to regret not loving them back.

>seems legit
Unlike the status of your pseduo-nation, Catafaggot


that's paradox because Paul is a reason to commit suicide in the first place.

The Virgin suicidal.
The Chad spree killer.

thx they fuking suk so hard its disgusting
Supervolcano pls

Just in case anyone is actually stupid enouh to believe this:


This kind of makes sense.

>is a blond haired blue eyed aryan
>is tall
>is ripped
>is an actual chad
>doesn't care about saying "racist" things
>BTFOs butthurt weebs and japs

Logan Paul is based fuck police fuck police fuck police fuck police fuck police RIP K-12 education fuck the superintendent fuck the superintendent fuck the superintendent fuck the superintendent fuck the superintendent. Pull kids from school. Pull kids from school. Pull kids outta school. Pull kids outta school. Home school instead time to home school. Time to talk about home schooling. Cop killer cop killer cop killer cop killer cop killer cop killer what do want to be when you grow up cop killer good choice cop killer cop killer cop killer cop killer cop killer i'm a mother fucking cop killer.

>"a few days" sample size
>annual period of seasonal depression associated with Christmas roughly ended about the same time as the video upload date
Yeah, it was all this faggot JewTube celeb's doing, not pure fucking coincidence. I could see the video dropping the suicide rate in Japan because what nip wants his corpse featured on some gaijin autist's vlog.

>being a retarded clout lord
>positive results