Why are white women these days so quick to sell their people out?
They are always the first to cheer for third world savages and always the first to call for the expansion of the nanny state.
Can this be changed, or is this natural?
Fixing western women
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Look at this black horde led by guess what, a white woman!
Because their people have already been sold out, so they're making the suitable and rational bargain.
By ingratiating themselves with the conqueror they spare themselves, while also sparing their mixed-race children. Their mixed race children will be welcome no matter which side wins, so it's totally in their logical and rational interest to sell out white people while such a future looks likely.
What a whore.
That's bullshit and you know it. Even in worse case scenarios Europe will be like 8% Muslim by 2050. You let actual 56% who are on the brink of becoming a minority project too much of their misery upon yourself.
But non-white will be the majority by then. This is racial, not cultural.
white girls cant get enough of our thick brown/dark cocks and you cant stop this micro penis white boi :)
because Marxism is only a thing in the white West and whites are the main targets for guilt trippin because slavery, colonialism, Holocaust etc.
Feminism created the fundament by labeling white men as the biggest evil in the world and I guess some women fell for it.
Combined with the rampant "anti-facism" (most young people love being "against Nazis" (or Nazi Strawmen)) why should they not be glad o be able to safe poor refugees (instead of genociding them as in WWII)
Women tend to be more altruistic then men and empathic so when they heard there are poor refugee children who need help they were all in.
No, it won't be. It needs 700 million non-whites to put whites into a minority.
We will trade you the ugly fat white bitches for your pristine black negresses, but she only gets the colonization when my aryan wife acts up.
Oh no...You haven't seen the youth statistics, have you?
And it will spell our doom because white people will never stop being too nice and kind for their own good.
You don't fix out women
You fix yourselves, they will follow automatically.
The reason they are where they are is because men became spineless faggots and shit fathers ehod rather let others raise their children I stead
Fix yourself and you will find what you're looking for
>You fix yourselves, they will follow automatically.
Why would they? All they'll do is share the remaining men whipping their dick out.
>Fix yourself and you will find what you're looking for
A human, even a large group of humans, is powerless in the current faceless mass-media age.
>"Europe will be like 8% Muslim by 2050"
Naive goy, most west-European countries will be close to 50% none-white or more by that time.
Fucking whore.
My country is still based though.
> all those women and children
Your country has female prison guards working in male prisons, this alone shows that your country isn't based. I bet you have fuck loads of female cops too, diversity-hiring galore!
you're right, we're pretty cucked when it comes to gender roles, but at least we don't let the shitskins flood our country..
The real answer is let them get raped to death by non-whites. Use their destruction as redpill material for future generations. You can not save the current stock of trash women. They must be replaced with new humans.
In time you will! The fact that you allow women to take roles that they shouldn't says alot about your future.
Mother Instincts and the thrill of the new and unknown and slightly dangerous (bad boys). The inherent belive to be able to turn bad man good.
And some just have daddy issues and use this is the passive agressiv approach.
Others just like the social power they gain thru shaming and preaching and be the proto good-girl.
Woman are like men, they like to fuck good and be on top of the social ladder.
Each Gender has a different approach to reach the same goal.
Men trough Materialistic means, be provider, be protector it's all about the physical aspects of life.
Woman on the other hand are caregiver, emphasizes on emphatie and social interactions all the psychological aspects of life.
you cant afford to be to empathetic and sensible if you have to smash in the skulls of your enemies like men
But you also cant be an unsensible ragemachine if you have to maintain the mental healt of little fragile child that needs alot of care and attention and foremost understanding.
Thats why woman dont belong to the armed forces and war scenarios, they are toop nice. too nice for their own health and that of others.
And this invasion is nothing other as war.
Step #1 will be stop sending them to schools and universities.
Raise them at home, from birth, to be caring mothers and loving wives.
Break the cycle of degeneracy, that starts with undoing the schools.
Or go extinct, not all races are fit for this world.
If you consider bosnians human that is.
switzerland based? ha dellusional fuck
we arent as cucked as others in europe, but you know europe is a tranny with daddy issues so this doesnt mean much.
Government does what it wants to, shits on election and gives the criminals a freecard to roam the streets. Did you hear of the mengenrabatt for repeat offenders allready?
I love this country, yes, but our goverment are proto-cucks and betrayer i despice them whole heartedly. We arent based, sadly. Wake up
>government poops on election
Doesn't Switzerland have a unique kind of a direct democracy? I've heard it's more decentralized and local-oriented than the other countries
Yeah we call it direct democracy. We vote for something if it gets accepted the Gov gets time to workout the new laws mostly something about 2-3 years.Problem is if they dont like the new law, they ignore it for 3 years and then say they cant enforce the new rules because its in conflict with EU-Rules or anything else. Keep in mind we arent in the EU. We have this so much that i really started to hate them. Democracy in the west is just one big show. Dont belive the switzerland meme.
Why is ending mass education considered to be unspeakable blasphemy?
School got you where you are today.
Because the establishment like it.
Non whites are already the majority if you count the chinese as non white. I guess theyre yellow
Are we the establishment or the resistance on pol?
Why be afraid to condemn school here?
Condemning something and action are two different things.
It's self-interest + biological incentives.
The more men compete around a woman, the more valuable she is.
The bigger welfare state, the less dependent she is making compromise relationships men she deems genetically or sexually unsuitable.
Women want the biggest financial support possible, with the best genes+survivability/mating signalling possible for their offspring. Traditionally they have been led to compromise with men. Lover/provider-hybrids.
Now they can in most western countries: Fuck and breed with what they consider (true or not) to be optimal genetic material, get pregnant, and have betabuck to finance the raising of the child - all without ever having to touch betabuck and call him a husband, or even know who he is. His money is deposited into her bank account.
One starts with the other.
You have to realize you have a problem before you can take action to solve it.
And the ideal of ending mass education seems to be a horrifyingly radical ideal for even pol.
A select few are fit to be educated into leaders and scientists and doctors and generals, the masses are not and never will be.
Thousands of years of serfdom will not be undone ever, no matter how many hours you sit on your ass being effeminized in a classroom.
All you do is take the working man's only ability from him: his capacity to work and fight.
School produces spiritual eunuchs, nothing more.