forced memes are never successful
Please show originals too!
Yeah originals are a great window into the mind of... whatever they are. Duginites? Or just Russian post-communist nationalists? Whatever it is it's fascinating.
Why don't you just keep it in 2ch?
this one always fucking gets me.
i tear up every time.
The originals are the best.
They spawned so much EU butthurt.
why did the russians make it so that poland ass rapes them
poland dong should be taped on US prosthetic
This is one of the most gigantic bullshits I ever seen. Russia you really deserve the Poland ball showed deep in your arsehole.
>Russia makes their own professionally drawn polandball
>it's soulless and lacks the charm of the original MSPaints that anyone can make
>Krautchan comes along and makes it better
>intense rectal ravagement from people who can't take a joke
I'm so tired these actually made me giggle for a bit
Think it's time to go lay down a bit
hummm... these are new and looks the lack something.
they're obviously lacking in tigers and space
We have thei money ;-)
That face cracks me up everytime.
Tokyo Rose/Lord Haw Haw level of demoralization powers.
what the fuck is up with slavs and man rape?
What do Polish user think about this meme?
Do you feel your sexual and moral superiority when you read these memes? Are jokes about rape of Russia make you feel more comfortable?
that´s inherently true though.
top kek
Bernds were the ones getting buttblasted over Russian propagandists stealing their memes. It's like Sup Forums being triggered by normies stealing Pepe and turning him into peepee-poopoo.
a litlle bit
what is up with amerifats and blacked juden?
is poland gay?
Nah, they are just jealous of Russians because they doesn't have tigers.
Those memes aren't relevant (not SFW which also limits its reach). Hopefully it will also make the originals more famous. I found them an incredibly fascinating case of modern clumsy propaganda.
Only for Hungary.
Countryball memes with mouths. Forced and terrible, just because of this.
Fuck putinist regime
Did you know Poland has V-I-S-E-N-T-S?
proxy hohol navanlybot detected
Holy fuck the left can't meme.
And no Sup Forumsack is gonna waste his neckbeard life making this pile of shit when there's atomic blackpilling to do in the world.
proxy chechen ass licker detected
>proxy hohol
Nice bait.
your image is right about you not being able to meme
shit forgot im in a russian liberal thread
Poland pls go.
mum is U-K-R-A-N
If you aren't trolling, please consider taking the red pill.
>tfw don't have the double dick one to post for ukraine appropriation of this meme
That Russkieball at the and is a trace from a different comic.
This one?
Seriously, don't you have something to do?
Mods ban this faggot pls
This meme needs new fucking drawings.
It's been the same shit reposted for months and months on end now it's getting extremely stale to everyone but newshits.
where are you from in russia and how many muslims are in your city
also your statistics are misleading or false
gina gerson should do cosplay of her
nice post
>your statistics are misleading or false
Classic putinshill.
Moscow is 50%+ muslim... hello
do you like mummy also?
census says there are at least 10 million ethnic russians in moscow
please tell me about your experience living in russia
not even the most exaggerated estimates from batshit liberals say that
Boт тyт пpoигpaл, кoгдa тигpa yвидeл :D
britcuck ahmed commie knows nothing about russia
Well, I know everything about Russia.
doesn't include migrant workers and illegal immigrants, though even including them moscow is still at least 70% russian
You know that Obama would be White if USA used same methodology as Russia?
are you from moscow?
These are people who call themselves Russians. They may be Mongoloids or something else, but they are definitely not Muslims.
In Moscow, not more than one or two percent of Muslims in fact.
>migrant workers and illegal immigrants
Two percent of the population. And most of them are Ukrainians.
says on wikipedia in 2010 there were about 1.5 million migrant workers in moscow. of course their numbers fluctuate and have probably gone down since due to increasing restrictions but that's definitely more than 2%
also it says there are speculated to be about 1 million illegal immigrants in the city, maybe they've been deported idk
this one is the best
They are disgusting and funny as hell at the same time.
Can someone explain the origin of this meme, especially the Poland part? I understand that the original Russian drawings are some propaganda cartoons.
a QT!
It is T-I-G-E-R-S and S-P-A-C-E memes. That's all you need to know my Somali friend.
Superior version
Russia tried to make some embarassing propaganda balls and they were massively backfired
I dont know what is happening in half of those but polan face always makes me laugh