pic related. TL;DR there was an explosion or something that lit up the night sky and made the ground shake in Russia. People are saying it could be a US strike on the Norks, a meteor exploding, or a UFO. It'll probably be something lame tho because nothing ever happens.
Here's sauce. Sorry don't know how to archive because I'm a huge faggot.
>don't know how to archive It's really easy user, go to archive.is and paste the url in the box. Then copy the new url it gives you. archive.is/fDi6E
Tyler Long
>tfw i will get to live out my dreams as a Z-Fighter in hand to hand combat against violent invading aliens
Ian Price
>flash in Tatarstan >US attack NK
Nolan Morris
This was a bolide
Jonathan Davis
Russians aren't known for their intelligence
Xavier Peterson
actually they are
Adrian Roberts
funny joke, Boris
Anthony Miller
>article in daily mail in English
Daniel Adams
Nuke Russia, Iran and Syria. Nuke it all.
Aiden Perez
Pray for South Korea.
Brody Gray
El goblino...
Lincoln Lopez
Thanks, Obama
Jace Morris
part and parcel, that's what they get for hacking the election
it was HER turn, die you russian pieces of shits
Ryder Murphy
There's always weird shit going on in Russia. Don't know if you've seen that video where it's bright outside and some kind of fog comes in and it looks like it's night all of a sudden. Can't post the webm because it exceeds the file size limit.
sry were year late got sidetracked by niggers on saturn ayylmao Tunguska celebration hype
Chase Price
Do you have norwegian ancestry?
Gavin Barnes
When you realize Trump will North Korea. It's not a question of if but when. The Russians,Chinese,Liberals in the U.S, and maybe even the Norks at shaking over this.
Trump is a literally a mad man, he btfo Nixon and they know and they must respect our President now.
Sebastian Lopez
Nah its Russia testing some uncouth treaty-violating shit and blaming Amerifats
Nathan Gonzalez
Putin lit a match under one of his vodka and perogi farts
Alexander Myers
>quoting vatniks about an incident in Impoveristan QED
Bentley Ross
Too bad we're universe 6 and are going to kill ourselves before that pipe dream can ever have even come to fruition.
Cameron Anderson
Zuma will blot out the sun
Zachary Myers
That retard just asked questions and proposed different variants but daily mail state it was the main version of what happened.
Caleb Morgan
"A killing bolt will shine in the night, but not kill."
probably another meteor exploding like Tunguska and that one a couple years ago.
Personally, I blame the Jews.
Luis Bennett
> tfw you won't because the flash and the explosion were the kamehameha that ended the battle before the earth at large found out anything had happened
Elijah Rogers
Imagine believing this nonsense
Trump cultists are actually the most entertaining and naive group
Easton Anderson
Russia intercepted the launch of the satellite and got it to deorbit into its territory for espionage.
Camden Foster
Remember, only 3 countries left.
Easton Taylor
Wasn't there a special payload?
David Robinson
That seems completely plausible to me. If the US faked the failure, they can't complain about the interception of something that's supposedly not in orbit. They gave Russia the perfect target to test their intercept tech on.
Jonathan Campbell
Yeah. Supposedly multi-billion dollar payload, no agency claimed ownership of it, and the post launch deployment wasn't handled by spacex. Spacex called the launch nominal.
Caleb Sullivan
Justin Ramirez
Oh fucg
Carter Evans
this >Elon doesn’t wanna go out like the Saudi Princes and Eric Schmidt from Google >offers spaceX as cover to launch the most sophisticated EMP type device ever designed >top secret in plain site
William Brooks
Zuma has landed
Isaac Turner
Kek, China is literally preparing to handle millions of North Korea refugees.
The writing is on the wall.
Parker Sanchez
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
really gets the old borscht boiling
Ethan Sanders
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the United States DID NOT bomb North Korea. There isn't any immediate reason to.
Aiden Martin
My bad I was fucking ops mom over Russia and busted the most amazing nut.
Austin Hughes
>a UFO
Nathaniel Howard
>tfw you're such a newfag you weren't here the last time Russia shot down a US spy satellite.
Andrew Morris
the timestamps on the videos show that it happened Sat, Jan 6, 2018 21:24 UTC (4:24 PM est / 1:24 PM pst),feel like we would have heard something by now
Matthew Gutierrez
>feel like we would have heard something by now just like Chernobyl.
Ethan Taylor
Could this be the "failed" satellite payload?
Parker Bell
So spacex sent Poutine a special package? How nice of them.
Andrew Powell
You’re the last one who should be saying that Mexican of Europe
Luke Phillips
Mad men don't usually have such a good grasp of good and evil.
Levi Gomez
t. La Creatura
Jose Kelly
>tfw it’s never anything I just want to be a part of history...
1 word by 1 post by 1 ID trips or archived/deleted thread seal it
I'll start
I, ⎌⌬ ⌃ of Sigma Quadrant would like to serve as ambassador between my host species utilizing my birthright to file my report on Earth and its sentient inhabitants, therefore I would like to impart that Earth...
Brandon Morales
>such is life in the zone already found some cool artifacts, ivan?
Cameron Jones
Kinda relevant to this. Around late December I was outside smoking around 1-2am and saw a really bright flash in the sky which originated somewhere behind me. I turned around but I thought it might be a firework cos its the month where many people set them off or maybe some lightning and while I was looking at the sky in the direction it came from I saw another flash which seemed to come from the horizon yet managed to light up nearly the entire sky. Both flashes came with no noise and I still don't know what it was but could be similar with what OP talks about.
Brandon Ortiz
that was ayys. welcome to the club. buy some canned food and dont lose it.
Anthony Campbell
>Three branches will become one. >Check what does that refer to?
David Anderson
No, I'm serious. I've been a few millennia overdue on my report and today(4 hours from now) is my last chance to break my silence otherwise they might consider Earth a hostile planet(And collapse our sun) or not worth notice(and ignore it forever). Yes, I've died countless times over and many painful ways. Yes, I've lived like a King/Queen then a peasant while witnessing, enduring or propagating misery. Yes, Earth is an unstable shithole full of meaty stuff but I'm not sure it's a good idea to pass this chance.
Please write my shit so I can telepathically transmit it. There's something stopping me from writing it myself.
Sorry, I know I shouldn't be placing this in the hands of Sup Forums than let's say the ((((UN))) but there's no time and I'm weak.
Let's see if this coin flip will prove that humanity is worth shit.
Camden Collins
Repubs hold majority in all 3 branches of government.
Jace Robinson
Levi King
>Aliens live in Bulgaria. Genius, nobody would look there.
Henry Kelly
Ah fug
Evan Phillips
It was the northrop payload that totally didnt make it to orbit :^)
Angel Ortiz
Meant for
Kevin Robinson
Thomas Powell
Im sure this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the space X launch that they are being very upfront and honest about (((LOSING))). I mean, even the livestream cut out right at the second stage (disregarding of course the fact that this was aforementioned in the stream details)
Zachary Ortiz
it's just anglo bullshit
as usual
Chase Scott
That, and it's much more complicated and stupider than it seems.
I mean sure I can just try to reason with them without the formalities but it's been so long and I've been fragmented so hard that I can't even do the basic stuff without looking like dofus. I'm not sure they'll like Humanity much... or me(which means no more """immortality"" )