>this is a totally normal everyday occurrence in Britain
"Great" Shitain hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
this is just dissapointing
>meme flag
>literally where
>complains about people not standing up for their right to exist in a country which has no right to free speech, no right to bear arms, THE MOST SURVEILLANCE OF ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, two political parties who don't stand for anything except our continued dilution, mandatory state owned Marxist media, compulsory Marxist education and zero religious resistance against growing degeneracy because every single church is cucked
Also, a country where a man is very likely going to prison because he taught his pug to raise its paw to videos of hitler.
All right mate. We know we are fucked, we can't do anything about it.
>>complains about people not standing up for their right to exist in a country
Where did I say that, bong?
Quintessentially british, you fascist bigot.
This is like kicking a man who is down. We are trying our best to turn things around but our people are brainwashed fucking idiots. I'm sorry.
>our people are brainwashed fucking idiots
Come on now bong, you're not alone in that. Plus you voted Brexit, which won't really change a great deal but it's a token, I don't think there's any country that would be ready to vote leave just yet, even Poland would vote remain because they're heavily reliant on the gibsmedats, the EU, ironically, is one of the main reasons they're doing well.
(it's just banter)
It's honestly hard to find anyone likeminded in this country Everyone at work is a libcuck, everyone in my family is a libcuck, everyone I could meet at any social gathering is a libcuck. Any political org is just going to be a honeypot.
Americans have no idea how bad it is here.
You'd be surprised, the number of people I encounter in Northern England that are Sup Forums-lite, all they need is a pill dispensary..
Sounds like I need to get out of the South. The land is much cheaper up there anyway. I just want a nice rural stretch to grow food and raise children with my waifu, untainted by modern ((( culture ))).
Is it really that bad? The conservatives won an election against someone promising free everything, he makes Bernie look like a capitalist. How can everyone be a libcuck?
London looks fucked though
The conservatives in Britain aren't really...conservative.
This is just shameful
I know that, but it's like the GOP problem - people vote them in to keep the dems out. The people voting for them aren't libcucks, every single party in Britain is for libcucks whether it be the liberals, greens, Welsh independents or Scottish independents.
Why didn't they listen to him?
A roller blade nun, not a patch on the topless skateboarding nun.
never forget!
idk why but I find this hilarious
Guess you could say she's really radical
Yes bc it is extreme right wing to want your own people to survive. How are those criminal greens not receiving justice yet?
black lives matter
Seems like this is a fake article. I wish it was real but these kinds of images don't help us because they are easily debunked and then make our claims look unsubstantiated.
fake news stormfag
it's clearly meant for humour/satire dude
Britain is not a serious country.
*hides flag*
Ah yes, some British tourist probably told OP to fuck off in his meme country and now he's venting his frustration here.
Loving every laugh.
Our country was lost decades ago.
The best we can hope for is that "convert or die" isn't a trick question.
Who is this cumslut?
Also Britain is cool. What you see today is a shadow of a shadow of its former self. You can see its real face in the films of a half century ago: youtu.be
>watching old footage of England
don't do it to yourself
>What you see today is a shadow of a shadow of its former self.
Not even the shadow is left now. We're a doomed nation and a doomed society, and a doomed people.
That's what you get for obeying churchshill
It's hard to feel sorry for britain right now the great in britain is surely gone nor it's england because englishmen and women are being replaced
Leave that country for a white family
I meant *form damn it
>white family
Would be hard since Anglos aren't white.