Who is the Noam Chomsky of the right?
Who is the Noam Chomsky of the right?
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the right wing is dead, there are only psuedo intellectual impostors looking for a quick bucks from ignorant boomers and disenfranchised youths
Based Milo.
Based Alex.
Super-based Ann
My mom.
Those are clowns.
Does the right have an actual intellectual?
Olavo de Carvalho
That one gorilla that has his own talk show on that channel the president loves
Jared Taylor
Jordan Petterson
You faggots need to read.
The correct answer is Daniel Everett, the missionary who single handedly destroyed his ivory tower.
Pic related is a good read.
Also - don’t sleep, there are snakes.
All of Classical Liberalism and historically Western Thought outside of fucking Marxism.
But for your purposes, Scruton - for "conservatism" (as opposed to "right"). Although he would be seen as very moderate by todays standards. Pic related.
Dead? Evola.
>Jordan Petterson
He is a Jungian psychologist. Jung is a New Age spiritualist writer, not an actual scientist. Jung's psychology is as scientific as The Secret.
oh this guy looks like noam chomsky if he mumbles he might be my guy
The right has turned against intellectualism so nobody.
No, that’s the main problem. Not a single good speaker for the right. The left has infiltrated every fraction of society, including universities, where rhetorists mostly come from. That isn’t to say right is inherently low IQ, but it’s predispositioned to lower education from the get go.
Another spiritualist, he wrote woo woo.
It would have to be someone who builds up intellectual capital by hitting the nail on the head on many issues and spends such capital on gatekeeping/debate ceiling on others (in Chomsky's case, 911, Kennedy, private central banks, criticising Israel but only to a point, etc.)
what the fuck dude he only speaks spanish
Classical Liberalism is centrist not right wing
Nassim Taleb
Not right in quite the traditional sense but he's close enough.
steven pinker, obviously
>asks for list of "real intellectuals"
>but is dumb and poorly read.
Maybe it might be that right is just fucking retarded and has no actual points to people who don't watch fox news.
they dont exist, because the "right" are full of pseudointellectual mouthbreathers. there's a reason red state are destitute shitholes full of incest and degeneracy while blue states drive the entire american economy. the only semi-exception is texas and even then, the most prosperous areas (austin, dallas, houston) lean liberal.
Alain Soral kek
Nice way to putting down psychology as a science. You must be some medical geek.
Jordan Pettersons politics as a whole is leaning right wing and his theisis on religion, biology and society as a whole is pretty right-wing if you ask me.
this tbqhwy
Well I have a Master's Degree, I don't think I'm that poorly read. Dumb - maybe. Poorly read - probably not.
Evola is like an ugly, deformed, poor man's version of Nietzsche.
Is was wrong, nasr is still alive
It's not centrist. Right wing is contingent on the political and social environment. None of these terms have any consistent meaning.
In the US classical liberalism is definitely right wing. If you listen to the talk radio guys like Mark Levin all they do is quote the framers of the constitution and Locke, all damn day every motherfucking day. And they know those works far better than idiots like Sargon.
By far the most trustworthy right-wing intellectual right now youtu.be
let's see, a self satisfied blabbering jew who pretends to speak for people and values
i know, chomsky!
What is a ''Noam Chomsky''?
Demographically the right is doomed. All that is going on now are the new fascists using conservatism as window dressing for their own power plays. Real conservatives hate people like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, but since they now control the narrative on the right, extreme fascism is considered "conservative" and actual conservatism is considered "liberal". "Liberal" now means "communist" to these brainlets.
Based Glenn Beck.
Olavo de Carvalho (not avaliable in English, aside from his pal Jeffrey Nynqist and an interview he did with Molyneaux)
>All this is about communism. Without accounting with at least other five hundreds I sold, I lost, I donated, etc. (including some which, by irony, I sold at University of São Paulo). No Brazilian Marxist read so much about the subject.
>misusing and fundamenetally misunderstanding what cultural marxism is
One of the high intellectual leftists that acts as a totem for all the lesser lights to hitch themselves to and parrot in order to ride his coat tails.
You deserve a (You) for that reply.
Keep talking.
You obviously haven't read him.
We all have fucking masters degrees here.
Not (((Scientific))) enough. Woah. I am doing a STEM degree abroad and there is two kinds of (((science))) nowdays. You have the aperture science, slow and stifling. While it is good for slowly honing our knowledge of physical phenomena it straggles behind the industry and the men who dare to dream and explore.
Then you have (((social sciences))) that pretty much rely on some experiment and logic but mostly on consensus. With universities pumping out Marxist drones the consensus is hurling evermore leftwards.
Now the question was about intellectuals not scientists. Both Peterson and Jung are radical thinkers and erudites with reading and articulation far beyond anythinhng you can do and definitely at least on par with Chomsky
Yeah but I have a Master's degree in a related field.
Evola is literature for blockheads.
Probably Hoppe.
So what do you have to say about Jared Taylor? Does he fit in your very tiny defintiion of what's a right-wing intellectual?
Has he ever defined what socialism and what communism is?
>an anarchist is now right wing
No such person user. Noam speaks the truth. Dems (also rightwing) and the right are incapable of seeing the truth. They just want power of the lives of the citizens whether it is Dems policing SocJus wrongthink or the right claiming to stop degeneracy while touching children. Oh wait that is also Dems. Hmm...looks like Dems and the Right found a common bond...
I cannot say. I tried listening to him once but he was too boring and so I just closed the tab.
The Left controls academia, defines intellectualism on their terms, and this is what spills out into politics. All politics is viewed as a cesspool, meaning what the Left has defined is viewed as waste. The Left is now doubling down, and we'll see if they can force unworkable and unfundable failure with shelflife.
Anybody who’s not a Marxist exemplar is now far right
> Chomsky
> Intellectual
This guy
Thomas Sowell
Alan Keyes
I'm actually disgusted how little attnetion Taleb gets on this board. He's a great anti-expert and thinker and I rarely see him mentioned and even when I mention him it's like people don't even realize he exists.
So in other words you're a leftist faggot. Good to know.
>le token negroe libertarian stooge is nown right wing
This is precisely why if the right has a Chomsky, it's going to be someone who challenges the pseudo-elite directly.
If that is so, in your own words, summarize him for me genius, because I'm still working through his shit.
show me exactly how he fundamentally misunderstands it instead of quoting some vague worthless comment
Watched a video of him speaking english. He starts off by saying the USSR was communist lol.
>le physical removal man that would throw communists and pro-democracy folk out to preserve order is an anarchists
He does get occasionally mentioned and his great books such as Antifragile gets shilled. He's a smart man.
The academic Left does not respond to intellectual challenge, so that path will be unfruitful. Why would they respond? They hold that ground, and will use it to its fullest. If you want to challenge them, you must force them to survive in a challenging financial environment, which their current ground knows not.
>Socialism still admits a divisio, an agreement between political powers, but not Communism. In this case, the economic power is fully absorved by political power. Nazism was socialist, but not communist, as it didn't want to achieve full nationalization. (...) But actually full nationalization is a donkey carrot.
I don't need someone who debates. Just show me someone who says some factual shit that doesn't get refuted by people on the left.
With a name like that people here will ignore him for spite.
> History of Universal Literature, by Austrian Otto Maria Carpeaux
> why no english?
> /lit/ would orgasm
> possibly /sig/ too
What exactly are the criteria of "being a Noam Chomsky"?
The new alt-right doesn't need any intellectuals.
We are strong and inevitable because we are simply a reaction to progressive liberal bullshit.
>all we have to do is be here
>they keep coming
>more every day
All the voices of authority are liberal
The ever growing disaffected will come to us like moths to flame
>screencap this
I wanted someone who said factual things. He thinks socialism is nationalizing lol. Does he know what anarchism is?
>What exactly are the criteria of "being a Noam Chomsky"?
You must be a Jewish mathematician with the amazing ability to piss both sides off by pointing out obvious facts.
>bonus points for ending up on a Mossad hit list for not sucking Zionist cock
Saying factual shit that doesn't get refuted by right wing people because it's actually facts and also debating right wingers and making them contemplate their life.
Rest in peace
Mencius Moldbug
If this guy had been born in an English speakign country, he would really be right's Chomsky. Too bad he was born in sopa de macaco land
Again, the academic Left is currently impenetrable. It doesn't matter who debates, states facts or goes unrefuted. They hold the academic ground and are thus unassailable. It's not about the weight of any argument, it's about the academic ground from which the Left's monolithic cacophony is delivered, and they hold that ground in its entirety.
He thinks the USSR was communist and that socialism is simply nationalization. Both horribly wrong shit that Chomsky refutes all the time.
t. retard
>The new alt-right doesn't need any intellectuals
So we can run civilization with 85 IQ autists and outcasts?
GTFO, you don't know what you're talking about
Me. But you'll never know my name or face.
Actually is history of Western literature. By the way: did you know that Carpeaux worked with Dolfuss?
>Only written in Portuguese
>I have all the volumes (Leya)
>In public domain, as Carpeaux didn't have heirs
>I have in .pdf in all PCs in my life
>I have it in my Kindle
>One of the things that make me proud of being Brazilian and native Portuguese speaker
>I wanted someone who said factual things. He thinks socialism is nationalizing lol.
>He said something Marx also defined it
>He said something ALL so-called socialist countries did throughout their existence
Olavo also says that Socialism must be inserted in what he calls Revolutionary Mentality:
"Revolutionary mentality" is the state of mind, permanent or transitory, in which an individual or group believes itself empowered to re-shape society as a whole - if not human nature in general - through political action; and believes that, as agent or bearer of a better future, he is above all judgment by present or past humanity, only having satisfactions to render to the "court of history." But the court of history is, by definition, the very future society that this individual or group claims to represent in the present; and as this society can not testify or judge except through this same representative of himself, it is clear that he becomes thus not only the sole sovereign judge of his own acts, but the judge of all humanity, past, present or future. Entitled to accuse and condemn all laws, institutions, beliefs, values, customs, actions and works of all ages without being judged by any of them, he is so far above historical humanity that it is not inaccurate to call him Superman.
You don't need to talk to the left. Show me someone who has a youtube channel where they talk with other right wingers or they wrote a book and says factual shit like Chomsky does.
hans hermann hoppe
Jordan Peterson, Peter Hitchens, Roger Scruton.
they know they can't hold their ground, and simply refuse the debate. There are academics on our side, but they are in big brain beta science, and are simply drowned out by the brainwashed social science folk.
It'll take some years and actions before the ground is fertile for debate.
Carvalho is a jewish surname
Do you even know who Noam Chomsky is? You are forgetting Anarchism is a thing.
Communism by Marx's definition is stateless which the USSR wasn't. So how could you say he says facts when he says the USSR is communist.
>All that is going on now are the new fascists using conservatism as window dressing for their own power plays
I'm okay with this.
Communism is unattainable. The USSR proved it, hierarchy is inevitable.
Depends where you draw the line between your right and the rest. There are quite a few socially conservative speakers I'd consider solidly right wing. But if to you only the most purebred believers of conspiracy theories are right enough, I think your answers lies right there.
USSR wasn't even socialist how could it try become communist?
>he's a smart man
Finger toe shoes suggest otherwise