Notice anything wrong with this Swediah class?
Notice anything wrong with this Swediah class?
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Anything Hombre?
All the women are fat and ugly.
And all the men are from Asia and Africa.
Wow 9 people in a class? That must be super nice.
The natives are in classes of 24 to 30.
These adults claim to be under 18 so the can get refugee status. They are placed in the same school as 12 year olds. The question is why? Who thought it would be a good idea to put these people in the same room as little girls. Is it a fetish? Do they somehow make a profit from it? Or are they just so profoundly stupid that they think nothing is going to happen?
It looks about how I would expect, except it looks like it's from the 90s
>Unaccompanied refugee children 1.0
>Unaccompanied refugee children 2.0
Montage of many of the poor little refugee children that have appeared in Swedish mainstream media.
>Afghani baby boom in Swedish families
Montage of refugee children with their new Swedish families.
pic related
That is the "Språkintroduktion" class.
8 foreigners and a catlady
Don't say natives, say swedes.
These "people" are not swedish, and they never will be.
Tfw I had to go to a class of 30+ pupils
Are all Swedish classes this fucking small? or is this some special foreign integration class?
that's a finnish class, too many chinks lol
must be albanian
"gymnasie" (age 15-18 or 16-19) classes are pretty small depending on the program.
I studied tech and there was 11 people in my class.
But they divide people into groups based on their abilities/grades (first year there was alpha 1 and beta 1 and gamma 1)
I honestly think they want them to rape the kids. Whenever a baboon has raped a kid at school, the principal has always defended the rapist no matter what. Any Swedes reading this can go to flashback and search for "Alvesta" for one of the worst cases. Basically a chimp raped a 12 year old girl during recess, he didn't get kicked out of school, and when the parents didn't want to sent the girl back to school the principal threatened to use social services to abduct the poor girl if they didn't obey.
When a 14 year old girl was sexually assaulted at a church camp by a "refugee child", everyone defended the dude all the way. He was too old for the camp even with his fake age and he wasn't even christian, but he claimed to be "curious" so they let him go there anyway. When he asked if he could sleep in the same room as some underaged girls, the camp leaders saw no problem with that. When the 14 year old girl reported the dude to the police, she got hordes of feminists threatening and harassing her.
It's not even only Swedish kids, they also support the rape of actual refugee children. They put 30 year old refugee kids with 13-17 year old refugee kids, and the teens get used as sex toys. Since 2015 the amount of convicted rapists who are convicted for raping a male have fucking exploded from 2-3% to 11,5%, and most of the victims are refugee youths.
They do the same in the netherlands, and we still have 30+ students per class