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There are a lot more reasons than that. They are behind just about everything bad in the world, including slavery, terrorism, nihilism, and every kind of perversion.
any time i see a nazbol i want to crush them under the tire of a truck like they did to germans, their blood must feed the tree of liberty.
every one of those questions is blatantly wrong.
oh dear this crap again
when will deniers find something that is not so easily debunked or obviously stupid?
>Kosher store near Paris hit by arson attack on anniversary of Jewish supermarket shooting.
all good methods to scapegoat. literature and cartoons.
jews still have trouble controlling anti-semitism.
Bumpy bump
Everyone in the world must be wrong about them
Meet me anytime
They are responsible for Christianity, Islam, Facism, Hitler, Communism and Stalin and worship a divine mass murderer. They created a barbaric religion, which gave birth to more barbaric religions. It's okay to hate jews.
anyone who knows anything about the USSR just laughs at these jewish claims. I mean, even yagoda was preceded by a non-jew, then quickly replaced by a non-jew (yezhov)