The philosophy of the intelligent man in this decaying society. Enjoy the decline.
You cannot save the West anymore prove me wrong.
You Don't Fuck With MGTOW
Can't argue against truth
Why do they have shoes on in the house?
I know right, take your shoes off at the door desu!
jews own everything fucko
>using shoes in the house
>also (((mgtow)))
Aka i can't get laid
Women really have nothing to offer.
Why do you think this? Its completely backward.
Surely you can see that someone who HASN'T got laid would be the one to worship the ground women walk on.
MGTOW are usually grown men who have experienced women and would rather be alone than deal with that naggy bulshit
I turn down bitches left and right, daily.
I am that hot, I work out
Yes give up goyim.
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
The reason MGTOW is such a threat is because it is men threatening to go their own way generally. Not only with regard to women, but in all aspects of society. Its the same ideology as libertarians which seeks to reduce government size and influence, become financially independent and beholden only to the common law.
If men largely start MGTOWing, government will become less relavant - and thats a threat that is not welcome. Hence the anti MGTOW shilling.
I see others as bluepilled betas blundering dick first into shit situations with women because they have no self control and I pity them
Get a sex doll you faggot
>2 long term relationships in my 20s going into 30s
>Both were 5+ years
>Realize women are all the same
>Realize there's no hope
Having done the opposite, I can tell you that MGTOW is the ONLY way.
A reply I got recently
>It's another episode where we pretend that sex dolls are a viable substitute for real sex.
Literally a joke.
arguing with holes
That's going to be the name of my band.
>uses pic of interracial couple
Peronally, I don't give a fuck, but using an interracial couple won't sparkle here.
Literally you can stick your dick in any hole and get off.
>tfw on nofap
>tfw massive boner
fuck im breaking... rip 53 days
(((MGTOW))) Distract yourself from responsibility with vidya goy. Don't build healthy thriving White families goy.
Another episode of weak beta faggots who cannot control women as they became more squishy and less assertive.
You are weak.
Consume obey reproduce and pay taxes like a good little slave goy. Fuck off Schlomo.
is that a bulge¿
And, you are a filthy whore with yellow teeth and bad breath.
I fuck prostitutes.
I had a friend who did this.
Don't do it man
I don't play games - I have shit to do. But I don't blame those that do play. The game is rigged and marriage will forever chain you to that system.
Of course you don't fuck with MGTOW. That's why they're wankers.
If you think you are controlling your woman, you are the one being played.
Men aren't permitted ownership of their families any longer. You get all the liabilities and none of the assets.
What's the deal with this shit anyway? Years ago before Id heard of this I didnt jerk off for like 3 weeks because I was at a job in a remote location and there was no privacy. I noticed absolutely no difference from not masturbating, I just forgot about it after a few days.
Can this become the neet/mgtow anthem?
Sex is over rated.
Tried it many times and it's whatever. Not worth the effort.
>healthy thriving White families
Nigger that shit ain't existed since 1965.
>Enjoy the decline.
>You cannot save the West anymore
We must await its' collapse and then rebuild.
Stay strong.
Stay wise.
The young men who come after you will need your help to rebuild.
Strong healthy families are the best weapon against large government and ever increasing taxes moron.
you earned this struggle hold in your power
>try to control women
>end up in jail on false accusations of abuse
>Strong healthy families are the best chains for feminists, communists and jews to control you with
If you can make white babies without enslaving yourself, then please go ahead.
>implying you have something to offer
No. Telling the Kikes to fuck off and not participating in their systems are the best way to fight back. Also get guns and shoot tyrants in the face.
Nobody permits me or not permits me anything.
>Nigger that shit ain't existed since 1965.
Sucks to be you.
The sooner it all comes down the sooner we can rebuild it properly.
>fight aganist liberal values by embracing liberal values
MGTOW is just a synonym for one that cant get a woman.
Absolutely. I am an awesome person.
Unironically people are filing sexual abuse for a guy flirting with them.
Zero physical contact.
One of my coworkers was laid off for it.
Simply asking for a date basically got him out.
How can we control women right or treat them correctly, nicely while leading the relationship with this?
How can we avoid getting all this crazy at us?
In America this is the current state and it's a growing thing.
People cheer and talk about getting people in Trouble for flirting.
What the hell?
99.999% of women dont look like that.
She is the 0.1% you cant say no to.
Yes Don't Tread on Me fag, that's correct.
It's not the whole white race.
It's just me.
defeatist scum. Play your games and eat burgers. Let your women be handeld by cometent males.
Just dont bother us with your crap
Better just give up then
Why would any white Christian male get married and make babies when by law the woman can leave you whenever she wants and take the kids and all your shit with her?
on spending money and time on women? yes
You are literally weak you faggot.
I'm able to control my woman to stay non degenerate and have christian values.
You say the problem are the women.
Is that so? Are women the cause? I'd say they are the consequence.
Decades ago,the head of the family was the man,his wife followed him everywhere and loved him. The wife done everything and followed his ideas,if he was pro-traditional,she was. If he was religious,she was. If he was a republican,she was. You get the point.
At some point,the man became weaker,he let his wife have more "freedom". The media started to increase propaganda of female freedom and equality,the government gave the female role be at the same level as the male role. Sooner and later the man as we knew became weak,not anymore assertive and able to control anymore. The wife stopped gaining interest and started commiting adultery as her husband became the weak beta nu-male soyboy we know today.
Women want Chads. Strong men. Once you they are into you,they will do anything to be with you. Women never had political thoughts,they just went with what the husband thought.
Nobody wants a NEET or a weak faggot as a husband.
The man is the cause of the female downfall,once the man falls,the woman does too.
You are anti-white.
If I can't find myself a woman to settle down with and to have a family with, there is nothing in this life for me anymore. The only thing that motivates me to study, work and improve myself is my dream of finding myself a Taylor Swift to love and have children with.
If I embraced MGTOW, life would have no point anymore. If someone showed me my future and proved I will never have a family, I would kill myself. I suspect it'd be the same for most men. It's quite pointless to proselytize MGTOW, since the only other way for many men is a short one that leads to their graves.
because my white race
Then don't get married in the West kek
They aren't the cause but the symptom.
Google mouse utopia.
>Women want
You can stop right there buddy
>Then don't get married in the West
why get married at all?
Basically this. This whole men going their own way thing sounds dumb and p gay. Just wish they wouldn’t try and force it on to everyone by spamming out threads of lately.
You lack a nuanced understanding. A man doesn't have to just "stay strong." If he is not at the TOP OF HIS GAME his woman will start looking elsewhere due to the hypergamous instinct.
Look at how more than 50% of marriages fail. I bet according to you all those men were just weak bitches.
you WEAR shoes in house
I USE my shoes to explore that cavern you call your ass
why are you beta cucks bothering other poeple with MGTOW crap? Do you want an approval from us? Do you feel ashamed of yourself? tell me!
>when by law the woman can leave you whenever she wants and take the kids and all your shit with her?
If your are beta cuck that is what you deserve so its ok
idiot. enjoy your video games
Why are you bothered if MGTOWs are beta cucks?
A spousal visa in the not West country
>Women want
who cares what they want.
theres a popular porn website where czech women get cummed in and on for money with ten thousand girls.
many openly state they are married or in a relationship.
enjoy that.
why even bump the thread?
>Nigger that shit ain't existed since 1965
What? Just take a look at your own family it still does exist well asuming you are also white and have a healthy relation to your family still and have some value.
You've surrendered. Do you have French ancestry?
how does that benefit me or my wallet/time?
>You cannot save the West anymore prove me wrong.
Not with that attitude....
>you won't keep playing russian roulette with 3 chambers loaded
Most people have divorces.
I'm 30, my mom is about 50.
Both of us as well as my grandmother have had divorces.
what the fuck are these? Just post the images you stupid fuck
Marriage isn't for everyone. We shouldn't be encouraging or endorsing MGTOW, but being realistic marriage is a gamble these days. I'm glad I won that gamble because I now have 2 white children, a 17mo daughter and 8 week old son.
Father of 2 here.
"This" is a farse. You'll wake up to a diaper full of shit and/or a cranky sleep deprived wife who spent the night checking on baby.
Nothing fun about parenting.
show pic of your wife and kids lad
Look at the common family of the american 1950s and the european 19th century.
Patterns exist.
If you terminate the soyboy and beta males,you get back the traditional family.
More soyboys > more interacial couples > white women have no other chance than to go with a nigger because they arent atleast weak > you get modern america
Philippines doesn't have divorce
>answering with new question without providing any information
Stop showing it down our throats. Stop posting your MGTOW meme. If you want to be cuck, just be. Dont bother us. Understand?
>man up
Like clockwork.