New Murdoch:

New Murdoch:

Other urls found in this thread: the afraid.html

Pretty shit desu. Sargon is 100% anti-white because he's a kike.




yuss! the afraid.html


God, I love Murdoch Murdoch.

Get off my board cuck

thank you !

This shit is so cheesy, how can anybody find this interesting?


Did we killed the server?


cheekyvideos guy do you need donations for the server? Let us know bro.

Holy shit. They’re cranking out videos so fast these days. I love it.


my only complaint was no Laurence Fishburne references.

Bookmark cheekyvideos, they are never shoad from there.

that fucking shitsite is down again!

>they used the Philadelphia skyline as the backdrop for the battle


hi leftypol

It just worked for me. It's only down for Jew shills.

> the afraid.html

God bless Murdoch, Chan, and The Good Doctor.

>hail victory

my favorite cartoon is an ms paint meme copy paste mashing, now this is progress

This was one of the lesser impactful videos and more just running a victory lap around Sargon for lawlz.

>people who dont like trash content are /leftypol/
Schizoposting is obnoxious.

site might be slow for the next few hours, just wait it out, people will probably start uploading it on the other big video platforms soon.

I didn't make a torrent this time, my second server I use as a tor relay / seedbox is having its issues again.

Ok so exit the thread and go do something else then faggot

Thanks for the heads up. They’re back at it again!

did they really make an entire episode in 2 days? Pretty impressive

lmao sargon btfo, fuck off cunt.

It worked for me, but took unusually long to load. I thought it was maybe just my computer.

Too many people are probably watching it, cheekyvids servers might be overloaded

I just watched it like 10 minutes ago.

bump. site's kind of slow but I got it to load

Just look at the sites interface. Clearly this is a budget project.

Thanks for what you are doing user. Let us know if you need any help with your operation.

You fucking morons, stop attacking the only people who will come to your aide once the SJWs take over. Sargon was the only major you-tuber that defended dailystormer on the grounds of free speech. It's just a matter of time, in 10 years or so there will be hate-speech laws all over the western world including US.
And then say goodbye to Sup Forums

>muh cartoon
Sage hide and report

The alarm went off at the synagogue right on cue

Good thing Sup Forums's servers aren't in the west, eh Sargoon?

who cares

Love the new merch btw.

Damn, they're cranking these vids out now. Last one was only a couple weeks ago, wasn't it?

And what difference does it make?
They will just make a law where your ISP will block any sites like Sup Forums. How naive are you ?

god damn it now i got some back street boys song stuck in my head because it was the closing tune, little cunts

But that's not classically liberal or individualistic, so it can't possibly happen, Sargon.

I wish I knew who all these people where tbdesu, but it works for me nonetheless, thank you murdoch


Same leaf shill that always comes to murdoch threads, kys

I don't know what Sargon wanted. Either to be reassured we weren't going to purity spiral on him or just to be the one to defend free speech by defeating them in debate and saving the day. He clearly was determined to make an impact in that debate and really just dropped the ball. He ended up looking like a hysterical rambling idiot who couldn't keep his thoughts together or construct a concise argument. Endless loaded hypotheticals and just logically unsound comparisons.

Bless you cheekyanon.


Is that your whole argument? Calling someone a Jew? Absolutely laughable.You do understand that if someone is not an anti-Semite its not even an insult for them.
This is the reason why the SJWs are wining and why the future is bleak.

lol you sound like a fag. Fuck off back to the donald with the other skeptic loving rick and morty fucks.

I watched Velvet Smooth in a Film class, it had a pleasing amount of tiddies

Do you guys think Sargon could actually join us?

I used to like the guy, but he's fucking unbearable now. Or maybe he's always been and i just didn't know any better.

Hail MM

Still lift for her tho

Who will defend your free speech once you deplatform people like Sargon? Or maybe you don't care about free speech? Then you just as bad as antifa and SJWs. GO and join them comrade!

When you're surrounded by shitskins who want to kill you then saying "muh SJWs" won't be enough to save you. Ideas or thoughts mean nothing if the people who birthed them are destroyed

>fag arguments

No one cares about how much skeptics make your pussy tingle.

The references were fun on this one.
The alt right and race realists are correct in its points, but they'll never win the public sphere. You can't make policy with just good arguments.
The discussions are fun to watch, but they are but an exercise for the imagination.


>muh free speech
Fucking implying the skeptics care about free speech. They'll actively try to censor any opinion that falls out of line with their worldview.
>inb4 you're doing the same
Step on toes and we'll step on yours.

How many meme arrows will you have me make faggot?

This show is garbage. The protagonost and deutagonist are essentially the same character, the female triagonist is just a "psycho" anime girl who could never exist in reality amd every antagonist is just a dumbed down, super exaggerated liberal.

It is more of a low quality propaganda film than a political satire.

>the female triagonist is just a "psycho" anime girl who could never exist in reality
The three people who makes the show do exist in real life, one of them is a girl.

>but they'll never win the public sphere.
What is a culture war, Pedro

>low quality propaganda film
Isn't that what it's supposed to be?

>it's good because it's not supposed to be

Yeah, no. Murdoch is a race realist libertarian, dr Murdoch is just a white nationalist with no real political goals besides the 14 words, Murdoch-chan is a fascist.

The girl is probably the gf of someone who works on the show and I highly doubt that she is the most right wing, her character reeks of evil anime girl.

If you're not a jew you're at least a jew in spirit. 70+ years of Talmudic brainwashing takes a toll

Needed a better ending. Something like
>cut to new sargoy video
>"So as you see, the underlying premise of everything Locke is saying here, the unstated but given frame of reference if you like, is a huwite nation-state."


Am I white?

Libertarianism literally is incompatible with Fascism/Nazism fundamentally.

Nothing will ever top Dequaris O'Shaughnessy from the last video

>people still watch this cringe-core



Can you forgive he black grandfather or whatever his relative is?

>Do you guys think Sargon could actually join us?

No. He should become a pro-white centrist.

We still need pro-white leftists, and perhaps Eric Striker can help with that?

all the debate really showed is how the white nationalists are nothing but SJW collectivists (weaklings who needs a tribe/group to survive) but without progressivisms moral guilt weapon.

what it accomplished is to divide the opposition against communists/leftists ensuring their victory

think about this you faggots
you're presenting the same arguments the commies are using but without the jew money & moral blackmailing behind it.

good luck

They did an AMA.


We've been winning quite a bit lately lads

Hail Victory 1488

Is he wearing an antifa pin?

Made me blow air outta my nose when that happened.

Look, it sacrifices characterization, narrative and production values, and focuses on absurdist parody, punched up dialog, and outre subject matter. This is not a new trend, it's what typified Aqua Teen Hunger Force and the first seasons of South Park. It's a continuation of a long-standing trend in adult animation. If you don't like it, then you don't like it.

You're complaining about it on the internet. Good for you, that's the prescribed way to cope with cartoons you don't like existing.


Hi there, Sargon. Nice seeing you in this thread.

ahahahahaahahah WHAT was that british accent lmao

hahaha kek


>If we give him a funny voice, it'll really show him!

nice cartoon


God,just look around the board,it's full of race bait,pol btfo,pol will defend this,white boys etc etc yet people somehow come here to defend the boards integrity because of some show that caters to us.
Fucking shills at least try not to be so obvious,anyone with a real concern for this board would find more pressing issues than attacking some Web comic they personally don't like.

fucking based!