Syria General - /sg/ - Larger green bus convoy edition


>SOUTHFRONT Jan 8 (Iran)

>Latest interviews with Assad
>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Idlib Jan 7
>E Ghouta Jan 6
>DeZ/Bukaal Jan 3
>Random Dec30
>N Hama Dec 29
>Quneitra Dec11

Devs Jan 7
>E Ghouta:SAA breaks the siege on vehicle base
>Carbomb explodes in Idlib near jihadist training camp,100+dead
>Houthi air defenses shoot down Saudi Tornado warplane over north Yemen
>E Ghouta:SAA is now 80m away from lifting the siege on vehicle base
>Idlib:SAA liberates Sinjar + 9 other town, 15km to Abu Dhohur airbase
>Beit Jinn-HTS hands over tanks and armed pickup trucks part of recon deal
>104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard has left DeZ to E Ghouta
>Iranian official:No permanent Iranian base inside Syria
>Sy gov allocated 60m Sy ounds for the reconstruction of Aleppo city
>Jihadist attack drone taken out by Ru Air Def before reaching Hmaymim base
>Reports:FSA commanders visit Washington
>IS attacks SDF positions N of Hajn, killing 9
>355 civis from the provinces of DeZ,21-Aleppo & 14-Homs have returned to their homes
>USAF Gen:Russia now has ‘treasure trove’ of info about F-22s&how we operate, but so do we
>10000+ protesters in rebel-held southern Damascus demand reconciliation with government
>IS declares war on Hamas over Jerusalem loss to Trump & Israel
>Yemeni women hold protest marches against Saudi aggression


Other urls found in this thread:


Needs to die.


>Devs Jan 7
>Its the 9th


Yeah, wiki said that they were around 1000 people.
I am actually shocked that so much has been done by so few.

Every Single Inch!

The real party starts when Countryside General shows up telling us that the rebel/jihadi counteroffensive is on its way.

Do you have the updated devs for the next bread?

No, I am just nagging.

Aren't they siege ops while door to door is done by other people under Tiger's command?


Honest criticism:
Get rid of the word convoy in the meme then 11/10

!بالكيماوي يا صدام.. من الكويت للدمام

!بالكيماوي يا صدام.. من الكويت للدمام

!بالكيماوي يا صدام.. من الكويت للدمام

also get rid of the word green perhaps.

They are the "actual soldiers and not ar*bs who take the uniform and run away to sell it or defect to ISIS" ops. Meaning they are worth as much as 10000 regular syrian army troops in a fight.

I'm gonna call it one.
Night familia, it's been an interesting night.

>Huge reinforcement of forces on the rural #Idlib front: the liberation of the perimeter around the Aleppo-Hama-Homs-Damascus road is taking place slowly but surely.
>Again, people I spoke to on the ground around #Idlib confirm: the city itself is not the objective...for now #Syria.

Yeah, the thing is that I wanted to keep
>We're gonna need a bigger...
and since convoy is singular, it meant I could keep it as the movie quoted, I also thought about
>We're gonna need more green buses
Which is better, but the quote isn't a direct.
I wasn't sure what to go with.
Thanks for the feedback though.

hey fuck you, i post news sometimes
its just mostly world news, and not "village and empty space was taken by two boys and their dog, syria rejoices" news

Don't get bit by a spider lad.

لة قشمر نفسك الإيران ويا الكيان اليد في اليد

gn m8.

We're gonna need a bigger green bus.
Its not perfect, but this isn't literature class, you are stamping a caption on an image macro. It serves.




ukul khara 7aywan ibn gawad

You post old and unrelated news articles once in a while in between your usual schedule of being a massive cuntbag. Congratulations.

>eternally triggered alien still lashes at me
I don't even remember what exactly I wrote to take a verbal diarrhea on you, but it must've been good.

أخيرا لقينا شخص عرب و غير أجنبي!
?? شو رأيك في كل هل أبدأ المجوس في الثريد

Good afternoon I hate America

Where can I get more info about FSA and ISIS drone tech? I know that sounds crazy, but they have fucking high-end military-tier transmitters and receivers. I mean they can operate in tens of kilometers from operator. That's not aliexpress shit for sure. The rest of that drones is shit, but connection and radio stuff is pretty interesting.

You didn't, your negative nancy attitude is what irks me. Seriously fuck off Mustafa.

Good afternoon, I hate faggots.


Electronics are clearly foreign. The ones used to hit Hmeimim were reportedly capable of 50kms of flight with GPS markers. That's not your typical ebay drone.

Whiter than you, Mohammad, etc.


>Coordination of militants recognizes the killing of 22 militants from the Front of Nasra and Ahrar Sham and the Rahman Corps by the fire of the Syrian army on the front of # Harasta eastern Gouta Damascus during the past hours

Thx for filling in for us, user

You're welcome, ally.

Stop speaking arabic and stop being Iranophobe, faggot.

fuck you

you don't need fancy stuff. well, you probably want a fancy aerial. but 80km is perfectly doable with consumer electronics and a home built aerial.

go to youtube and search for something like pov flights long distance.

if u build the plane yourself, and throw in an ardupilot you can basically do anything you want. you don't even need to fly it. it will do it by itself.

biggest limitations are enough energy - thus petrol motors and big wings offer the best cost/weight/distance ratio.

whats going on with Bibi? he going to jail or what?

Report him. I got banned for speaking Polish for 3 days once.


Is 80km with GPS navigation also that easy? I thought anything over 20km is not very easy to do.

>syria general
>don't speak language of syria

kill yourselves you ugly iranian scum can't wait till drumpf bombs the everloving shit out of you

He'll be fine, will remain PM until the end of his current term, and maybe even continue to another one

the only limitation on gps is going over 20km altitude. this is to prevent people from making cruise missiles with back yard components.

an ardu pilot, will fly from way point to way point (or in a straight line) and come back all by itself. if u want it to transmit images, no problem add a camera and another transmitter. strictly speaking all you have to do is click the waypoints over the map, set a return landing point and click take off once everything has started up. it will then fly the route you set and come back if it finishes or is about to run out of battery power.

the ardupilot component takes care of yaw tilt etc, it has an internal gyroscope and attachments for gps chips. I.e. it will ask the gps satellites where it is, and make changes from there based on where it should be. so if a gust of wind from below hits a wing and tilts the plane, it will right itself and correct course. you can also set it to take action at differnt points and transmit the action to a servo motor that releases a bomb, takes a pic or whatever. you are not needed. the gps is on the plane, it's a small chip. the control unit polls the gps chip and the gps chip returns the current coords, then the control unit takes action.

80km is probably reliant on a sunny day without too much wind, but 20-40km on a slightly worse day is no problem.

for targeting bomb drops you may want to do the release.

i think gps is accurate to 10m or less most of the time

>ISIS back in Aleppo Governorate



How can you live in a country where the PM is literally a jew...

What about payload? There was at least 2kg of payload on that drone (those vog grenades)

>Republican Guard garrison which has been in Safira town since it was liberated in 2013 has been transferred back to Damascus, some to Idlib


People keep going on about IS getting stretched thin now. But how much do we actually know about their presence in the south of their pocket? They might as well be turning into a migratory horde

i ask myself that every day. well you're polish, you should know, half your population are jewish converts.
whats funny is nejadi got arrested yesterday

Fuck you you cheeky cunt, I like to know beer brands.

>b-blumpf please nuke Iran, i-i beg you

There can't be more than a few hundred guys in there. They only made these gains because HTS is cutting and running.

>They might as well be turning into a migratory horde
They just lost a village to SAA, this might very well be the case...

hts is joining them
>HTS Shar'i (Islamic Judge) member defects from #HTS & calls upon all fighters in Hama to stop the fight against ISIS immediately


>implying we need to beg him on not just get (((ivanka and kikeshner))) to ask him

also lmao at all these wannabe isis sheikhs on shitter


you can make the plane as big as you want.
you need to take into account that the bigger your control surfaces are the more powerful your servo motors need to be and the bigger the batteries will need to be to drive them over time.

petrol is lighter than the equivalent weight of batteries for the same duration/flight time. a litre will get a small petrol engine going for hours. you can also change the wing profile so that it carries heavier loads more slowly (because of drag.). or you just increase the length or the width of the wing thus making the same profile carry more load.

i don't know how much engineering is required, but probably not much, it's something you can figure out with test runs and rebuilds.

most naca wing profiles have a weight rating - e.g. something like xkg/per m^^2 or x g/ cm^^2 which means you can choose a mission profile and and then decide what your plane should look like.

My guess is they are simply going around abandoned HTS positions looting what they can get

Stay mad shitskin. We're winning and you can do nothing about it.

>"hurr shitsking durr"
>t. shiiteskin


I'm white and based, unlike you.

>claiming to be white and based
>claiming maghreboi isn't white and based


Fucking Israel



>shitskin s*nni
>white and based
Pick one.


ben voyons

ana el bolandi faransi

Guys can the SAA offensive sustain itself and not become vulnerable to pincer attacks? They seem to be making a big bulge


israeli electronic rocks?


Syrian arab rocks

Another Saudi plane shot down over Sadda today.

Maybe stupid question, but what are they for?

they pulled of greater advances against bigger enemy forces. the rebels are imploding and killing themselves. Those that arent shitting themselves inside Idlib are trying to stay alive sitting in their positions.

it's unlikely the rebelz can pincer. they are too busy realising they are fucked, or infighting, or ignoring each other or sending car bombs against each other.

generically speaking a long finger is more likely to be cut than a flat front. but the finger is going to cut a piece off of the rebel area - if i were a rebel and could not coordinate with my 'buddies' on the other side of the finger, then the only option is to dig in in preparation of being cut off, or running away.

They go boom

>Be Saudi

Video from shooting down Saudi F-15 yesterday. Anyone knows what missile is that?

to trick people with pretty mustaches into driving on them