Here is the redpill you can't handle...

Here is the redpill you can't handle. Communism protected the eastern part of Europe from degeneracy and kept it right-wing. When Communism collapsed, the people's in those countries were relatively unchanged culturally, despite communism. On the other hand, the West had degenerated into leftist cesspits were homosexuality, nigger worship, Islam, and the early forms of other degeneracy, like transgenderism, were normalised or celebrated.
This undeniably proves that capitalism is the source of degeneracy. You can see this today by looking at the ex communist countries. Since being integrated into the Jewish-Anglo-American empire, they've slowly degenerated socially and culturally to the West. This degeneration will continue over the next few decades until the ex-soviet states are degenerate leftist cesspits like the West.

This is a SPECTACULAR irony, so called right-wingers in the West have been fighting, attacking, and fearing communism over the past century, while they themselves became less right-wing than the communist countries. In the Soviet Union, right up to its dissolution, homosexuality would land you in a cell or a mental hospital. Those anti-homosexual attitudes this persist in those countries, while the in the West being a homosexual will gain you a parade and adoration on television.

In fact I think because of their occupation by ussr forces they hate communism/socialism so much now.

Yes, if Authoritarian = Right & Liberal = Left. The only thing is, like in China, they could have easily used this authority to completely wipe out all traditional culture (see: Cultural Revolution).

Whether they hate it or not, is not relevant to my post. I'm not a communist and I'm not advocating it.

And China's populace is also growing increasingly Western, particularly in the major cities, since adopting capitalism in the late 80s.

poor people have no time to worry about racism and tweet about gay rights. when social issues become more common in public discourse it is a sign of relative welfare of the population. its not communism that kept them from emerging, its poverty.

what the fuck is that picture

this is why, when communism ended, we had streets full of western europe hookers. Because you were all against degeneracy. KEK.

Assuming that's true, that leaves two options, more or less, for the Sup Forumstard. Either you have a 'degeneracy' free society, but stay poorer, or you have 'degeneracy' and be richer.
Which will you take, Sup Forumstards?

As for my opinion here, I think there is truth in what you're saying, but you are missing the fact that the Soviet Union was kept locked away from the capitalist market place. This kept it clean off most Western influence.

We western europe now

>when communism ends
>new economy starts over night
>chaos everywhere
>people have to take drastic measures, like prostitution, to not starve to death
>this is somehow a counter argument
You are a moron, and no doubt an American. Show your flag

>He thinks communism isn't Jewish

Now when we are under daddy USA we will end up just like you.

Just give us some years to catch up with you.

After the Cold War
>The West
A stinking shithole of SJW bullshit overrun with Arab Muslim immigrants
>The East
Based white Christians in no fucking mood to accept violent brown people who worship a different God

I think the reason for this is that communism was quite static, they didn't innovate much compared to the western capitalist system, which constantly invented new things which changed the culture. Basically every decade since ww2.

I agree with OP but today’s leftism and cultural Marxism is the beast that has taken over. That old brand of communism that protected the east is dead never to return.

You have the data, and the conclusion, but you are clueless about the reason. Truth is, most people want change. Always. Left or right, after they come out of a right period they want the left. And so on.
They had to suffer the left for so long it will take some time for the left to regain power there. Same reason extremisms are starting to gain more power in the liberal, democratic west.

What a shock- boundless plenty
leads to decadence, while starvation leads to toughness!
The trick, dumbass, is to maintain social standards whil still making enough food.

It's almost like our governments did that on purpose in order to prevent communism from being a viable ideology in the West. Remember that true believer SJW's are a tiny minority given a huge mouthpiece by our institutions - why?

>The trick, dumbass, is to maintain social standards whil still making enough food.
>everyone in the soviet union was starving
You're an idiot.
Now show me where this trick of yours has worked.

The only thing communism kept out was wealth and foreigners coming in to get a piece of the pie. No immugration to Russia because there is no incentive! Everyone is suffering there! Capitalism works well at creating wealth but it results in every shitskin in the world trying to get in. Capitalism works fine as long as you have tight borders.... or as long as you don't have any welfare state which will attract the low iq immigrants... you can't have open borders with a welfare state. Because then the leeches will flood the gates.

Name one wealthy capitalist country, that isn't an ex-soviet state, that isn't a degenerate cesspit.

Name a capitalist country without welfare who has strong borders.

Do you even know why welfare came into existence?

And I'd name Denmark and Norway, some of the strictest borders out of any Western country.

>denmark and norway

>The only thing communism kept out was wealth and foreigners coming in to get a piece of the pie.
What it kept out was the development of a system that INCENTIVIZES the mass importation of cheap labor foreigners.

Stricter than Germany's, France's, UK's, Italy's, and with more welfare.

How are communist countries not degenerate? They are full of corruption in government, abortions, etc. the only good thing about them is that they are homogenous ethnically... but that is only because they were such miserable places during communism that nobody wanted to go there.

>They are full of corruption in government, abortions, etc.
>this doesn't happen in the West

You know absolutely nothing about communism and degeneracy, it's obvious
Communism is meant to break down the family by promoting cuckold practices, incest, pedophilia and lots of pornography.
Fuck all your kind, first I thought you're all acting stupid but the longer this bullshit goes on I see that it's not an act, you really have chosen to remain as stupid as the day you were born

>Communism is meant to break down the family by promoting cuckold practices, incest, pedophilia and lots of pornography.
Yet the Soviet Union had zero of that and the West promotes it on a daily basis.

Yes companies search for cheaper labor and reducing costs... that is why they were so keen on bringing in all the Irish... and Americans didn't like all the Irish coming in either... as long as people are willing to work, pay taxes, and not use welfare then there is no problem... the welfare state is what messes up all the incentives for people to immigrate. They come not to work hard, but gibs.

>corruption in government
Our government is 100% controlled by the corporatocracy
What is Roe vs. Wade
>the only good thing about them is that they are homogenous ethnically
The Soviet Union wasn't ethnically homogeneous.l
>but that is only because they were such miserable places during communism that nobody wanted to go there
Russia went from a literally feudal society to basically 100% literacy and employment in a few decades under communism. They started from *nothing* and reached near-parity with the West by the 50's.

This is true, i've been saying it for months. Ending the Cold War was a mistake.

I am not denying the west is degenerate... but I argue that it is because big government. Which always follows big economic development.

Russia industrialized under Stalin but it was at the expense of tens of millions of farmers and normal country workers. He just redistributed wealth from the country to the city, forcing everyone to work in factories and mines. It was basically urban-centric statism.

Actually, I didn't read OP's post, but I strongly believe that after the Soviets fell, so did the only thing holding Marxist professors away from our women. After the Soviets fell, the Marxist professors all moved either to Europe or America. And, to boil it down, Jews created Marxist professors, Marxist professors create Roasties, and Roasties are the biggest threat we have to our civilization.

Communism did not protect eastern Europe from degeneracy, on the contrary it has brought corruption and destroyed people's morale and values (you can see a shadow of it in all economical data). For example I have been born in 1987 and I can clearly see how people from my year and born before me are clearly way less trustworthy, fair, honest and dependable than the newer generations. The degeneracy of the west is a direct result of a Marxist subversion taking place in politics and universities as sketched by an Italian communist Antonio Gramsci. At the same time you were living in such a comfortable environment (thanks to capitalism), that you didn't pay attention and didn't feel the changes that were being engineered into your societies. Good times create weak people, hard times created good people - unfortunately that's the ultimate, eternal rule at work and people will not wake up until things will go really bad again.

i am not arguing America isn't degenerate. I know it is... but I argue it is a result of big government affecting people's lives rather than capitalism...

Amazing for an American to act like he knows what it is like to live in a communist country... you really believe people were living good lives in the ussr? Have you even talked to a Russian or Eastern European? They will tell you otherwise.

Americans can be such idiots. Don't even realize how unique and special their country was... a country where you could come and work and essentially keep all the fruits of your labor. You probably won't see it again for the rest of time.

I'd rather deal with degeneracy, than being starved, enslaved, oppressed and eventually murdered by the state.

wtf I love the communist trannies now that hate us all and want all white people exterminated!

Yea these fucking westerners act like they know what communism is like... but if you talk to an Eastern European they will tell you otherwise...

Agreed. The reason Central and Eastern Europe is very right wing is because they've seen what Communism can do first hand.

>Americans can be such idiots. Don't even realize how unique and special their country was... a country where you could come and work and essentially keep all the fruits of your labor.
*where management keeps 99% of the fruits of your labor and you're paid a wage equivalent to what the most destitute immigrant will do it for
>You probably won't see it again for the rest of time.
Yeah, we will never see it again, because it was a virgin continent with a lovely climate and filled to the brim with natural resources. Bound together with the rest of the Anglosphere in a globe-spanning commercial empire. We had every advantage in the world and we were still neck and neck with the Soviets.

Communism in the Eastern Bloc was authoritarian, the state has powers beyond the family and individual. It was not anti degenerate by any means, and the state repressed hedonistic degeneracy like trannies and gays, orgies etc. because they were signs of Western decadence. There was not a moral imperative to stop this but a political one. As for race mixing, they didn't care about it one bit, as evidenced by the concept of Homo sovieticus. The family unit - it always took a back seat to the state, and children would regularly spy and squeal on their parents or grandparents to the authorities. Moral fiber, love for your people, helping others in need - it all took a back seat to the regime. Abortions, prostitution, modernist commie architecture - all of them byproducts of such a ' non degenerate ' society

And by the way illegal black markets popped up in every single communist country for Western clothing, Western food and alcohol, Western inventions, Western music. Guess you can't stop the 'degeneracy' for too long eh.

i would argue china was getting westernised already by the early 20th century.
look at japan.

oh just give us few more years and we will be Sweden tier cucked but way poorer trust me

whoever made this map mixed up which block is which and is autistic. also, fuck commies, everything they did was just a preparation for unleashing more degeneracy now.

You didn't need to go to black market for western things in socialist countries.

And most of things sold in shops selling western stuff had.. high prices but not that much.

This is true. I'm seeing more and more pajeets on the streets.

Idk but it made me laugh.

pajeets are just businessmen I'm more worried about the fact that I see girls in blue or green hair, once I mistook a fat fuck with long purple hair and a nose ring for a lesbian, men wear gayer and gayer clothes and start acting weird

also polish women are coalburners

God, I hope not. I really don't want to have to deal with the displaced Polacks.

Socialism was getting popular in west even before the fall of the iron curtain. Stop blaming the east for your autism. The neo-marxist professors are your products. I remember french communists coming to Sochi for summer holidays.

The result of capitalism. You can't have your pure utopia and capitalism, sorry Sup Forumstards.

Nah, they aren't all businessmen and they are the biggest non-white group I see in Warsaw. I see a lof polish girls with young pajeets. I hardly see any niggers.

99%? Nice number you pulled out of your ass...

Yea the boss gets paid the most. Because he takes on all the risk to start and run the company. And after expenses, any profits are typically used to invest in the company and hire more people or pay bonuses/increase wages. That's good for people who need jobs and higher wages. corporations help people with jobs and services/products you idiot.

If corporations are using illegal immigrants then they should be prosecuted... if immigrants are coming legally to work and not use welfare then they should come... welfare is what draws in the low iq drags on economy...

>kept it right-wing
By forcing a far left government on it?

You are right that the commies are the reason why they are right now, they know what leftism leads to.

You are confusing cause and effect.

>less right-wing than the communist countries.
By definition any communist country is left wing.

You are very confused about political terminology, a brief explanation "left" and "right" do not know what you want it to mean, they vaguely describe a set of believes a certain group holds.

Among right wing beliefs are: free market capitalism, individual freedom.
Among left wing believes are: government intervention into markets, welfare.

This is just a word game you are having in your head.

Shouldn't have communism culturally enriched them over the 60 or so years? If communism causes white genocide, shouldn't they all be black and brown by now?

>You can't have your pure utopia and capitalism
Yes, thats why anything that isn't at least economically "third poisitionist" is truly cancer.

are you implying poles are white?

First let me say I come from Slovakia. My family were members of the communist partie of Czechoslovakia during the commie era but quickly became capitalists after the regime changed.

I'm telling you all this so you understand that what I say is relevant: No, eastern Europe is not right wing. But it is CONSERVATIVE. Most eastern Europeans are left leaning in the economy but at the same time CONSERVATIVE in all the social aspects.

You are right on the terminology but you do not understand how socialism worked here. Economically it was certainly so but the communists were conservatives coming from lower class worker families that were conservative. They had conservative values. There was no race-baiting, transgender or gay shit.

If a policeman caught you with long hair (a guy) he would take you to the station and get your hair cut immediately and the reason was that you were a capitalist degenerate.

German autism at its finest.
Look at how the Soviet government behaved retard. Stalin and post Stalin era it was highly illiberal, far-right socially by Western standards.

I come from Slovakia too and yes, conservatism was the way to go even during socialism and nationalism was a thing too, even Christmas. The christians were suppresed but we celebrated Christmas, just without the Jesus part. We celebrated the Slovak NATIONAL uprising and other similar stuff.

The entire fucking sjw philosophy of degeneracy was a psyop by the russians to begin with. The Soviets admitted this many times, from the legendary March through the institutions, to the beatnik and hippy movements.

You really believe degeneracy manifested itself naturally in the West? Then you're a fool. The vast majority of it was a deliberate and brilliant strategy by the Soviet system.

Half of my family is from the Soviet Union, what's your point? Also, your second paragraph doesn't contradict anything I've said in any way.

>Here is the redpill you can't handle. Communism protected the eastern part of Europe from degeneracy and kept it right-wing.

nah, the problem is the jew media and education system that taught western countries that their history and culture meant nothing while at the same time convincing black and brown etc that their cultures were fantastic and that they were the victims of whites etc

>muh russian boogeymen
Spotted the boomer redneck that got dooped by some cheap 1980s lectures given by a hack.

>you can't be degenerate when you're dead


oh i haven't heard that one before, tell me more.

and (((who))) was implementing the strategy here in the West?

>far-right socially
Which is a different thing from "right wing".
I would call them socially conservative and if you are talking about that then I guess your posit is "fine", but you forget what conservatives in the US are fighting when it comes to communism.

Most modern day communists are extremely socially liberal, so blaming conservatives here for opposing communism, even if they only care about social conservative values, is idiotic.

That's because of the transition from one economy to the other.



What do you think their average IQ is?

Authoritarian left is communism
Authoritarian right is facism

True centrism is anarchy

>they've seen what Communism can do

not to deffend communism at all, but almost nothing in your meme is even related to communism.
ask any gay person in the 50's, 60's or 70's how it was to live under communism in urss or cuba, they where treated as mentally ill criminals and a threat to society (sounds very Sup Forumsish, doesn't it?).

evo and maduro are just deformed and local versions of some kind of socialism, but capitalist corporations and private property still play a major role in their economies, for good or bad.

having myself visited Bolivia before and during Evo's government, i must say that the majority of it's population seems to be having better lifes now. venezuela is other story, of course.

and pope francisco is just a peronista, a mild progresist maybe, really far from communism. perón used the young leftist in my country as a political way to win their naive (read stupid) hearts, but he never was a leftie at all.
you should understand that in 60's and 70's leftist ideals were really hip in Latam, so you have to go with the flow to get a strong political position.
i guess you just have to be an argie to understand what peronismo is, but even though...

ok, but tell me, is Samuel L Jackson white?

Lmao the Soviets admitted it themselves! And shouldnt they? It was an effective strategy that worked to permanently damage the West.

Russian apologists like yourself are willfully blind. The Soviet system was completely about control and conquest. It had nothing to do with protecting its own people from degeneracy. Those people were simply not targeted the way Westerners were.


Right wing was always open borders. As soon as Socialism ended the free trade started and all those oligarchs that were born destroyed the land and now talk about tradition, now that they are full of money. Socialism was always left wing and right wing was never nationalistic, no matter how hard and loud they scream they are nationalistic. Take any "nationalistic" right wing party in Europe or even on planet and check their sponsors, they are always foreigners, they are sponsored by international companies and those kind of people will never protect your country from migration.
Monarchy was considered right wing and they had no racial classification, they conquered and bred everything together until left wing came, all Socialistic political parties with cultural revolution, which was meant to protect own culture and language which was banned under Christian monarchy. There was no right wing capitalism or right wing nationalism before WW2. There was only right wing monarchy Christian Zion and left wing Communistic-Socialistic parties, one of which was Hitler.

>He thinks capitalism isn't Jewish

The low IQ ones were exported to England.

It's not about having capitalism or not, you're missing the point.
They just had an authoritarian state that heavily policed their lives and kept them off bad mores. That's the redpill you can't handle, you commie piece of shit.
This authoritarianism was also coupled with "autarky" from the sources of degeneracy.

>What do you think their average IQ is?

i'd guess higher than yours


That's objectively false, oversexualization of society and glorification of thots came with capitalism and mass advertising, also with free Hollywood and media(no censorship). Female empowerment in the USSR meant that the woman had to get a job, besides having a family, not instead of it. Female empowerment in the West meant slut culture that sells great in advertising and consumerism. Racial politics in the USSR meant appeasing the steppe Mongoloids from Siberia with a some general photo ops, then having strict inner borders that prohibited them from moving to white areas. Racial politics in capitalist countries that now include Russia mean that every Central Asian subhuman who's never seen running tap water before has now freedom of movement, why do you think Moscow is so pozzed now? Fags were banned in every commie country from East Euro to Latin America.

>made people alienated from leading their own lives
>erased/damaged national identities
>caused generational depression
>normalized alcoholism
OP is a typical western fool.
Doesn't know å thing about life behind the Iron Curtain but still elevates it by falsely comparing bad(SU back then) with worse(the west today).

USA was also heavily "Commie" controlled. They had banned interracial and segregation and then Republicans introduced mixed schools and lifted the ban, republicans also legalized blacks and didn't deport slaves. That's the redpill you can't handle. What have we learned? Rich people all without a single exception stolen money and thieves don't care about race or country. There's not one honest rich guy and never will be.

Don't start this mutt, you'll lose.

singapoore ,but its a fascist state

I'm not elevating it, moron. I'm looking at a historical peculiarity out of interest in sociology and history.
Also, half of my family is from one of the Baltic states.

is that you in the pic?

communists were killing christian priests and raping teenage girls also forced to sex slavery tens of tousands white woman...they just didn't offer any comfort so everyone could see that they are just immoral criminals so hardly anyone tried to act like them

The US was never commie-controlled. The push for race-mixing has always come from the left. Examples abound in the Nordic countries, for example. And Republicans back then were the Democrats of today. Go learn some history you fucking moron.

Singapore is another country where crime is low because you can get fucked up by police for leaving plastic on sidewalk. If Americans had such tough laws in ghetto there would be hardly any crime also.

>implying Singapore isn't a degenerate prostitute state for the rich
Name a real country, not a state that's specifically designed as a tax haven for billionaires.