Democrats admit that they fight for DACA because it’s crucial element to get them elected.
Twitter red tea, blue team activate, get the machines fucking running boys
Democrats admit that they fight for DACA because it’s crucial element to get them elected.
Twitter red tea, blue team activate, get the machines fucking running boys
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If the enemy makes a mistake...
>checks flag
good try vladimir
>The memo, co-authored by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was sent around to allies calling on Democrats to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”
Redeem your soul, become white in our eyes by shilling this shit as hard as it goes
Did you also hear, water is wet.
Theyve completely abandoned the white working man to form a minority coalition.
Knowing something and haveing the enemy admit to it is kinda big difference my dear burgerino
Don't even try to help us. Most burgers deserve what's coming.
They're out in the open, finally.
You just admitted you’re a shitskin, please kill your self
You demoralized. Learned helplessnes psyopsed fuck
Canada bro, could we have a pledge?
I pledge to call out the shitskin none german german cück posters and you do the same with nigger, Arab Canada posters
You're new aren't you. There is no difference between R's and D's. Both will do anything for power and neither give a shit about this country. After everything that came out in Wikileaks 45% of this country will still vote D no matter what. And 45% will vote R no matter what. In every election both parties fight for 10% of the population they have a word for them here, they're called the undecided... the press likes to pretend these undecided are deep thinkers who weigh every issue, ponder every utterance of the candidates.
In truth those 10% don't give a flying fuck, they are stupid and easily swayed low iq fools who have no core beliefs or ideologies. They are quintessential sheep, and the best wolf has them for dinner every 4 years. That's why a lot of us here want to just watch it burn. Had Trump come along 20 years ago we may have had a chance. But now it's too little too late and all he is doing is prolonging the agonizing death of a once great nation.
bump for Hans
How can any of these so called 'marginalized' groups think that voting for one party all the time grants them any political capital whatsoever?
They have resigned themselves to the status of a pet by not breaking with expectation.
Doesn’t matter what you do goy, just give up goy.
Mate, good eye, but this is an open secret. Democrats openly talk about "the challenges of being elected in less diverse communities" all the time. They know that minorities are the ones who pave their paths to office, and they use the word "diversity" to make it seem like a positive thing. It's good that this is getting MSM coverage, but this is known, and has been known -- only it's spoken in innocuous whispers.
This needs to be spam posted everywhere.
Guess that’s a perk of having a really low IQ pet that doesn’t realize his own slave status as long as you give em obongo phones and foodstampsd\
To be fair it more likely means that it's a subject that democrat voters (the legal ones) care about
People are to concentrated on the Amerimutt and who is white and who isn’t threads to see this for what it is.
No shit, Democrats (as well as everyone else) follow rational choice theory, politics is a joke, no one cares about honor and virtue
And if honor and virtue don’t hold back the white animus the blood bath will be guaranteed.
It will be majestical, also the dems don’t even try to fight j]they just go more and more towards racial politics
They are crushing and fucking burning
I told you that ((they)) are using strategies who were applied by our "rulers".
U can beat that strategy, but we will talk about that in 2020 anons
bump for coverage.
Has that been translated to English?
You think you can take off til 2020?
The fight is right fucking now!
>Learned helplessness
Learned helplessness is behavior typical of a human or non-human animal and occurs where an animal endures repeatedly painful or otherwise aversive stimuli which it is unable to escape or avoid.More at Wikipedia
Why does Trump need do a deal when the Republicans control both houses ?
The controversial stuff is banned in English and hast been translated, cripplechan hover got it translated check out the /200/ subhurum.
>to form a minority coalition.
full of Mexican and Arab men who culturally will identify with the strong man on the right no matter what
fucking idiots
Because they lack a super majority so when a handful RHINOS decide to block the vote will go to the dems
Fuckface tumor face McCain literally blocked the repeal for Obamacare, imagine this 1 cück little Jew shill blocked it
Dreamers are being put on a "path to citizenship" though or at least they were.
Mexican and Arab men will identify with the right//??
Ehh... take a fucking look at the numbers
> democrats using shit skins for votes
Is anyone really surprised? This is something we knew for a while
Yup. Real 3rd party needs to emerge.
Let me resume this book.
> On the eve of the February Revolution in 1917, of about 23,000 members of the Bolshevik party 364 (about 1.6%) were known to be ethnic Jews. According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.
> Jewish population before the great purges was between 4 and 8%
> But Jews were even more over-represented among the less radical Menshevik party. From the Wikipedia article on Bolsheviks: "In 1907, 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish (34% for the Bund and 20% for the Mensheviks)." And at the time of the Russian Revolution itself and in the years after, the ratio of Jews among Bolsheviks had fallen significantly.
> Even some orthodox Jews and rabbis welcomed the change at first, anything was better than Tsarist Russia, and then there was the purges.
> the protocols of the elders of zion were written then by the Tsarist police, to their habit, sca0egoating Jews
When will it stop Goy? When will you do a masters in history instead of doing chinese telephone tier propaganda?
Knowing have having proof for something is kinda two different boats.
This memo wasco-authored by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri
wow they culled your pic, but it's impossible to know the true numbers, in my state the split was defined by property value, lower property value counties voted Trump, the wealthiest counties voted Hillary
who resides in those poorer counties? yes there are whites but it's mostly minorities in my state, so something is off about those figures
also what I describe was mentioned during NPR's election night coverage they were losing it how did record latinos turn out and vote for Trump they were all scratching their heads
You do understand that you cherry picked the numbers that doesn’t represent reality, just cause Hollywood isn’t 100% jewish doesn’t mean the Leaders weren’t 100% jewish
Jews are too smart to fight, they just want to lead the dumb goys
Ihm so my empirical evidence and statistics is irrelevant to your anecdotal evidence?
You see, you might be a based shitskin, that doesn’t matter because we don’t talk about a few based browns, we talk majority. And majority is a monolithic dem voting block.
This cunt is delusional and behind the
This meme stands for Germany, Bavaria specifically i believe.
Not Russia.
This propaganda is getting old. It took off with Hitler because people were misinformed, but now we have internet. It's easy to check your lies.
Holy shit your Jewish delusional brain is fascinating.
>I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart, we are coming for you.
So the thing you said is true but that doesn’t change the fact that they were over represented in the leading postitions.
Just like Hollywood, not 100% of Hollywood is jewish but almost 100% of the leaders in Hollywood are.
So what if they admit it? That doesn't mean Republicans will stop them. Trump just backed off ending the H-1B visas today. He was all happy to take the credit with us for proposing it a few days ago, but now it's just another stab in the back. And he proposed no border wall, so we are not getting a wall, plus he desperately wants to give amnesty to DACAs in exchange for funding some fencing. Stop being a mindless cheerleader!
So he doesn’t want a wall but want to make a deal with the democRATS for fencing?
Are you retarded or something? Maybe just a women
You're fucking high if you think Trump is just asking for "fence funding".
He just fucking tweeted yesterday that there will be NO DACA unless we get full funding for the wall. He has made the wall the barometer of his presidency. He and everyone else knows it's the one single issue he can never walk back on.
You think those 7 prototypes built in 2017 were just for fun? Are you retarded?
His post is really smartly formulated for the most ‘defitist’ Version of reality
This high of an verbal IQ tells us that he might be jewish.
Hey there rabbi
Nobody is fighting...only Trump and a small amount of anons, some even have voting percentages and a plan to become greater.
Fujimori, our Chinese ex president (an engineer) handed gifts to the poor.....the thing is that he kept giving them rice, salt, matches, milk, toilet paper sugar, fridges, pencils, brown notebooks, schools, etc till he became a demigod, it wasn´t a bad thing the fridges were really useful for the junglemen.
Are you learning about animation, coding, linux and those sheeit? because that will be useful.
Now.....can you tell me if it´s possible for me to import eastern european liquor by ship?
wow they're trying to slide all the good threads.
Best chance we ever had was the reform party. The problem was it only took voters from the right splitting the votes and giving us Bill Clinton. A viable 3rd party would have to appeal to the left and right. There isn't enough common ground to do that. Add to that we live in a headline only reading world. An ignorant populace gives both parties everything they need to stop a 3rd party from ever becoming a real threat.
Anybody with half a brain knew this already. Seriously whites knew this in the 1950s dude.
>can you tell me if it´s possible for me to import eastern european liquor by ship?
I actually know numerable Hungarian wineeries and hard liquor producers.
How much we talking about? How is the import laws from your truf?
What is wall funding for 800 trebek?
And now we have former obongo communications director and Crocker Hillary communications director admitting it black&white on paper
The populist movement just fucked the reps in the ass and took their party.... creating more division is retarded.
Damn sometimes I love you “don step on snek” poster
You are are ignorant or uninformed or both if you think populist control the Republican Party. Trumps own VP isn't even a populist.
The United States is not dead yet, and won't die so long as there are people willing to fight for her. Quit being defeatist, things could always be worse - we could be Sweden.
After Donny beat the 17 reps this is our party now.
The 2 retarded rhino women who always vote left and McCain are the only ones going against Donnie’s agenda because others are afraid to loose reelection’s if they dare to go against the pop-reps
I was wondering if it´s possible to fill a container 2.43m 2.59m and what´s the price per kg, per square meter or container.
Do they have cheap pots and pans made of steel or cast iron?
My friends will take care of the law
Maybe i´ll found you another day....g l
>fight for her
Fight for what? A proposition puppet-nation of Israel where we (Whites) are the ever-dwindling enemy? No thanks, we are beyond fixing now with anything short of a full-scale cleansing.
Best case scenario:
I live in Upstate NY and literally everywhere around me are those of us who have the same ideals and hopes for our country. The only people near me that have leftist ideals are those who come up here for college at SUNY schools, but they are pulled in from Asia, or from Downstate NY/ NYC. Other than them, it's the few shitskins that are coerced in moving here due to NY tax benefits and Welfare programs. Leftists are literal leaches on society as a whole and they absolutely need to be pushed out of our great country.
Also, this past week with the Noreaster storm has had me enjoying the occasional run to Wally World for supplies and listening to all the Niggers complaining about the cold and wearing improper clothing for the current temperatures.
Don’t know about pans and pots but liqueur shouldn’t be a problem.
Have you done shipping before? You got contractors?
Honestly it would be cheaper and smarter for you to buy brewing kits for hard liq, the wine you’ll get for cheap tho
Defeatist Israeli puppet aren’t you?
That’s exact;y the way the enemy want you.
Go buy some new Nike’s and a 70inch Television to make your miserable life more enduring
Stop telling the truth you mean? Even if we stopped all immigration finished the wall today it won't stop the demographic shift from foreigners who breed like rabbits. Take a look at demographic 25 year projections and get back to me.
And who exactly is running on a populist platform this year and actually stands a chance? The U.S. has 3 branches of government not one. Trump couldn't save the reddest of red seats in Alabama from a lying media. You're a fool to think the constant attacks against Trump haven't had an effect. You will see R's in tight races distance themselves from Trump this year as we get closer to the midterms. Hell its already started in some states.
Damn this thread appears to be one german and a bunch of american shills
That’s a;l with thinking. The only thing that happened is the MSM could literally say anything Nd people won’t believe it.
Alabama was lost because of voterfraud and by shipping in thousand of nigger to vote. Just to demoralize and hopefully start the blue wave that these loser get wet for.
Ain’t gonna happen.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
But Lücke;y you’re here now and can contribute
Just to scratch my curiosity it h, what would you do?
Just watch the world burn? Everything your ancestors fought and die for be taken away from you?
On the contrary, a Trump presidency may not have been possible 20 years ago. Trump has a lot of success owed to the polarization of the various special interest groups in America, the rise of SJW/PC gone mad, and the growing mistrust and disillusionment with the media, government, and other mainstream institutions.
shareblue please go away
Kek yea as one poster said this was pretty much open knowledge but now that we have proof of our claims it will make our arguments carry a lot more weight with normies
Wow original faggot maybe next you'll use the echo's
yep. Worth to try.
Fucking mobile fag at least have the decency to edit the link
Bump anyway
@jmpalmieri #dncleak #dnc #dncmemo
All are fucking dead no one is talking about this....
People who never realized this are retarded and it doesn't matter what they think.
The R 45% is white and predominantly white male. White makes can't be generated through immigration.
I can identify a jew by reading less than the 10 first words it posts.
What has Sup Forums done to me?
I was born in Chicago senpai, I watched my home choke and die. You can call me defeatist all you like....but i'm merely a realist.
This. Our political system has turned to one issue. Whites Vs the horde.
Wait McCain is Jewish? McCainowtz? McCainstein? What was his original name???
The rest of the country hasn’t gone the way of Shitcago tho. So speak for yourself.
The only saving this country is an end to all federal entitlements. State gibs only. This would do 2 things. Drastically stem immigration illegal and legal. And shift all the freeloaders to a select few states. Letting the electoral college do what it was designed to do.
I don't mean Trump specifically, talking about anyone with his intentions. Populism and nationalism is not a man
>Trump just backed off ending the H-1B visas toda
What? Is he becoming another neocon?
>le illuminaughty
we've been over this 6 gorillion times you misled (likely boomer) faggot.
broken down in 10 minutes for you:
Being a Jew and being a gentile who does everything in the name of the Jews makes no difference