French Far-right Mayor bans Pork-Free food
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He has to go back
Where are the French kids???
They are French, user. Race doesn't matter, only culture does.
Oh dear god.
Those are southern french kids.
Fuck muslims.
Let them starve if they don't want the local food.
Or they can simply go back to where they came from.
>the free food you give is invaders isn't good enough
I fucking hate muzzies with the heat of a thousand suns.
He's not banning pork free food, just the special muslim tailored meals.
>pork-free meals have been banned
Surely they mean "pork has been unbanned", right?
>National Front
In the end we will save you all
Why would you need special meals if you're going to integrate in french culture?
How did you get brainwashed into this point?
This is what civnats actually believe
I always thought it feld devaluing when the muslim kids ate from a seperate grill during school festivals so they wouldnt be contaminated by the unclean flesh and become as unclean as us.
70% of bait my friend.
wtf france first macron's investigation towards jews and now this? this has to stop, it is not funny anymore. before you know it the brittish nationalists is looking like a bunch of sjw's in comparison
There are four great evils in human history
Protestant stannic freemasonry
The French bureaucracy and their language
The world will never be prosperous and at peace while these four evils exist.
You got them wrong :
You kaffirs really dwell to much in the particular topic of pork.
We Muslims can eat pork if forced or if starving:
>He has forbidden you only carrion, blood, the flesh of the swine, and that which has been offered to other than Allah. But should someone be compelled, without being rebellious or transgressive, there shall be no sin upon him. Indeed Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.(2,173)
That's a pretty awesome painting, whats the story behind it?
Joke on you, retard!
This stock photo is from the US!
Honte aux couilles de français qui lui on répondu. Même pas capable de reconnaitre des français et des latinos...
Also, we use proper plates in france, not these things.
when in rome do as the romans do.
When people ask to be allowed to live in a country as guests, they should not expect that country to change for their convenience even a tiny bit.
>culture has no racial foundation
d-delete this!
Kek, kys tho.
This is true in theory but not in practice, you see the racist are in favor of racial segregation and the anti racist are also in favor of racial segregation. The true non-racist people are the ones that doesn't give a shit about race, which is actually a tiny minority. accepting that our race determines our culture doesn't really have racist implications but practical implications.
I would add British cuisine but I guess your list is okay.
Problem solved then.
Free pork for all!
Okay, Sargon
*Gets culturally as well as demographically replaced*
Art work for Age of Empire III.
A step in the right direction, but next he needs to ban communist school bread lines. Kid's need to learn to provide for themselves. They shouldn't be mooching off tax dollars. Fucking parasites.
Could you imagine if we went to Pakistan and demanded they serve pork chops?
Meanwhile Macron being based as fuck.
Always knew that FN was bitches.
This is now a Bogpil thread
obvious bait