This guy comes up to you and asks if you are redpilled
wat do?
This guy comes up to you and asks if you are redpilled
wat do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ask him if I can fuck his wife? While he watches if course.
Ask him how many visits to Israel he has gone on.
Harper went fifteen fucking times
is his wife hot ?
I would watch him fuck his brickhouse wife.
French Canadian Catholic tight holes
day of the rake
"Yes, Mr. Castro, I am."
Fuck his wife
how do I upvote a post
he's mentally ill
Don't reply to invader bait like this.
>Sage in options, if you must reply
Lrn2recognize the signs of the various shill groups that are invading Sup Forums. They always use some kind of anti-white rhetoric to bait you into replying, or they make bullshit threads to slide the board. DO NOT REPLY, but if you must type sage into the options field. Stop falling for this shit, it’s making the board worse than it already was after all you fucking newfags showed up. They are trying to change the nature of Sup Forums, and there are various groups behind it, including the ADL, nu-JIDF, leftards, progs, tumblr, it goes on and on. Trigger them with edgy posting but always remember to sage you fucking newfags.
How do you know this
Give him the 'ald Glaswegian kiss and tell him Woes says hi.
Are you redpilled
>”W-wat n-nnno. Pls don’t hurt me. You can fuck my boy pucci”
His guard is shit, left hook instantly.
Trudeaus mom is bipolar
She was around 20 years younger than his dad, the homo.
She cucked him by going to hang out with the rolling stones. Mick Jagger said this lady, Margaret Trudeau had a problem in the head.
There is a picture of her at studio 54 with no panties.
Someone could pull a Duterte and call him a “son of a whore” like he said to Obama
go for the jaw
don't be a faggot, these are the best threads on the board
I'd kick his fuckin ass like I did in grade 4
kick his ass because I saw how shitty he is at boxing and when he is at the floor whispering to his ear "yes"
Fidel Castro is his real dad
Jab, jab, straight, left hook then walk away while his wife's bf calls an ambulance.
Wait for a stiff breeze to kick up and knock him out. Can't sue the wind.
Call his chinese boss.
Too old to be mixing it up in the streets with goddam hippies, so pic related.
I did work on Kathleen Wynne's mansion.
She and her dyke wife were total cunts. Took everything I had no to spit in her face.
Would love to know how all these "lawyers" who become politicians are all fucking rich. 8 million dollar home, on Toronto richest street.
Guess it really chaps your as he won huh?
Rather an big swinging dick Authoritarian than Pierre.
I can pay someone with daddy's money to lose so I look tough too.
Wins boxing match
Wins box
The man is drowning in pussy juice
Hey at least he's not ZOG