Has there ever been more beta ruler than King Tut?
>had to use walking stick
>cleft palate
>receding chin
>skinny fat
>Klippel–Feil syndrome
>two of his children died
>he dies at the age of 19
Has there ever been more beta ruler than King Tut?
Those these were the mighty Kangs blacks claim to have once been?
>left leg is shit
>uses walking stick in his right hand
>two children before he died at the age of 19
that makes him less beta than 99% of Sup Forums
>part of a monotheistic cult subsequently purged by Egyptians
>cult might be precursors of Jewish religion
And yet, he still got more pussy than you, op
Don't reply to invader bait like this.
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Sage but damn, i bet Tut would look good in a dress
Funny how they recolored him white AFTER discovering all his physical and mental disabilities. I guess they really was kangs n shit.
Not black enough
>female hips
Modern trannies would be proud.
P.S. Did I mention that genetically he was close to modern ukrainians? Which is not a compliment for Ukrainians
he fucked a lot more women than you OP
>its all because of things he couldn't control
If you was living in that time, you will piss yourself just by hearing his name, and am sure he lived for these 19 years more than you ever will.
>>two of his children died
It sounds like he had more than two.
You use the cane opposite the leg that is bad senpai
Egyptians sort of had to interbreed at this point they allowed themselves to get conquered by the greeks and the romans and then it all went to shit when they got arabed
Greeks continued the sister marriage practice, but it was originally done to stop civil wars breaking out. You had to be given divine status to be a queen so the faction whose daughter the Pharaoh married suddenly thought of themselves as divine rulers and usually became tyrants demanding taxes and subservience.
Masonic Jews sold the monotheism concept and the Kings Talmud to Tut's dad, Akhenaten, his son the result of the first Jews infecting their ideology into a civilization that eventually brought upon its downfall. I guess it boils down to envy because a Jew could never be a king by strength and honor so they had to get there by any other way even if it means destroying societies
This guy right here.
Fucking lol and fippy bippy
The original soyim
1. Pharaoh fucks sister
2. Inbred monster becomes pharaoh
3. Pharaoh fucks sister
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!!1!