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Literacy Tests
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Am i correct?
no, you're an idiot. The circles are supposed to be one normal and one double. When it says to draw a line around something, it means a box, otherwise it would ask for a circle as it did later on.
First page.
Second page. Remember that if you fail at least one question you're out.
Third Page.
Forgot the image.
Don't these end in, "Ignore the other questions and print your name at the top"
What is the answer to #10? is it LE? for L + onE?
Fuck it. Let's just go back to one vote per household (no women) and you must be a freed man (not an apprentice or indentured). And you must have a business or own your property. Basically if you're intelligent enough to figure out how to survive on your own, then you get a vote.
>10 minutes to do 30 trick questions across 3 pages
>pls note that one mistake, no matter how minor, denotes failure, and will result in forfeiture of your enfranchisement.
Well, it could be fixed for sure, I'm not saying we use the same ones but they can be given good use.
Oh yeah, and taxes. Property owners and business owners pay more in taxes than plebs. Why should plebs decide where that money goes?
Found another version, way better for sure. crmvet.org
Am I a student still, pol?
Should also add proof of land ownership to voting reqs.
Especially for retarded hood nogs
#8 was supposed to be B... Too depressed to look at your other answers.
You failed by a lot. You have wrong 1, 8, 9 and 11. Go back to school.
Hey at least this was never meant to be a 'how smart are you' test but one literally meant to keep undesirables from voting. Just gotta make sure you know. :^)
#20 = backwards
>When it says to draw a line around something, it means a box, otherwise it would ask for a circle as it did later on.
>no, you're an idiot.
No shit, yank. This test (except for the really ambiguous questions you can't answer) is fucking easy, if you can't answer it it's most likely you aren't capable of voting.
"....Mrs. Nigger , we simply gave your nigger-kid a number - it will be deported to an extermination & torture camp - happy ? pls leave my office now"
Fuck this test. Fuck the government.
you fucked up your "t" in #21
Wouldn't the comma make it say, "spell backwards and forwards?"
pobody's nerfect
27 completely fucked me over.
#27 is just "right"
#30 is wrong, you misunderstand "common"
How about you make your own original threads instead of copy/pasting shit from yesterday?
I would say you are correct user
Don't worry about it dude. I got stumped on #10 because I misread it as write the last letter of the first number* beginning with L, instead of first word. Spent like 40 seconds just staring at it thinking what number started with "L"
>write every other word in this line
shouldn't it be like "write other in first and every word same" or something? since "every other" is like skipping word?
Also 30 doesn't even look like a proper sentence.
Yeah, I kinda stop giving a shit at that point.
Can you explain wtf this sentence is supposed to say
#30 the way the question was written would make the author of the test "fail" and not be able to vote.
This test was written by someone who doesn't know how to write.
I thought it just meat writer every other word and every third word.
so it'd be, 2 4 6 8 9(C) 10 12
Looks like a kikebook in this thread.. "90% will fail, can YOU solve the prblem?"
24 is wrong. It has to have symmetrical letters so it looks the same printed backwards and forwards.
>Draw a line under the last word in this line
This has to be american
25 is suppose to be "Paris in the the spring"
So you would have failed
10 minutes... Well, I wouldn't have made it either.
basically start five circles from the same point so that the arcs are all cotangent
Why make this thread again? It was fun I guess, but it doesn't really have a place on Sup Forums. Also, we never got any confirmation that this test was ever even real.
>the average cock sucking europoor would fail
Draw a line around the shortest word means a box, not a circle. You're supposed to put two circles BELOW the fucking sentence and then another circle inside one.
Yeah, I think I do support literacy tests. Only about 5% of the populace would be able to vote. Maybe only .5% over in illiterate Europe.
the letter, 'a' in the word, 'alphabet'
Damnit I guess I missed one.
#13 you marked out every number, but the instructions at the top if you read them, state you are to do no more and no less than explicitly stated in the question. So, that's another one.
oh, you also missed #8 and #9.
>draw a line around word
>crosses it out instead
sorry user
This seems like something made to find a way to fail you either way.
The whole test is fucked up but that's just... pure evil. I'm guessing that if you were actually functionally illiterate you'd be more likely to notice that "the" repeats. If you're literate you do not process words one at a time, your brain grasps entire sentences at once. The brain makes guesses and simplifies to make that process quicker.
hmm what you say seems reasonable, but how did they get from that to "that one common interlocking part"
All Americans should be required to pass the US Citizenship Test in order to register to vote. If you're 30-something years old and you don't know what the fucking branches of the US government are called or what the first ten amendments are, or the process by which a bill becomes a law, or a fucking middle school level understanding of US history... you shouldn't be allowed to fucking vote
Holy shit are you guys mentally challenged?
Especially this guy.
You take it and show you aren't mentally challenged.
In reality the test is designed to be ambiguous so you can fail some people whatever their answer is.
>draw a line around
dont you mean draw a circle?
Nah, we need legitimate, reasonable literacy/basic political knowledge tests. It'd be just as effective.
L fao a is not a fucking word you failed nigger
noticed i made a mistake at the 11th
oh well
>connection error while posting
>Circle the (first), first letter of the (a)lphabet in this line
Now that's a good one
>can't upload the 3rd page for some reason because it says connection error while posting
what in the fuck
How do you draw a line around something?
Yeah but they ought to be worded a bit better
"first, first letter" should be "first instance of the first letter"
Maybe it means "around" in the sense of "near", rather than "enclosing"? So you just draw a line near the number 1. But I agree, that's confusing.
And you fail because you started sucking cock in the middle of the test, when the test said you couldn't do that. Also you started letting niggers pound your moms asshole so that's another one
These are all terribly worded and designed to fail you because of how badly they're worded.
what's up with question 5?
>Circle the first, first letter of the alphabet in this line.
Why not just say:
>Circle the first letter of the alphabet in this line?
Are they looking for two circles in that question? One circle around the "a" in alphabet, and another circle around the first "first"?
Your reformulation could be interpreted as
>circle every "a"
But then again, many of those questions fall victim to this problem. In my opinion hey want you to circle the first "a" you read.
not even surprised.
>murkan educayshon
i noticed how you didn't even bother attempting to answer the question lol.
so much for british education
Okay, I think I get now what they're asking.
They want you to circle the letter "a" in the sentence.
But not ALL "a"s, just the first "a" that shows up. There are two "a"s in the sentence, both in the word "alphabet".
Lol, these questions really need some rewording to be more clear in what they're asking.
>Circle the first, first letter of the alphabet in this line.
I'm pretty sure that's not even grammatically correct.
the circles are drawn so that all arcs bisect each other
This thread either proves that this test is bullshit or Sup Forums really is full of niggers.
it's not, but it's still possible to break down it's meaning through trial and error.
so if you just rewrote the sentence:
>Circle the first letter in this sentence
then it would be "C" in "Circle"
If you rewrote it to
>Circle the first letter of the alphabet in this sentence.
then there would be two circles, a circle for each instance of "a" in the sentence (alphabet has two "a"s, hence two circles total)
>Circle the first, first letter of the alphabet in this line.
Which then means that the question only wants the FIRST INSTANCE of the first letter in the alphabet, so... they just want one "a" circled, the first "a" that appears.
The question vague, yes, but maybe that's on purpose.
this test is all trick questions.
#1 the line should be some type of polygon enclosing the numeral 1, as in geometry a line doesn't have curvature.
#3 cross out seems to mean two intersecting lines through the word "longest"
#4 same thing, polygon encloses the indefinite article "a"
#5 the letter A is the first, first letter of the alphabet in the line. only one circle
#12 the line should not have any curvature, only two right angles
#13 the answers are correct but you didn't use two intersecting lines to cross out the numbers
this whole test is designed to make people fail.
I don't know if it's because English isn't my native language but I struggle to understand what the fuck they want in #29. I'm especially confused by what the fuck they mean with "print every third word"
I'm a native English speaker and it makes pretty much no sense to me. They are intentionally designed to make people fail.
>Circle the first, first letter of the alphabet in this line.
This is grammatically correct. The answer is "A"
If the question had been, "circle the first, third letter of the alphabet, then the answer'd be "c"
bump for correct answers
Write means to do it in cursive, print means write in block letters.
...cause the dash don't be...Jesus H. Christ. Niggers...this is just depressing.
This person doesn't represent all of us. Are you a dreamer?
Alright, thanks, that makes sense. Still confused about the "every other word" part. Especially considering the answer of the user I originally linked to. I know "every other" mainly from phrases like "every other day" - alternating between doing shit and not doing it. Does the same apply here, or could it have been understood differently?
Because fuck, this whole test seems like pure fucking evil.
>Still confused about the "every other word" part.
you would print, "other, this, and, third andsame" then you would write the remaining words in cursive.
>draw a number around the number or letter of this sentence
what do they mean by "the number or letter"
there's a lot of letters in that sentence
"number OR letter". Opt for the number as there is only one of them.
Dey raycis
But they could still choose to mark this wrong either way.
the sentence starts at Draw
and even then "the" denotes that the specified number or letter is known prior to the sentence
Stupid nigger, the first word starting with L is "Louisiana"