James Damore is suing Google for discriminating against white men.
James Damore is suing Google for discriminating against white men.
why no posts OP? is this getting slided?
Some details listed here:
I'm reading this and this is crazy. How deep is this going to go?
umm white men can't be discriminated against, sweetie
Should we help with #DiversityAtGoogle?
the size of that man's nose
Well I have adblock running and won't be using Google anymore. Spread the message is what we can do and stop the sliding.
Haha, it's class-action, too.
Get fucked, Jewgle. Shame it took a Jew like Damore to get this thing rolling, but I'll take what I can get.
This is what you get for drinking the Kool-Aide.
Why is he so pathetic. Wah wah they is discriminating! Fucking cuck.
I guess a high IQ means that you rationalize yourself into performing stupid decisions.
he's a fucking hwaite male what did he expect
Stay mad, Goygle employee, you're getting your asshole sued for millions.
Do we know anything about the law group?
Can't sue if it's all in cryto funny money. Most old fuck lawyers wouldn't even know where to start looking.
>cryto funny money
What are you talking about?
Keep bumping then
The funny thing is, is that he'll win.
He's got a stronger zeal and has suffered more for it.
Here, Google fucked themselves over.
dsmore works for the fed
Google has fuck you money though, they can drag out lawsuits for years. Not sure if Damore can take that financial strain.
Uh, these cunts are literally worse than nazis
"Google shooter" incidents when?
>Google has fuck you money though
If he continues to stay in the limelight. They'll lose their "don't be evil" status. If internally they are this fascist with their beliefs than why would any consumer trust them with all their personal data.
They're going to use the fuck you money to pay him out and make this go away. I read through a good portion of the case and it seems pretty solid to me. If you just replace white male with black woman, you can see it's a grand slam with how flagrant google & their employees are towards white men.
I want to grab this kike by his giant nose and shake his head violently
> that filename
top kek m8
So what? Damore did nothing wrong. And he is doing more to bring down Google than you.
Its a suicide but we must try to help him. He's /OurGuy/.
We must create the James Damore General to discuss tactics and sheit.
Like the sky news title saying that the doc was sexist. He can sue them now.
Have you even READ the lawsuit? There's enough evidence that Google is guilty, it's a guaranteed fat paycheck for his lawyers. They'd be idiots not to see this through.
gallery of choice google liberal disease in action. the amount of racism is insane.
What even is this..?
wtf am i reading
As someone who is liberal, I hate seeing people try to spin this story as anti diversity. It's obvious this guy isnt a racist or a sexist pig. I'm all for diversity but when it's forced, it's horrible. I support this guy and hate the intersectional feminism side of liberalism, the regressive left is killing any sensible liberal imo. It's kinda like when Tim Allen got fucked over for being conservative, is the left really trying to propagate no wrong think? That's rhetorical.
Topkek, have a (you) for Sup Forums humor.
Will he win?
>that nose
he isnt white
They'll settle and he'll get the shekels he needs for his startup. This shit is always anticlimatic af
Until the case sees a Jewish or other non-White judge and they go full Talmud on how it isn't discrimination if it's against Whites.
Faggots (((google))) , gonna $$$ pay ! (;
Good fight , and good luck user.
ROFL these people are so mentally twisted its funny.
>wont talk about differences in race tho lol what are you racist?
the absolute state of skeptics
Yeah I expect this to happen. If that's the case I don't see why they wouldn't escalate the case further to even the supreme court. If they slap this down, it sets a massive precedent.
Fuck off no one likes you boomer
Odds on favorite. Go get'em kid !
What is hilarious about this is the absolutely retarded employment laws California has created to protect all their vibrant diversity and shit are now being weaponized in the lawsuit.
Its in State court so the chain of escalation is pretty long.
Isn't this guy a Jew?
gonna b tough since he isn't white
I strongly recommend all anons to read this filing, it's absolutely chilling. I didn't realise things were THIS bad.
Based big nose, this will pull such a shitstorm.
Surname is Italian.
Peter Thiel might be funding it, I can't remember where I read that though. It's the kind of thing he'd do.
>suing google with a fuckload of proofs
>financial strain
Pretty sure lawyers would fight over such cases, not only it's awesome promotion but there are a shitload of shekels at the end of the road.
Gotta root for him. Fuck Jewgle.
>tfw you realize google is more mentally insane than god's programmer terry davis
No one is really sure, he has the nose but no other features and his family looks like Italian Roman Catholic. Could be Jewish still, but no proof.
>Meme flag
only retards insist on fighting fair when the enemy doesn't
Nose can be italian also lol
Courts don't care about discrimination against whites
Not sure the suit will go anywhere. Aren't most google employees still white males? Hard to claim discrimination because of that. Political affiliation isn't a protected class that can be discriminated against in the eyes of the law afaik.
Just... how
>trying to outjew this guy
google goofed
>Im a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin user
aka a fat fucking whale
What does it mean to identify as something sexually? I can understand identifying as a cat, on some level at least, but why must it be a gender? And how fucking mental do you have to be to seriously say "yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin" is a gender?
I hope he wins, I fucking hate jewggle
> Should we link to academic results that may support incorrect stereotypes?
Is that an obese woman, or a man with actual tits?
If he get a million, this could snowball.
whats his endgame, a win or settlement?
this meme will never not be funny
I remember that gif having more colors in it originally
And how it was published after being (((redacted)))?
fucking sounds like a left wing hellhole
maybe staying in the defense industry is a good idea
>Hi, I'm a yellow-scaled expansive ornate wingless building dragonkin
w-welcome a-aboard...
I am AMAZED how the media is treating Mr. Damore. They are calling the memo the "anti diversity memo" and the "misogynistic memo", but then don't speak about the actual content of the memo.
Now with the lawsuit they pull fucking numbers and don't know how to interpret them.
>60% of googles employees are white males. HURR DUURR
>Discrimination impossible .
>How can a WHITE MALE be discriminated against?. Fucking CNN.
I don't want to believe there is a grand conspiracy pushing a single narrative, I think most people are just dumb. But lately I just see this big push for a political echo chamber, with a complacent and "woke" base that destroy everything they don't agree with.
telling people to get out of the workspace during reunions based on sex gender, and shaming tactics of the urss is not racism at all.
the lawyer can receive as much as 20% of the lawsuit, i an quite sure someone is willing hell i an willing to work 20 years for that. chose me jew kun!!
Holyshit, this is terrible.
Godspeed, former google-engineer-guy.
I think this might be it.
If you can get a Jewish tech guy to prove that Google discriminated against him because of the color of his skin and his gender...
Hoo boy.
We got to help this guy. This is big.
Good, it needs to be done, you know, for equality. Hopefully this will be successful, set precedent, and the concept gain momentum and be taken seriously. I cannot be the only one around here that has lost out on employment, or passed over for a change in position or promotion, to a less qualified person (woman, minority, alien).
good thing he is a jew, sue them for anti semitism this entire thing is a jewish farce screencap this so you don't get disappointed later
>he is a jew
i would love of he was jwish, they would be shamming the most exclusive group on earth.
You gotta be shitting me? Look at the size of his shnoz
>when you stop someone from speaking at a panel because they're a white male you will feel really fucking smug, the only guilt you should feel is for the woman you've given a massive career boost too because it might make her nervous
Google will pay. It's just money. They need to learn that living in left-fantasyland has monetary consequences. The sooner the better.
I'm deeply opposed to antidiscrimination laws on principle, but there's no winning here unless you play by their rules.
It was filed in California, it won't get anywhere.
i agree racism causes the same thing, if th usa kept descriminating black people usa would not be soo big nowdays.