
If whites are the superior race, then why do Jews always outsmart, manipulate, and control white people? If Jews control everything, then why does Sup Forums exist?

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Because there are always whites willing to make a deal with the devil

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But if whites are superior, then they should know they are dealing with a Jew and know to stay away. So why don't they?

Money and power. Is it really that hard to understand?

No, this is a legitimate question. I have no affiliation.

Whites shouldn't be motivated by money and power, if they know the Jews will outsmart them and control them.

>muh jew mindset
>implying they have different brain biology than other humans

In every country the Jews have been in, they have brought wealth and prosperity.

It comes from empathy you fucking oaf. eg, Hitler could have easily sewn up WWII at Dunkirk, but he didn't because empathy got in the way.
How it works is that we all play the same game, but not everyone uses the same rules. Jews pick and choose what rules they want to use and can justify them with pilpul. But of course you know that already or there would be no reason to use a meme (((flag))).

tl;dr gas yourself coward.

>muh empathy

Empathy is what stops your parents from kicking you out of the basement..

Their not. Jews are master Race!

Is this true?


>they constantly got exiled
lol, nice try.

>mother has not exiled me from basement

But aren't Ashkenazi mixing with Sephardic Jews a lot in Israel? I'm fairly sure in the US intermarriage with non-Jews is high now.

Yeah. Many israelis marry a non-jewish russian women too.

R.I.P master-race, then?

>haha you jealous white ppl
>we invaded you
>vid related

honestly forgive me for not being upset at your tactics


ITT: Faggots make up shit about "muh empathy" and the likes, ignoring they lack said empathy and white Colonialism took advantage of the empathy of other peoples to enslave and murder them. "Empathy", lel.

Just because Jews are a little smarter doesn't make them benevolent.

are you jewish? I don't care, I just came here to troll.

I guess. but fuck it. i'll probably end up with a russian woman as well. they are the best.

go back to bed or else I'll tell your mom that you're committing political outrages again.

Whites never were the superior race

>implying holocaust has been accurately portrayed
>implying that Nazi Germany,known for efficiency would use gas chambers who even today are a slow long term proccess to genocide a race when shooting them to the bullet would be faster and more efficient
>and implying the deaths were not majority due to disease and famine

>he fell for Sup Forums holohoax memes
>he thinks dehumanization isn't an important part of an ethnic cleansing

Eh, can't expect much from an Eastern European. That alcohol really fucks with their mental development.

Interesting. Saved

anime is degenerate. The Holocaust killed six million. The Holocaust has much evidence behind it.

Did i say that the holocaust never haopend?
Hitler didnt mention to genocide the jews in his book.
And pretty weird how the gas chambers were horribly made with wooden doors when today the execution gas chambers have pretty tight vault doors

Die nigger

How are they any better than Jewish women? Russian women are materialistic as fuck and have overly round heads. And I imagine elite Ashkenazi Jews won't be inclined to mix. But maybe not and this will be the downfall of Jews. Or then again, as long as both people have high IQ then I suppose it wouldn't really matter if only one is Jewish.

>hitler didn't mention it in his book!
>thinks that's an argument
>he repeats the wooden door meme

Damn, did both your mother AND grandmother drink while pregnant?

If it has evidence,why is it illegal to say that it was fake in european countries? You can say many things such as the queen being a lizard and that the EU government is controlled by the NWO. But the Holocaust?! Hide the children! Arrest that man!

> this faggot doesn't know about seals and airflow

u r a tard

who said anything about being superior? Just love your race OP.

>implying those doors were air tight.

It's not illegal to investigate or question it. It's illegal to make false denial statements in public under hate speech laws under the pretext of inciting hatred and spreading falsehoods.

Classic Sup Forums meme. You really don't try, do you? Maybe switch to beer from moonshine.

>if it has evidence

what is it in this sentence

Nice ad-hominem.
You clearly have nothing to say and result to personal attacks

You have yet to supply us with an argument.

Ethics. Specifically, lack thereof.

It's not illegal to deny in the US. Where's the groundbreaking proof in the US that all of the documents and historians are false, then?

slovene go home

You too retard

jim where are you

calling internet aristocrat aka mister metokur aka jim81jim aka gamesmegood

i need you jim

>I don't believe documents and pictures showing gassings and showing Jews but I trust infographics without sources on Sup Forums

Jews reject the concept of the individual from day one. They violently harm and sexually mutilate their male children within 3 days of birth to prove as much.

Every Jewish male subconsciously knows his cock belongs not to him, but to the collective. He rejects his own father to the point of demanding a matrilineal ancestry.

Already refuted your "can't question it" meme.

Your other argument wasn't actually one. It was you making shit up then saying we won't debate your lie...

>the sky is purple!
>no, it's not....
>haha you won't debate me, checkmate!

and showing jews murdered*

nigga what this is the most autistic shit i've read all day

>why do Jews always outsmart, manipulate, and control white people
jews are superior at deception
>if Jews control everything, then why does Sup Forums exist?
They can't censor EVERYTHING, that would be too blatant. This is probably an FBI / CIA / NSA / ... honeypot anyway.

>gassing makes them become stick men
>thinks moving corpses that died from disease and famine to small rooms isnt possible
>thinks shaving their heads were for collecting their hair and not to exterminate diseases and clean them to prevent infections
>he thinks those jewish stories how a man was forced to eat dog poop and had his dick stretched to oblivion
>he thinks Anne Frank wrote majority of that dairy

Can I get a quick rundown on the pitfalls of round heads?

You're all over the place, drunk boy. You're just spewing memes now and hoping they stick....

>muh lice meme
Lice detox levels are higher than human CD50

>muh opinion books
Those aren't used as historical data

>Anne Frank
Nobody thinks that

hahahahaha. Don't you have some more ethanol to guzzle?

>Russian women are materialistic
*women are materialistic.
My only sympathy for the Jews is due to their insane women. Israel is the feminist capital of the world after all. Who knows, if we had to put up with them, maybe we would torture, bleed out, and murder thousands of little children every year just like the Jews do.

If you hate the Jews so much, why do you deny the Holocaust. Wouldn't you wanted it to have happened?

Make up your mind, dumbass.

Not all were gassed, by the way, you retard.

You can't defeat a high IQ ethnic group that also happens to have an abnormal amount of inbred neuroticism.

>muh 6 gorillion

>its a nazi goy

>he's still posting memes

I wonder why you cherry-picked these ones and not the other 5000 mentions of the actual numbers?...

>masturbation machines

Fuck off, shareblue. We've answered this 500 times.

>anus vacuum sucking machines

Doesn't count as a source

Guy looks like a Kraut.

Wtf is this

Why do you believe in these lies?


What is the meaning of this? How does this relate at all?

Just because a few lunatics lied doesn't mean anything else about the holocaust is a lie. Historians don't count the words of the people you mentioned as truth. Are you actually going to debunk anything any time soon?

>pictures cant be forged

>he says posting forged pictures
Just leave. I'm sure your fetal alcohol syndrome brother needs a diaper change.

It's called Photoshop, faggot.

So I started this thread to troll them, but are all of the people on this board really that stupid?

The jews are organizers. The one thing they are masters at is organization.

>truth does not fear investigation

The proof is called: An understanding of basic maths.

Different brain chemistry is racial and genetic, user. There are slightly different chemical ratios between groups. Also major ones between people with certain mental conditions

Ya, pretty much. The holocaust deniers post the same 500 debunked images over and over, call anyone who points out their idiocy a shill, then spam their folder to derail the thread while saying "lalalalala I can't hear you"

Welcome to Sup Forums

Then they do this. They'll have you explain to them how the Holocaust went, bit by bit, exhausting you until you leave.

He did supply you with an argument and you caslled it a meme

Neck yourself

Memes aren't arguments, sweetie.

>If you hate the Jews so much, why do you deny the Holocaust. Wouldn't you wanted it to have happened?
Saying it didn't happen doesn't mean we don't want it to. lmao

>media unironicly posts articles how holocaust is gaining more victims and survivors as it became genetic and now passable down to the children

>all of these german documents are fake cuz i say so. my non-sourced non-peer-reviewed infographics are the truth

you guy can't even provide solid theorys, let alone evidence to counteract actual physical evidence.

Jews literally tell the morons here what to think. It's incredibly easy for them to plant thought worms that you morons run with.

Why else would a board that claims to be filled with white supremacists support Israel? The_Donald invaded this place and their kikes are running it now. Just enjoy the trolling because that's all it's good for now.

what is it with you people and Anne Frank

I've never heard, read or saw so much Anne fucking Frank in my life since i've been on Sup Forums

whoops didn't mean to quote that poster. but all solid documents in the link.

>even more forgery?
>i thought it was real!

It's a weak "point" to attack because small children don't know that it was compiled and edited before publication. Not much more to it.

This was fun. This is why you people will never be taken seriously.

But...If it happened, you guys should be praising Hitler and Nazis, not denying what a Nazi would call one of the achievements of the Reich.

>Then they do this. They'll say the nazis fed, transported and kept Jews Hydrated all so they could gas them and later burn 6 gorillion bodies with their ovens that defy the laws of thermodynamics.

There have been at least thousands of genocides throughout history. Why are Jews the only ones to turn theirs into a profit? Isn't it disrespectful to make money off the suffering of your kin?

>still doesn't know how dehumanization works

>.If it happened
If it happened there would not be a single Jew of German origin left. "Holocaust" was in no way an attempt to genocide.

in my experience most whites play by the rules and have a sense of morality and honor, this causes way less manipilation tricks and the fucking over of other people for self gain

Have you guys seen this?

>muh dehumanization
>thinks Germans liked Jews and Hitler needed a reason to put them in camps to kill them so the solution was to put them in camps and kill them so he could dehumanize them enough to put them in camps to kill them.

Of course we do we've watched you use it against the Nazis since we where popped out of our mom's cunny. You use the term like it's bad. I'll never understand that.
>Your use of our techniques are evil.

You are a dumbass. There is proof.

>"Holocaust" was in no way an attempt to genocide.
hitler foretelling it:

himmler admits holocaust is occurring:

oh, and not all were gassed, retard.

where are the bodies?