Why destroy your heritage in favour of modernism?
what will you tell your children when they ask you "what existed before the lifestyle devoid of life"?
Why, Europe?
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fucking germans. god has an especially cruel plan for them. I'm sure.
>for ((lignite))
> in favour of modernism
Jobs > 100 year old church
as long as there are germans living, we can still build churches
it isn't like the church is going to be replaced by a mosque or shopping center
>tearing down 1 church
>destroying heritage of Europe
there are thousands of similar bulidings in europe
Still a shame but yeah I reckon there's another 10 within walking distance.
Fuck Christcucks anyway.
Good thing hundreds are being destroyed in France, so we can build mosques and social housing for all the refugees.
Last count in early 2017 reported 38 destroyed, 313 to go.
We need new asylum homes. That building was in the way and nobody will need it in the future.
History and heritage must be torn down and scattered to the winds to make way for the new order.
Gotta make room for the Mosques.
>it isn't like the church is going to be replaced by a mosque
meanwhile the fucking catholics build this abomination (pic related) in my town. A giant catholic church in the most atheist region of Germany (we have literally only 4% catholics in our city) right next to the glorious historic town hall.
The only positive thing about it? It's at least not a mosque.....
Wish I lived there. Would have saved some stained glass.
>as long as there are germans living, we can still build churches
No cuck, you can`t, that is a piece of history. When is destroyed is destroyed.
If there are not christians to go to churches, those buildings can still be used as community centers, libraries, hell, even shops or pubs as long as the building is well preserved.
One building at the time.
everything that was built was built over something that was there before it
get over yourself you stupid niggers
Because paying (((subsidies))) to a failing (((coal industry))) will do that to your country.
This is part of North Rhine-Westphalia's de-europeanization.
The final nail will be the destruction of the Cologne Cathedral in the name of (((peace))), staring the final phase of the german diaspora.
It's called creative destruction and it has been spreaded all around the world by neoliberals who are the exact same trash as marxists.
those monoblocks make me wonder if that's actually Germany or some city in Eastern Russia
the Martin Church in Sablé-sur-Sarthe was demolished some months ago to build a PARKING LOT
what's in the mind of your politicians, François?
Apparently that same 1000+ year old village was almost completely destroyed some years ago to build a coal pit
>mfw its literally being replaced with a mosque and "Islamic community center"
You would not have found any. This church was build only in 1888.
Still as shame, though.
as a catholic even i take offence to that eyesore
please tell me they didn't actually destroy that?
completed in 1888. In construction since 12xx.
"We had large beautiful castles, but since the negroid couldn't build them, we had to tear them down for 'equality'. Now, time for morning prayer."
It is in the former East Berlin disctricts. Berlin-Marzahn, to be exact.
So, yeah. Basically this still is somewhere in the USSR.
post 2nd Vatican council Catholicism is way too cucked, even more than Protestants
the Church has been corrupted a long time ago. Inside it, it runs rampant homosexuality and paedophilic orgies
I don't stop being Catholic because of the decadency of the Institution. Even more, it's a motivation to take action
holy shit
I've built nice looking houses on the sims 2
and the building tools on the sims 2 aren't even that great
it's an old game by now
I've actually done better
I should have been a fucking architect
I refered to , not the Cathedral in Cologne.
What? No, not yet. but as things go, you will see it destroyed in your lifetime.
Fucking decadent jew basterds ruining western civilization
>Why destroy your heritage
>magical sandnigger in space
What? Tear down every fucking desert-cult building and discover our past's holy site's. That is the main goal.
Christianity is a founding reason Europe and the world are in such a shitstorm in the first place. Love thy neighbour my ass. Gas all christians.
do you retards want to live in stone hutts built by your ancestors?
there is absolutely no difference
Soon. Then the Milan Cathedral. Because they all represent oppressive symbols of the patriarchy that make my Muslim neighbors upset.
They should've rebuilt the pre war church properly or used this space as a park. That looks fucking ugly, if it weren't for the cross that could be mistaken for a mall or an offce building
Also, this is now a Varg-thread.
Drop your Varg's.
>The architects Schulz und Schulz, who won a competition for the new building, were awarded a prize for the "Religious building of the year" at the World Architecture Festival 2016.[5]
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
Modernism is the new heritage.
That is disgusting. They are no better than ISIS rampaging in a museum.
There's nothing wrong with real christians. Especially orthodox. But all you've ever seen is nu-christianity, because that's all that exists here.
And while I would like for people to celebrate our pagan roots, it's completely unrealistic.
Hello cumdrinker.
stop misusing possessives
lol might as well be a model. it's only 100-something years old, too.
This has nothing to do with ordinary Germans. We have no power in this matter, sadly. Our government is not on our side.
They are tearing it down to mine coal. Nothing to do with mosques.
Jewish Freemason here. There is no room for divisive ethnic, cultural or national affiliations in the new world order. Goy are all the same. Both in looks and in spirit. And they all believe in science, the universal religion of the Jew... I mean New World Order(tm).
Here is what was on the achitect/mayor's mind: this is a modern shaped structure that will not invade the landscape, will cost less and prove to be adaptative. And a nice tower with a futurist look.
Yeah. Anyway the building behind is so much better than that, you can't help but stare at that horror because this sin't actually 'modern' or 'futurist' it just stands out by its poor architecture. plus it's forced as it wasn't needed. Even if if it was needed that would still be a shame
there is a difference between a shitskin and a muslim. Shitskins can be christian too, you know.
A church that doesn't look like one, hiding the Christian culture so as to not upset the new arrivals.
yeah, that's exactly what is this building: functional. If it was an office or a mall, you would say: eh, it's ugly it it gets shit done, I don't ask more. But damn. I'm atheist but I would pay for the destruction of this building for a decent church
wow, sums up the current political situation perfectly.
The pre war church your are referring to is another one. It's pic related on the area of the university.
Another church nobody wanted or needed that was built in the last 10 years....
Holy shit, the inside is even more Godless
It's so fucking awful
I thought American Zio-Prots were clown school Christianity, but European Protestantism is an even bigger cancer than I could imagine. They literally take their crosses down so as not to offend the Muslims. I would say your best bet is to continue being Christian but abandon the local churches, which are now filled with liars and moneychangers.
I don't think you need to abandon your pagan roots either. There's nothing wrong with a rustic martial Christianity. Strength and community.
lol even for Germany that's taking things far. I wonder if the architects that voted for that at the festival were primarily self loathing Christians or if they were just jews jewing about.
Don't ask us ask (((them)))
hello foreskin licker.
There's no money to make in restoration compared to building a new ugly one.
>Why destroy your heritage in favour of modernism?
Not in favour of modernism, but in favour of mining ultra toxic brown coal that lies directly beneath the surface there. They scrape away the whole landscape. This is heavily disputed, but the state has the right to disown people if it's "for the common good" and if they pay compensation.
>My fucking side.
couldnt the public have raised money to move this?
pic unrelated
I get that to Americans a 100 year old building is left over from ancient history
But in Europe buildings aren't made of plasticine. My parents' house is older than that church. Fuck it.
cathocucks are pathetic.
leftist yurotrash should try to demolish a mosque and just watch and see what happens.
literally their followers would jihad after jihad and pinko swine getting exterminated left and right
but these cathocucks, theyre so weak and unable to organize theyre litterally begging to have their shit plundered and demolished
germany is protestant
islamic within a generation
Doesn't seem very progressive to me
not every Christian is like that nowadays, but I agree our religion is overflowing with humanist retards, i am a Christian and hate sandniggers and jews, Christianity has been corrupted by the semitic spirit from the middle east... Paul of Tartus was a LYING JEW, not all prophets are in fact so...
this is worse than i thought
no pictures of Saints or Jesus
thats not even a christian Cross, its a random cross
>holy shit
>I'm undefeated on World of Warcraft
>and the game isn't even that great
>it's an old game by now
>for you
>I've actually done better
>I should have been a fucking warrior in real life
looks like a synagog to me.
Fuck it, tear down Stonehenge and the pyramids too
there's a middle ground between doing whats good for the economy and sacrificing heritage.
I had a dream about that design. Strange
its the same design on a poo-in-loo's flag
it's an anus
youre just gay and dreaming of poop holes.
Dude, you kinda need a introduction to protestantism.
Well we all know Protestants can't into aesthetics, the point is that it doesn't look like any normal Catholic church interior.
Just because it's a church doesn't mean it is old or an architectural masterpiece. Europe has better Cathedrals than what you posted. Anyway why would you want old boring building when you can race to the sky? You wouldn't have epic views such as pic related without modernism.
>There's nothing wrong with real christians. Especially orthodox.
Soulless icon worshiping heretics. Like niggers they worship shiny objects.
More of my country. The greatest country when it comes to modern architecture.
Meanwhile you just get butthurt over modern architecture. Just lol at you!
how have they fucked your minds so effectively, german?
you don't have to answer that, it just never ceases to amaze just how fucked up and illogical and spiritually retarded you are now. it is truly saddening.
when you destroy your history, it never comes back. only a fool would suggest that anything of this caliber is being built today. your future historic landmarks will look like they came from ikea.
39-45 was the physical destruction of germany.
45-the present day has been the spiritual and ethnic destruction of the german people. the latter is arguably more painful to witness than the former would have been. we have to watch as the light of the civilized world is shriveled up and sucked dry; robbed of its dignity and will to live in slow motion.
opinion discarded
They like Nietzsche and Marx cock. There is not fixing such degeneracy.
they needed space for a new mosque, duh
Gotta make more space for mosques and rapefugee containers.
sven, yes!
religion is evil you filthy goyim
it is only holding you back from experiencing your base desires
just wait till oil is out, your city will go back to desert my arab friendo
First i need to make a statement that all modern architecture and those bullshit variants that are all the same thing are ugly.
After this, i can point out that during those 2000 years of Christianity, temples where build in several different ways, following trends from their time.
I could imagine some folk complaining about the use of roman revival in churches, or even Byzantium revival back in time when some of the most beautiful examples of those trends where used to build temples.
It's 2017+1 and people are building churches with our ugly ass architecture. Nothing outside the "normal".
Hope you guys understand my point, and don't make personal attacks.
>tacky modern skyline with no soul
>in mudshit culture no less
nigga dubai is just vegas except you can't drink.
your government has not been your own since 1945.
>that "cross"
the church of POZ