Same site that August Ames was on.
Same site that August Ames was on.
Other urls found in this thread:
Good, one less degenerate porn star
Probably those big black cocks fucked their brains out, stay jelly little whitboi
>a bong went and posted this on Sup Forums
Oh how far we have fallen for you to even consider this action you took to be appropriate.
Post pics of BBC
I wonder who she had dirt on...
Charlie Sheen had Chloe Jones wacked like 10 years ago.
>dead pron star
Good, I see no drawbacks to this turn of events.
>women who go into an industry where they degrade themselves on camera for millions to see for quick cash without considering the long-term personal consequences tend to be mentally unstable
Yes, but who keeps killing these whores and why? Its like in Watchmen where Rorschach keeps investigating the death of some piece of shit because he senses something larger and more sinister is afoot.
>In April, her boyfriend committed suicide, a month after she started acting in pornographic films
That's tragic man. You can write a novel about this story.
maybe she is playing dead
August Ames killed herself because the internet basically bullied her into it.
As for this one and future ones, it's not really a mystery. Drug use is EXTREMELY common in the porn industry, so it's not far fetched that a whore ODs every now and then.
Unironically, tone down the foil hat a bit.
Also, this should be a clue.
Oops, forgot pic
Okay, that "big black cock" thing is a myth. All porn actors with big cocks rely on penile implants and pumps (either an external Austin Powers type or a separate implant) to create the illusion they naturally have big penises.
These implants create larger phalluses, but most of the time the penises are distorted in appearance and the men who have it report loss of sensation.
"How can white boys even compete?" White boys are usually the surgeons doing the operations and own the implant manufacturers.
Good. One less roastie to roast in an oven.
Example of internal pump implant
Jack the ripper 2.0?
For real?
What a waste...
Boyfriends of porn stars are so fucking broken. I always remember KagneyLinn Carter's boyfriend in the Louis Theroux documentary Twilight of the Porn Stars. He was so fucking dead and hurt inside, no wonder these guys top themselves.
Sad but it dawns on these girls that no one will ever love them after what they’ve done.
FPBP. Any woman that delves into porn are degenerates. Pornstars will usually have 50-100 different DNA of males in their body so if they have children chances are it will chimp out.
damn that's rough
A serial killer hunting within the porn industry? Wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
the question remains why do they keep dying on the same site is it haunted
Some Hollywood Jew is probably going to base a porn around this now.
yeah seriously??
her God punished fornication
they often escort.
maybe somebody is cleaning up.
your insecurity is showing
the psychologically brutal consequence of suicide is that it gives the survivors the message that a person would be rather dead than alive with them.
It's owned by the same Jew that owns BLACKED. That should tell you something
Fucking disturbing that people let someone chop their dick open, insert a fucking balloon in it and put a fucking pump inside their balls. Holy shit we need to kill everyone in the healthcare industry. Shit is far gone.
Its kinda to be expected though. Some fathers will just deal with their kids choices but others will be more hard and remove all contact. Often this is done out of love because they want them on the right course but its hard for someone like her to see that. Second being that obvi no real guy who wants to settledown or any good guy wants a pornstar. Its a bit over kill when Sup Forums says no good guy wants a girl whos had sex before but NO ONE other than sleezy horndogs would want to be with a woman like this. Like imagine this convo
>"Hey honey how was your day?"
>"It was pretty good, shot a scene for BLACKED.COM where we from fetish porn for cucks and black guys then headed over to get fucked by a chad on vixen who's double your size lol. How was your day btw?"
That's fucking shameful for any man to have to deal with it and since its a choice men have they choose not to. But anyway that's probably why she was alone on christmas of all days and probably why he killed herself. This isn't counting all the drugs that make you feel like you have no soul that get passed around in that industry which like this sweden said here is very common
And, quite literally, nothing of value was lost.
kek the illusion of this faggot
do you think people over 7 inches don't exist?
is vixen /ourporn/? hear me out. we know theyre shit humans. but we also know we need mediums of exchange. make the fleshmoney and then into the mobile incinerator it goes.
Honestly, a white knight's love is not the same as a mans love. Big part of a mans love is having the will and guts to enforce some semblance of boundaries for the womans own good if she goes too far astray.
Nodding along to this kind of madness used to get you in trouble with other men in old times, and you can't help but feel like they were on to something desu
>porn Jews are triggered
Fake dick faggots
Sanjay the Dripper
>something larger and more sinister is afoot
So long and thanks for all the fish.
>called him a jew so i won the argument
you don't leave your house very often do you
also big dicks aren't that rare. specially when 60% of the pornstars are below 5'4 and it makes the cock even bigger.
>In April, her boyfriend committed suicide, a month after she started acting in pornographic films
do you have to pump the nutsack like a Nike shoe to get an erection? wouldn't that be a turn off / dead giveaway that you were F2M?
Simple. Those porn stars are usually gals in the parties of top jews.
She was hot and didn’t fuck niggers. A real loss this time.
>In April, her boyfriend committed suicide, a month after she started acting in pornographic films
Oh no no no no
8” dicks are rare. I know. I have one.
I got 55cm myself
i'm only 15cm (6 inches) and women never said i'm small, and i'm 184cm tall so it doesn't help either.
best selling dildos are actually below 7'.
you're dutch so you're probably 9 feet tall so pretty small i guess.
My dick is 16 in. I carryy it around in a dunkin doughnuts box taped around the outside the zipper of my jeans
Are you my long lost brother?
Coalburners that do it for money are infinitely better than the ones that do it by choice especially the ones that have kids
That's actually me.
I used to jerk it out to Chloe Jones every day back in the day.
Hey, toothpaste.
Uhh.. are you a jew?
lanskys next..
No why?
My dick is 6 gorillion inches and you must NEVER FORGET IT GOYIM
nothing of value was lost
>Meme flag
Actually, I work in the healthcare industry. Everything I said is true and available online for review.
>for millions
this isn't the 1990s
the internet has destroyed the produced porn industry
the bottom fell out in 2012 and what you see today is just the remnants
that's a shame
My dad works for Nintendo
I'm naturally 9". But what's portrayed in porn is prosthetics.
Stupid whore, bf probably killed himself cause his gf was a whore. One less degenerate.
I'm in administration. Not a doctor.
>pumps (either an external Austin Powers
That's not my bag, baby
You can also cut out some parts that hepl your dick stay hard to lengthen it.
Most nogs had it done and it's the reason their dicks are never fully hard.
so shes mentally unstable AND doenst care about the finances ?
Lol should have killed herself earlier
>I'm naturally 9"
Yeah and my dad works for Nintendo and Sega
Very true. Apart from pumps, some guys have taken to using stretchers on their penises. Interns sometimes see guys in the ED with fissures and strains from these devices.
You mean another degenerate porn slut? Good, they're a disgrace. I hope this trend continues. Lefties are doing our work for us.
everybody on Sup Forums is at least 7' tall with a 11" peniseand makes >90k a year.
gtfo cocklet
Another dead whore, looks like a nigger as well, USA is a bit better now.
>Links archived thread
>She was 20
This shit is disturbing.
I'm 22 and fresh out of college, renting my own place, got a car and have good future prospects of climbing the job ladder.
I enjoy my work, lifting, playing music and hanging out with friends.
It really feels like I found "my spot" for the first time in my life and am really starting to feel like an adult while it seems like I'm an early bloomer in some of those areas. Most of my friends don't do as well as me and are not as independent even though some are as old as 26.
But even though I got to this state quickly, there is one glaring issue: Women.
Maybe I just got unlucky but women my age mostly look 5 years older than they are and it feels like they already start falling apart mentally and physically.
Just look at the girl in OPs image, you could tell me she is the mom of 3 children and I'd believe it. How are you at that mental and physical state at 20? what the fuck happened to this girl and women in general?
Whenever I go on dates the girls are either attractive and young but irresponsible and childish or they are self-sufficient and smart but look like they were just released from a 5 year tenure at a labor camp.
btw vixen and blacked belong to the same dude
Once you go black, you kill yourself in shame.
Vixen is not interracial porn
They're under constant stress.
They probably had her do a try out for blacked too since they are sister sites
Vixen has top lasses
>killing yourself over you girlfriend being a whore
Deserved it, desu
She was killed because she didn't want to fuck a nigger. (((They))) killed her as a warning to other porn stars
>Unironicallly killing yourself over this basic bitch
Did it take her 3/4 of a year for her to realize just how terrible of a mistake she made? It took her that long just to feel any empathy for her boyfriend?
You will start to witness a proliferation of suicides. Unlike previous ages of Internet porn, digital footprint now is even more haunting. It will eternally be with you. The human brain doesn't fully develop until age 26. These impulsive actions and behaviors will finally be in hindsight, when they reach of age. The stark realization of having this digital footprint will hinder any future legitimate employment and shame family & friends.
Self annihilation of souls will commence. احمدولله.
>my boyfriend killed himself too months before my birthday
It's always ME ME ME ME ME ME. No, he killed himself a month after you sold whatever vapid soul you had left. Her becoming a paid whore did him a favor to be honest with you. Unfortunately he was experiencing some severe tunnel vision and didn't see the whole picture.
*two days
What a severe typo Jesus Christ
Is it possible that jewish porn producers are sexually harassing their starlets en masse?