Weed not only makes you dumb and lazy, but also lowers your testosterone and feminizes the male body...

Weed not only makes you dumb and lazy, but also lowers your testosterone and feminizes the male body. Trust me I used to smoke all day everyday, it will stunt your growth if you’re young and turn you into an absolute soyboy. Stop smoking pot, Sup Forums

Explain niggers who blaze and are androgenic.

Also let me make it clear that marijuana SHOULD be legal. But if I see some dumbass pothead telling little kids that it’s “harmless” and it “cures cancer” I will beat the shit out of him or Atleast set him straight about the dangers of weed

Puff puff still more sucessful than you

If they started early they actually do become feminine. I know pothead niggers with high pitches voices. The thing is niggers have baboon tier testosterone levels so smoking weed doesn’t really cause that much of a difference

The "dangers" of weed? Do tell, goy.


>do tell goy
I explained it already. Shit fries your dopamine receptors and makes you unmotivated the same way fapping to porn all day does. Causes chemical imbalances in the brain. It has more tar than cigarette smoke so if you are a heavy pot smoker you will end up like tommy Chong and get cancer
I can go on and on
Also, it’s funny how leftists and Jews are the ones promoting weed to children. Yu fell for the herbal Jew

its not any worse than beer

i swear to God i will not take critisism of marijaunna smoking from anyone who drinks alcohol AT ALL

people like penn Gillette, fine, ill listen

anyone who sips the booze SHUT THE FUCK UP

I have a lot of testosterone to spare so it’s not an issue for me.

The DUDE WEED LMAO people are a cancer to society.
I dont care if you smoke. Make it legal so we can just stop hearing them bitch about it being illegal.

Weed culture is the cringiest shit ever.

Nah, i'd rather die. It's the only thing that makes this society bearable.

Weed is for fucking high school dumbasses. Drinking is for real men. Alcohol is the oldest known recreational drug. The oldest recipe book ever found was for beer. Asians and negros can’t handle their liquor so they will probably reply saying “B-BUT MUH DRUNK DRIVING”
Fuck off

Doesn't weed contain something like 4 times the amount of carcinogens found in cigarettes? Isn't that reason enough to not smoke? I mean, if you literally have 4 times more chances to get cancer from blazing it than someone who smokes cigarettes on a daily basis, then why would you continue, right? What a hedonistic society!

Yes it literally does but weed smokers smoke less than cigarette smokers so cigarettes are worse for you but weed is silll bad

Inhibition of microtubule assembly. Those things needed only for separating chromosomes, localizing maternal effect gene products to the correct area of a developing zygote, cellular movement, etc. Odd thing is I even found a paper as far back from the 60s about it.


And it will also cure your depresion and guve you some good times if you enjoy responsibly when you're an adult and do it once or twice a month with some good old movie and tasty things.

Everything is good if you use it right.
Inanimate objects are not good or bad, they are what you make them

Yeah, I agree. But I think that people are going to smoke weed more than before, at least here when it's legalized, which should be in summer 2018 or something.

Depends on the strain, method of ingestion, etc. It deposits more tar when smoked, though.

hey, fuck off you do your thing and I'll do mine

>the dangers of weed

tendency to erraticism
increased prostitution

Would you mind backing this up with any actual sources? Peer reviewed studies, things like that. And why is it because I'm a faggot I'm also a leftist? Think again goyim

not an argument

Doesn't weed cause mental problems for people with pre-dispositions to schizophrenia and bipolarism? What about people who suffer from mental illness and have marijuana-induced psychosis? What about that? If your depression can be cured by smoking weed, odds are it can probably be treated some other way. Shit, a lot of people don't even need anti-depressants to treat their depression. The heavy cases, major depression would probably benefit from weed, but it still has some risks. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? It's well-documented that weed can fuck with your mind if you're pre-disposed.