Give me one good reason to oppose free healthcare. Now.
Give me one good reason to oppose free healthcare. Now
Other urls found in this thread:
>havn't seen a doctor in 20 years
>voted trump
come at me lubcucks
Only a sick mind would make that connection.
Not everyone goes around robbing people and getting shot.
Healthcare is poison and death and just one big money racketeering scam. If you want to help society, shoot your doctor.
lack of free guns
you're not entitled to other people's money, or the labor of doctors
>free healthcare
You can still buy medicine and pay money to get better. That isn't restricted.
Gun control however restricts the right to even buy guns, even though citizens may have the money for it. You're comparing apples and zebras here m8
>what happens if the doctors all strike for better pay?
>so you are saying the doctors are forced to work for a wage set by the state?
>and this system won't lead to abuse?
This thread again
Sage and kys
Free healthcare is amazing and everyone should have it.
Too bad Universal Healthcare isn't free.
Because doctors want to get payed. Making Doctors work for free is called slavery
Logic Fail
it's not free
Ah, part of the anti-vaxxers I assume?
massive mind/body control efforts by corporations because people like free pills/drugs
This is so fucking stupid. You have the right to purchase either. I thought we were done with this thread. If the government were to subsidize a gun for every household maybe it would be an argument. But they don't and it's not.
...doctors get paid from the government.
Seriously, how many times is this thread going to be spammed?
Works just fine in european countries that aren't getting overrun by immigrants, boyos. You can't excuse getting charged 100 dorra for a bag of saline solution desu. Americucks need to start seeing the reality of their system.
How about HPV?
Colton Berrett was a healthy thirteen-year-old boy he until he was found dead as a result of receiving a Gardasil HPV vaccine.Colton received the last of three vaccines back in February 2014, but shortly after receiving the injections he became incapacitated and paralyzed from the neck down.He was then rushed to the hospital two weeks later where he was submitted to intensive care.Shortly before Colton died he express he was “angry that they’re still giving out the vaccine. They don’t care that people are getting hurt. It’s a joke.”
Read more at:
© Neon Nettle
Are there retards who unironically use this image?
You have the fucking freedom to healthcare, you have the freedom to pay for the healthcare just as much as you have the freedom to buy guns
Guns are not subsidized by the government
Have to pay for universal healthcare through forced taxation. Pay for guns voluntary without any force. See the difference?
Who pays the government? So stealing money earned through labor from citizens is not Slavery?
Logic Fail
Guns aren’t free
EU cuck, 2A gives us the right to own guns. There is no constitutional amendment that allows me the fucking right to own the labour of a doctor.
I oppose the government spending my taxes on things i dont want or use. I suggest the government make a system where people choose whta their taces go towards. If you want to waste all your money digging bullets out of niggers and keeping vegetables alive on life support go for it. I want my taxes to go towards other things. I can pay for my own healthcare. Fucking pay for yours.
so you're willing to pay higher taxes to buy me guns?
Freedom to practice ≠ Free
>Using best girl
Guns aren't free, neither is healthcare.
We live in a country where you're free to purchase either.
I'm not opposed to FREE healthcare.
I am opposed to being forced to pay for some fat fucks third bypass.
sage this shill thread, don't reply, drop a red pill.
The vast majority of people to not take even basic care of their own health. Explain why a dime of taxpayer money should go to the hethcare of an obese person?
have fun getting gangrene while waiting to get that stubbed toe looked at
your shitty reused shill meme is reason enough to ignore anything you say bye
Because the only people who advocate it are retards who use that moronic image that you used
It's not actually free.
I didn’t ask anyone to pay for my gun. Everyone is allowed to pay for healthcare.
You burnout brainlets can't even understand how simple economics and government structure even happens.
Nothing is free and the government isn't paying for it either retard.
Every single citizen is paying for it with increased taxes.
Now image that every illegal doesn't pay taxes but gets "free" healthcare.
This goes the same for ghettos which have on average 4-6 kids each.
20-30% of the middle class pays for the rest of America.
You want to raise all of their healthcare premiums on their insurance and their yearly tax without a pay increase?
How do you expect people to take you seriously when you truely think healthcare and education are "free".
Imagine waiting three months to get the test you need that currently could be done by the end of the week.
Imagine needing an emergency procedure done and having to wait 9 months or more before getting scheduled.
Imagine what the real cost (not free like tards think) will be once competition is completely eliminated.
Imagine how few doctors there would be considering many private practices closed under the ACA.
Imagine wanting a second opinion but that not being an optuon anymore because the system is too flooded.
Imagine how you'll feel when its one of your family or friends that are told they dont qualify for the treatment they need because arbitrary reasons.
Don't believe me? Join the military and try go get yourself an MRI and let me know how that works out for you. After that, hit up the VA for all of your needs and let us know how efficiently the government handles these things. Oh, and bring your own water.
Pinky WORST GIRL for starters.
Add the words 'to buy' to those you fucking mongoloid.
Shoot the insurance companies.
Insurance has med schools bent over with liability policies
Insurance has doctors bent over with liability and compliance policies
Insurance has patients bent over so that you need referrals for practically anything and all sorts of coverage you dont need
Doctors literally have to charge a lot of money just to accept your insurance in the first place, let alone stay in practice or even cover their med school debts.
when will this terrible meme end?
In the United States?
An even kinda-working socialized healthcare system would literally require completely dismantling our current system and building a new one. If you've ever worked for a large corporation and seen them try to do something as simple as change their logo, you'll know what a fucking nightmare that process would be.
As is, to fix our broken mess, we'll need to fix a broken, parasitic insurance system, a pants-on-head retarded licensing system, a deeply flawed, profit driven education system, a pharmaceutical industry that can price-set for Government agencies (Medicaid/Medicare/VA/Military can't negotiate prices), address the soaring costs of end of life care (the biggest hunk of our money is going into keep really old people barely alive), make medicine evidence-based again instead of eminence based, and probably some other stuff I'm not remembering.
>Insurance has med schools bent over with liability policies
>Insurance has doctors bent over with liability and compliance policies
In fairness, medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US.
free to get vs must get
>hurr durr same thing because i said free before both
shill arguments are so fucking dumb. worst part is that Sup Forums is full of them.
There's no such thing as "free healthcare" you retard
its dysgenic
In all fairness even 30 years ago many people would have gotten a "you're fucked" and their last rights. Its not because of gross negligence, people get butthurt when shit doesn't work out and act like most of the shit we do isn't still under review and experimental to certain extents.
Your argument is stupid, there are no free guns.
As soon as I get my free machine gun you can get your free healthcare. As soon as you make a large claim I better have a tank or fighter jet in my driveway.
its called medicaid you stupid ignoramus and it covers ALL medical visits proactively up to 10 years. You just have to contact them on the visits. Emergency rooms cannot turn anyone away for any reason either.
How about you go KYS now you stupid piece of uneducated, unlearned shit.
>posts this shit every 12 hours
>forever one post by this id
>is never saged, is never ignored
>90% of posters are american
They have this down to a science don't they?
No mate, that's not at all what the research is saying. Doctors are just fucking up simple shit. Mixing the wrong meds, missing obvious dxs, not starting appropriate interventions at the correct time, fucking up during interventions, etc.
One of the most damning thing is how long our medical industry clings to interventions that have been proven to be either ineffectual or even deleterious to health.
I'm not saying that there's a ton of great doctors out there who are doing awesome work, but more we have to look at the data and see what it tells us about the state of things.
The means of healthcare production should be in the hands of the people, not the despotic State.
>it gets filled with facts that OP is wrong
>redpills to educate retards on the truth
yeah man, down to a science
You'll have to pay for someone's obese ass because they have no self control.
I wouldn't be opposed to universal health care if there were a few constraints:
#1 You have to currently be working, be part of a working family, or a retiree who has actually worked. Legal citizens too, none of this "my son is an anchor baby, but I'm a beaner wall jumper, so I can get free health care off of him".
#2 You show some personal responsibility for your health. If you can't scuff off a few of your 300 lbs lifestyle, then I don't support your disproportionate suckling at the teat.
#3 There's some serious fucking reform to the current health industry. Right now it's incentivized for redundancy, bureaucracy, waste, and mismanagement, and very little actual accountability. For instance, doctors sometimes shill out for patients to get scans that they don't need, because extra scans means extra bucks. Are they trying to improve your health, or their bottom line?
Even then, I'd probably still not fully support universal health care, but at least I wouldn't be outright opposed to it.
Give me one good reason to oppose free gf
Stop calling it free healthcare, it's taxpayer funded healthcare.
Owning a means for self-defence is not a scam.
>Who needs "free" healthcare?
People who didn't have private healthcare.
>Why didn't they have private healthcare?
Because it's too expensive!
>It was cheaper before Obamacare.
Because they're too lazy and stupid to get healtchare and would rather own Beats by Dre and iPhones.
>Who's going to pay for this "free" healthcare?
Rich white people!
>And why should rich white people pay for the well being of anti-capitalists, anti-christians, and racists?
>Why should rich white people pay for the healthcare of people who shitpost on twitter all day about how awful white people are?
>Why should rich white people pay for the healthcare of people who openly talk about "destroying the patriarchy" and "cis (straight white male) scum" and "stop teaching white authors in English classes" and "you're a nazi for hurting my feelings, you should lose your high paying salary!"
You bit the hand, and now you want it to feed you. Free healthcare isn't going to happen in the US. Not as long as the hateful, racist bottom feeders who write and read Vice, BuzzFeed, and their ilk continue to antagonize literally half of the goddamn country.
Just as bad as having to pay someone who chose to breed knowing they have genetic risks for heart disease from all four grandparents, Type I diabetics who breed, people who carry to term obvious genetic freaks like downs syndrome babies, and that's not without mentioning all of the problems and costs associated with letting low birth weight and very low birthrate children live.
I agree with the insurance (hence the money racket), but doctors are drug pushing faggots and I don't give a fuck about their financial situation.
>Give me one good reason to oppose free healthcare. Now.
Someone has to pay the doctors. Doctors won't work for free.
>But force them!
>At gunpoint!
You've just lost.
1 post by this ID. Thread hits bump limit.
At least it's sort of politics as opposed to the stupid LARP threads and celebrity gossip that shits up 90% of this board.
There isn't a reason to oppose free healthcare, sadly FREE healthcare doesn't exist because doctors want to get paid and equipment and medicine cost money. Universal Healthcare is a scam I shouldn't have to pay a minimum of 20% of my paycheque for a service I'm not fucking using.
2nd amendment outlined in the constitution.
"Free" healthcare is not.
If you're too irresponsible to take care of your own healthcare needs or the needs of your family, that's your problem. The meds you take are half the reason you're sick anyway.
Rather give me an argument against universal right to free guns
But OP's not here...
/thread and digits
when they took half of the Tax Money Germans had created to give it to the Rapefugees they also told us that "that Money wasnt stolen, you dont Need it, just give it to abduls penis enhancement"
Nothing is free, and OP is an asshat
>1 post by this ID
When your tax dollars are utilized to provide me with guns and ammunition, I will support the idea of my tax dollars going to your birth control and sex changes. Of course, the guns and ammo I gain will be used to ensure your need for healthcare, so I believe it's a fair trade.
Because people are already dying under the VAs care. If that’s how are government treats heroes, just think how they’ll treat everyone else
literally everybody has freedom to health care.
You just don't get to get it for free and starve the families of Doctors