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chinks don't give a fuck
Came for the volleyball sluts.
This redpill video taught me that all redpills on Sup Forums are not true redpills
Not the biggest redpill there's but still quite interesting
this is banned in ur country but is the strongest red pill
Century of the Self:
Thank you swede.
Just another faggot Scientology cult? So what is that guy trying to tell us? That we should pray more, to pray more to Jew god? Isn't praying like the ultimate subversion? State isn't god, state isn't big in USA. Quite the contrary, state is very tiny in USA and controlled purely 100% by private interests. This nonsense is getting old how state is big. State never was smaller in USA history. It's the everpresent Christian stupidity that destroyed this planet, the lackage of big state regulation like ban in interracial and control of human lives that destroyed USA. Americans never were so little controlled by state, they are too free. Americans are controlled by capitalistic goals of private individuals, of those Israeli Jewish influences of Christianity. That corrupted the family of USA, that greed and excuse in name of god, instead of strict state, big government punishment.
Germany, you are destroying yourself because of Christianity, since 1947 you have CDU aka Christian Democrats in power. Muslims won't breed you out of existence if you don't allow them into country.
What you mumbling about? Did you even watch it? I have watched countless docs but this one has something else, dont know what but it goes from science to politics to islam. It is the only one I have watched that made sense of this fucked up world and where we are heading and who is pulling the strings
>needs to use a lewd image to gain attention to his pointless shitty thread
you're ruining this board, you know
This is a rare Redpill on Weather Control:
invisible empire a new world order defined:
Is that documentary guy even white? He should be smart enough to return back to Africa. That would improve a lot of white people's problems in USA. Christians believe that interracial is normal, nuff said.
>tfw You were redpilled before YT existed and know that many more people will be redpilled by YT's existence.
May I ask how you were redpilled. Parents? Certain books or documentaries?
I usually report shit like this, even if the mods are lazy niggers that won't do shit to keep this board clean
gotta be joking. this is super blue pilled idiocy besides the weak mentions of phi.
t. Alex Jones
My old man planted the first seeds. I debated some lecturers in college. I joined politics at uni and became a student rep.
By the early 90's I was redpilled although the term didn't exist. And it was a lonely place to be.
Thanks for making me waste time on this Christcuck trash
alerta judiada and the impartial truth vids are enough
no ones gonna sit on their ass watching a 3h long documentary made on movie maker for a first redpill
There's a lot of absurd statements with no proof given. Hard to be redpilled by something as far fetched as this.
Use a filter with the facts and knowledge you have and link the dots.
There are good info even on the most schizoteric stuff.
Get this Christcuckery out of here
> implying British police are not controlled by Freemasons
> implying Freemasons aren't actively undermining English people
You're too triggered by Diversity Tokenism to actually see the truth.
You're the cuckboy allowing 1000s of years of your culture to be taken from you and raped with your consent. Shame on you, you are the real cuck.
hey dummy!
Keep on going like that and your daughters will
be sucking a big black dick, and they might even speak arab!
Stay in denial until you realize the big mistake you have done,
I love this so much.
You see two very distinct cultures, the industrious Asians, the impulsive Africans both very different from Europeans and it just begs the question; Where do you stand, White Man?
this is the one that changed pretty much everything. I had no more doubts that there was a conspiracy.
blue pilled yo