The Marxist Case for the Nintendo Switch

>The Marxist Case for the Nintendo Switch

Are we approaching peak soy? Or is there room for the open mouth to go wider? Will the bugman epidemic grow for the foreseeable future? Or will T levels rebound? My thought is things will get a lot gayer for a long time before men are fixed as a whole

Leftists that love their consumerist lifestyles so much that they have to explain how things like macbooks, nintendo, and big budget hollywood movies could totally exist in their version of communism amuse me. Always about having their cake and eating it too.

Agreed. The more you learn about say, the Chapo Trap House gangs NYC lifestyle, the more you realize the bugman is divorced from both reality and his own espoused ideology.

>no big budget movies under communism

Theres no reason for t levels to go back up. You want them to, but they wont because thats what the powers at be want, plus along with our growing society, higher T levels are harder to control.

>communism is low test-

>big budget
Only true communist will consider access to factory ruins to build shit for sci-fi film to be big budget.

Bugmen are anti natalist, so that may help

how about this then

>A fucking drawn propaganda
Here is the proof that japan has high testosterone muscular man.

>Literal propaganda.

Come on now. You have to admit they had a few less great movies than the US. Maybe a higher ratio of great films but not the raw number.

fine, here's some typical soviet teens

i was taking issue to the leaf's claim that there'd be no big budget movies under communism, when film production is pretty much the one constant across all communist governments. even north fucking korea operates a huge film studio

I see

These guys aren't impressive at all
fugging christ americans

here is the proof that japan has high test muscular men

they look like theyre starving to death...

well then consider me BTFO, seizing the means of production when?

Soy! Soy! Soy!


>burgers fall for the shite
>Japs fall for the shite
Hey wait a moment, what about Europe?
Is it selling really badly over there?