Why are roasties sad?
Women are more miserable than men until their mid-80s
>live life on easy mode
>no need to work
>endless mating possibilities
>still miserable
Women are pathetic.
Because feminism turns them against their biology, and their own peers criticize them no matter what life choices they make. They are their own worst enemy.
The ones that don't have children and raise them properly, don't tend to survive past 80.
The ones that do are the ones that always loved life, and are happy just to be alive.
Becauae they assume this charts the story of a single womans life rather than just being generational differences where people born in the 40s and 50s make tons of friends and constantly meet up for lunches and dinners at local restaurants before going to bingo night or bowling, whereas salty 70s kids stay inside and smoke weed.
Lack of activity
Most women suffer from gamer’s depression because they stare at their phones for so long.
It’s funny that NEETS are now basically masters of the modern world whereas normies are struggling just to even get to the NEET baseline
kek. You've obviously never raised children.
Can I ask why you are raising your kids with “endless mating possibilities”?
Imagine if you were born as a weaker and overall shittier kind of human. You don't have any particular skills and get by on the charity of the better humans, largely because they would stick their penis inside of you given the chance, or know they would have if you were younger. You don't have any hobbies because getting genuinely good at anything is more effort then you've ever done in your life. You partner with one of these better humans who provides for you and maintains your home, and all you have to do is clean some shit and cook some shit, which you don't even have to do if you just bitch or get a do-nothing day job which is 50% talking and 50% facebook. You're a leach and you KNOW you're a leach, but it's hard to get mad because of how obvious it is that it's all you ever could be.
That's what being a woman is like.
Are you seriously asking why someone is raising their children? Maybe because she’s not a shitty person and completely worthless human being?
They are sad because of work.
Women aren't happy at work. They're happy at home raising children. That's how mother nature wanted them to be which is why they are happier during retirement since they don't have to work anymore.
A man without work is going to be miserable though. It's literally all in your genes desu
As German as this "arbeit macht frei" post is, it's also absolutely correct.
They can just identify to a male. Problem solved.
"A women without children is like a vase without flowers" - Dutch singer Vader Abraham
Because feminism has filled women's heads with lies. Women were happier when they were barefoot and pregnant.
All this shows is older generations are better off than any woman born after the 1940s.
The unhappiness of modern will women will follow them to the grave
Maybe try reading the full sentence.
All I read through my red lens was
>1/3 women is insane
>women have mental illness at twice the rate of men in the 16-24 age bracket
jew post best post
God, not mother nature, you Godless germ
Nature is the base of god's creation so using the term doesn't exclude divine interference.
They are fed a constant diet of stories of their oppression. Though there are a kernel of truth, for example women experience more rape than men, the gaslighters include all kinds minor issues such as the male gaze & leering, offensive comments, wolf whistling, etc, and package it as (((rape culture))). Using fraudulent self-reported surveys they buttress the ridiculous claim than 1:4 or 1:5 women are victims of rape culture. Even when a woman surveyed says she wasn't raped, the researcher decides the incident meets the researcher's wide definition of rape and includes her report in the tally.
The same industry of lie creation is at work with (((wage gap))) and other issues. Just today I read of, and I'm not making this up, BitCoin's gender gap.
Women are under assault.
>Psychological assault by other women.
>28 percent of women aged 16-24 have a probable mental health disorder
28 percent of women aged 16-24 have a probable mental health disorder
>28 percent of women aged 16-24 have a probable mental health disorder
28 percent of women aged 16-24 have a probable mental health disorder
>All this shows is older generations are better off than any woman born after the 1940s.
lol this
Before the mid-late 1960s, a woman would essentially be "working" full time for her family. She would help raise the children, cook, clean, and contrary to belief, women did often manage the daily finances. Not only that, women could run a small "home" business selling knit goods, produce, arts and crafts, preserves, etc. A woman was expected to be industrious while her husband was working.
It's not like men had it easy comparred to all that like the feminists would have you think. Men would be working 8-12+ hour days, 6 days a week at a factory or office, and would be expected to deal with all the "manly" things around the home. Property maintenance was a big deal. There was always something that needed fixing and a man in those days was expected to be handy to a minimum degree. Men and women had different but complimentary responsibilities, and if either party didn't live up to them you had family and neighbours coming to tell you to smarten the fuck up.
So now, instead of a woman working for her family, who love and appreciate all that she did, you have her working for a company who doesnt give two shits about her, and her work is most likely just about being another cog in the machine. Women went from having the satisfying responsibility of taking care of a family, to the unsatisfying job of making some assholes more money. From a restrictive but certain world of responsibility, to an uncertain world of "freedom" and no responsibility. The truth is, women DONT KNOW HOW to handle "freedom and uncertainty" in this sense. They haven't had to in all human history. This causes huge amounts of stress for which they are physiologically unequiped to handle. Women don't know that you can't have freedom and no responsibility and be happy. No responsibility is life without meaning, and a free life without meaning let's others take advantage and lead you where they want you. See how this applies to society today?
>28% of 16-24 year old women probably have a mental health disorder
Seems a little low