Why is Fidel Castro your PM's father?
Explain this, Canadians
i second this, explain leafs
!Hasta la victoria, siempre! !Viva Castro! !Viva el Che!
face blindness is a symptom of autism
You are the fucking autist then, leaf
hahahaah falklands is brittish clay you commie fuck
I see the resemblance, but he looks more like young Pierre Trudeau than Castro
Holy shit, that would explain why he was so upset when he died and also why he's a homo commie.
because his mother was a fucking whore and his father didn't disciple her because he was a pussy.
Let's be real, Castro was a handsome alpha who didn't give two fucks. The CIA tried to kill him how many times? I dont blame a woman for sleeping with Castro. Too bad Trudaeu is a fucking cuck and nothing like the Alpha of either of his fathers. He probably watches people run trains on his wife.
"Oh Cubada "
It's a long term plot to create expensive Cuban cigars by genetically engineering tobacco leafs with maple leafs .
Stock in Canadian hybrids is the next bitcoin.
>deus vult flag
That would be hilarious.
I unironically believe this may well be true.
His mom and 'dad' stayed with Fidel at that time and she wrote some very flattering things about Fidel.
From Castro to castrated.
The Justin Castro theory is back.
Posting this.
>Why is Fidel Castro your PM's father?
the late sixties
alcohol, cocaine, lsd
no worries about aids
shit happens
who was Obamas daddy again?
Because his parents were crypto-commies that were encouraged to fuck around to continue the Castro bloodine, she still got punched out for getting pregnant though
You can't really do this with niggers. They all have facial features that are like an Oblivion character creation slider set to random
there is more story behind it, not just the looks
He looks nothing like Pierre.
Well holy shit that explains it. Trudeau juniors iq is barely half that of trudeau senior. His mom is a ditz but still...
Keith Richards of the rolling stones also describes Trudea's mom as if she was like a slag at some fratboy party during a visit to a hotel in the US where she was staying too.
she was a drunken whore shaggin it up with foreigners
trudeau is castro's son, no doubt
underrated, and checked
Jews did it
the ears
Castro was CIA, and all his kids
Some Canadian tried to hurt mein feelings last night that "You are what you attract". I demanded why then are there photos of Trudea's mom with some named after "INFIDELITY". No response. Cuck.
he's on a secret mission to make Canada so degenerate and gay that such small and poor country as Cuba will be able to safely invade it and enslave all the Canadian queer muslim aborigines
It's not a conspiracy, Canacuck's PM is the bastard son of a bastard.
It is extremely likely that Margaret followed her husband many times in Cuba.
Very few people know where the head of state (and his wife) is at every moment and with the means of a modern state, he can be at the other side of the world in a few hours.
Fidel could have visited Canada as a return favour from the Trudeaus, from being collaborative (it was nice welcoming me in Cuba, why wouldn't you come to Canada for a week?).
The left is again denying biology, but dogs don't make cats.
However, I don't know how the old Trudeau was, but I don't really believe in the theory of him being aware of his cuckholdry. It would be the final nail in the coffin for Canada, though.
I fail to see how if this were true it wouldn’t just make him cooler.
Have you ever listened to xer?