Why dont you own a Macbook yet? They are the ultimate redpill of the computer world.
Why dont you own a Macbook yet? They are the ultimate redpill of the computer world
Hudson Foster
Dominic Powell
William Robinson
Nathan Moore
I'm a programmer so I pretty much have to own more than one. This industry wouldn't exist without apple
Tyler Ortiz
Planed obsolescence.
Jordan Flores
You laugh but they have the best screens
Correct developing environment
Apart from docker, it's very handy to code on a mac
Updates are fast
Computer isn't kaputt in 2 years, contrary to any Windows computer
Really, it's expensive but worth the buy.
Brayden Hernandez
not worth it at all, I've got my 2017 MacBook pro
waste of money
Andrew Campbell
Chromebook is better
Brody Collins
Jordan Young
Apple didn't invent anything important though, they are always copying the competitors.