Leaked upcoming episode titles ( Thx to )
>Episode 16 ???
>Episode 17 Amanda O'neill
>Episode 18 Sky war stanship
>Episode 19 Cavendish
>Episode 20 ???
Leaked upcoming episode titles ( Thx to )
>Episode 16 ???
>Episode 17 Amanda O'neill
>Episode 18 Sky war stanship
>Episode 19 Cavendish
>Episode 20 ???
Other urls found in this thread:
Episode 16 is Trials of Pohjola
>Amanda episode soon
Aw yiss.
>Favorite main-cast witch
>Favorite professor
>Favorite background witch
>Favorite team
>Little Lesbian Academia
How cancerous have LWA threads been?
Episodes 19 and 20 are both Diana episodes, going by what Weibo girl said in her blog.
>Fish sensei
>purple-haired girl from light green team
>Hannah Barbara Blue
>Episode 16 is Trials of Pohjola
Source ?
Oh i see, looks like its gonna be Sucy episode.
Thx user.
>looks like its gonna be Sucy episode.
well we already knew that
>Favorite main-cast witch
>Favorite professor
Diana since all professor are too incompetent & dumb except Ursula & Croix
>Favorite background witch
>Favorite team
Blue Team
How is Akko going to finish all this destiny shit if we are dropping everything and dedicating episodes to the other witches?
with an awkwardly paced swiftness
I'm gonna have to ask you anons to hand over a few images of Croix for my folders. She's too hot for her own good and I need more images of her.
>In The Kalevala, Pohjola's main function is to be the home of women whom the male heroes, from the land of Kalevala, seek as wives. The Mistress of Pohjola is Louhi, an evil witch of great power.
Sucy's mom?
Sucys half Finn half flip?
>Favorite main-cast witch
Originally was a Sucyfag since the OVAs but the anime has gotten me torn between Sucy and Akko. Akko's just got so many cute and funny moments, and Sucy has turned out to be not as charming as she was in the OVAs (though I still enjoy her subtle "Sucy moments" and love it), it's just hard not to love the retarded daughterfu when she's got so much screen time.
>Favorite professor
Ursula, but god damn Croix is giving her a run for her money with her good looks. Last episode was pure bliss with all those frames of hot and fucking pissed red-head Ursula and hot, seductive Croix.
>Favorite background witch
The very small red-onion-head girl.
>Favorite team
Episode 19 is probably the Diana flashback episode everyone has been waiting for, detailing how she lost her YAY due to her family name and social expectations.
19: Cavendish
And then the befriending Diana episode is called simply "Diana".
OVA Sucy was more likable. They turned TV Sucy into a mushroom-obsessed jerk.
>another Soucy episode
For what?
When did they ever say that the whole episode was about Sucy?
Just be glad we got the Lotte episode over with early.
>3 more weeks
Sounds like pottery.
Guess, that will be the episode about how Diana lost all her yay.
>multi-word unlock ep
I swear to fucking christ if this happens
Akko, Croix
Even the title is cold as fuck.
I would give up my current life to become a little witch.
I hate being alive.
OVA Sucy had a lot of subtle charms with how she just kinda did her own thing and defied normal reality at times, and while she was a harsh weirdo, she was still nice and caring deep down and was at least funny when she was being rude. Anime Sucy just feels a lot more, I don't know, cold and downright mean? Like she has some cute moments like when she's giggling at Akko's misfortunes or most of her actions during the love bee episode, but then there's the first episode and end of the Sucy episode where she's just cold and mean without showing a soft side or anything. Hell, even the Luluco episode with Sucy still kept her "mean but funny" charm. She still has her good moments, but I wish she had kept that original charm to her that's so hard to pinpoint.
>yfw the episode is 20 minutes of Jasminka eating
Sucy is literally a walking mushroom meme now
>Half of the anime's budget spent in 16 seconds.webm
Sucy mom episode PLEASE TRIGGER
>everyone has been waiting for
Those are some shitty titles no doubt. Hopefully season 2 of LWA is good
you must be talking about the magic sequence in ep 15
I don't necessarily mind the mushroom fixation, it's part of her character after all. It's cute when she's collecting mushrooms during the Nightfall episode, or when she's being a mad scientist straight from Dexter's Lab during the Sucy ep, but I just kinda dislike how cold and mean she is without showing a softer side, I guess the second festival episode was a positive character development in that regard.
She doesn't show affection but you know it's there, that's like the point of ep 8. In ep 13 she was pretty happy during the hugs.
When the fuck will yurishitters stop shitting up threads?
>Amanda episode
My love has been rewarded. That is going to be an especially good episode to get drunk for.
That's nice, thanks.
That's heartbreaking, thanks.
Lotte but Constanze and Diana are really close behind
CNN Witch
>Episode 16 is Lotte & Sucy episode
>Favorite main-cast witch
>Favorite professor
Holbrooke, Urusula is a very close second
>Favorite background witch
The pink haired girl two rows down from Amanda's team
>Favorite team
Team Amanda
I guess so. Dunno, maybe she'll get more screen time and get a bit of her original charm back in future episodes.
>literally at least 8 episodes with no Andrew
He might get a minor role in Diana's flashback episode but still.
In your dream, faggot
>What are you doing? Why are you--
>That feels so weird, and nice, but...
>Aaahnnn-ngghh~! I feel something coming...
>best teacher
>best red ribbon
>best green ribbon
>Best bully
>Best background witch
Wang, the fang
>Best team
green team
My heart would be fucking deleted out of existence if they did that.
Chariot is the best sensei in the world!
>sky war stanship
Could have a big role in any of these three.
The warship especially if his father is involved in its creation.
Will Akko recover Chariot's shine and restore Chariot's yay?
Damn, I hope Diana cry like a little baby like this too
>No episode involving familiars and each student having to summon and care for their familiars for a week
What would each witch's familiar be?
not long time ago Woodward did it for Chariot
Croix will do that for her.
Akko is straight
Akko will begin her magic show after Ursula's full yay recovery and tear-filled hugging to begin the magical performing duo
What would happen if Diana accidentally summoned the Great Ones of the Nightmare?
No, that'll be a Constanze creation. Her little robot buddy is called Stanbot.
Pure breed british bulldog
>A bird similar to Chariot's one
Generic mutt that kind looks like a wolf
Bird of prey, maybe a falcon
Fat cat
>kill yourself to become a little witch
>kill yourself because Hannah and Barbara bully the shit out from you
I wonder if we'll get Hannah+Barb (I couldn't see them each getting an episode) and Jasminka episodes too?
Because those will be the only ones of the main 3 teams without episodes after the Diana episode.
>Barbara wants to meet with Lotte in the library privately
>Has to sneak away from Hannah and Diana to do it
>They discuss Nightfall together and Barbara starts showing her secret bookworm side, which she keeps hidden to not look like a nerd around Hannah
>Hannah walks into the library and sees Barbara, walks over and asks what she's doing, Barb jumps in surprise and starts bullying Lotte in a panic to save face
>Walks away and looks behind her with a clearly guilty face
>Left her Nightfall book behind, which Lotte has to return to her now
>Rest of the time, Barbara is trying to hide her books/Nightfall and her new friendship with Lotte
>By the end of it, Hannah finds out and accepts Barbara's hobby even if it is nerdy, and Barbara openly acts friendly with Lotte in future episodes
>Episodes ends with her hugging Nightfall while falling asleep in bed
I know it's not gonna happen and this idea is asking for too much, but I at least need something close to this. Throw me a bone here, Trigger, show me Barbara's bookworm side after you teased it with the Nightfall episode. It's too fucking cute and redeems her of her bully status.
>Final episode
>Croix's roombas stop working
>She has to learn how to use old magic again, with Chariot as her tutor
We have simply awoken to the truth of Barbara a best my patrician friend.
Well the flying ship from the OVA is in the opening now, maybe it'll play a role in that episode? Maybe they've gotta fly through the sky to hunt a dragon or something.
>yfw we discovery Diana family is not even that rich and solely lives from name reputation nowadays, putting all their bets on their prodigy daughter to save them from bankrupt
1) This is Diana!
2) Diana is a girl!
3) She's cute!
4) I love her!
5) Diana!
There is nothing gay about mouth to mouth recusitation
>english nobility
That's actually pretty plausible.
>Barb jumps in surprise and starts bullying Lotte in a panic to save face
Your greentext took a wrong turn after this. It's obvious drama would arise from Lotte hating this, and in a scenario like this, Lotte would be more the protagonist than Barbara, you're focusing on the wrong character.
Jasna will play a big part in Amanda's and Connie's episodes. Hannah and Barbara aren't main characters.
Checking most favourite LWA arts on pixiv be like:
>Faceless men porn
>Some cute image featuring the trio
>Faceless men porn
>Yay, some non-H cute again!
Twitter is still the better place after all. It's just it's so fucking hard to search for art there.
>Sucymom soon
>he doesn't want more lotte
>Final episode
>Ursula is dead
>"Now no one can stop me..."
>Silhouette appears,
>It looks like young Chariot
>"It´s impossible, I killed you!"
>Chariot theme plays triumphantly
>It's Akko on full Chariot clothes and with red hair
>"As long there's dreams in youngster hearts there will always be Chariot! Dreams are forever!"
>"No, it can be! My plan was perfect"
>Diana appears on Moonlit costume
>"You are a embarrassment to witch's world, and never did half on what Chariot ever did. You are under arrest. Surrender now...or fight!"