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Niggers aren't people.
I've genuinely never seen anyone, regardless of skin color, not season their chicken. I'm not sure what the fuck is "white" about this
I made 2 chicken breasts yesterday and I put absolutely nothing on them, black people BTFO
because niggers can't cook so they use salt and pepper to cover up their lack of flavor, so if they see anything without it they chimpout. Black "seasoning" is just a cover up for making their food poorly.
>Niggers say whites don't season their chicken
>Niggers eat at Colonel Sanders KFC
Really makes you think
quick! make a thread about it on
My dad would bake chicken plain and just rub it with a stick of butter as it cooked.
I've never tried it. Is it good?
The real irony is that american niggers just copied scotch Irish and Cajun cooking
Nigger's taste buds are different than whites. They'd eat a seasoned pile of shit rather than bread
Whites colonized the new world and created entire new races looking for spice. What a retarded meme.
>mfw shitskins used lots of spices spices because they were poor and had to eat low quality meat
>mfw half of those "ethnic" cuisines are vegetarian because they were literally so poor they couldnt even affor rotten meat
White people can't cook, that's a fact. That's why my white gf eats at my house during thanksgiving rather than her own families house. Her parents barely season the chicken, don't season the mashed potatoes, gravy barely has any flavor. i guess when you got no culture and you're bland the food reflects on that. That's why white ppl like migrants cus they bring exotic culture/food.
>Nggers knowing anything about taste
Mudcakes/cookies completely devastated their taste buds.
My roommate meal preps every week and puts literally zero seasoning in his chicken and fries it on The skillet. Every week he does this with a few chicken breasts. I beg him to at least put sal salt on it.
He's Irish though so take it as you will
The real Irony is that its a white bitch reminding white people to use seasoning.
>le white people can't cook meme
Fuck off you black shit
Who cares if whites don't season their Turkey with cayenne and paprika and BBQ sauce?
We season our BRAINS with literature.
The greatest seasoning to whites is a classic story by Shakespeare. I don't need to coat my chicken wings in black pepper when I can coat my IQ in the works of literary giants, all of whom are my fellow whites.
A nigger requires his 'Senegaliese 50 spice' to make his fucking disgusting brain experience anything that isn't 'feel the urge to mug someone and steal their Air Jordans'. A white person cannot get anything from spice. We need documentaries, and books and music.
I have a phrase
'The blackest in society are the lightest of brain. The whitest in society explore the darkest depths of human emotion, in their art'.
It sums this up nicely.
Colonel Sanders was black.
Yp like always whitewashing the history.
Not even, to them seasoned salt is the peak of culinary perfection
What race are you
God damn leafs
>muh white people dont know seasonings other than salt
fuck that shit. pic fucking related. Next time you're cooking chicken, coat it in some of this and maybe add a tad more halfway through cooking. Look it up on Amazon and you won't regret it
>He's Irish though so take it as you will
The lack of seasoning may be more of a euro thing than white thing
It's a dumb meme but I also don't expect culinary art from blacks.
They think "white people food" is what they get at high school cafeterias for free
>is leaf
>implies culture
but but they invented potato chips and peanut butter
>one was an accident and the other was intended as an insult to her massa but they dont like to mention that side of things
why the fuck are my fellow leafs such horrendous shitposters, learn from the aussies you fucks
You're probably not wrong
I mean he's American but from an Irish family, like third generation. I just said it because potato niggers have little culture
Peanut butter is a recipe, not a fucking invention
You call this a shitpost?
Remind them that white people conquered half the world just for spices.
>chicken on thanksgiving
>brown people giving thanks for anything
You're a goddamm liar
>they only invent junk food
Truly the peak of food culture.
Ironically being racist is fun and all but it's starting to get old just poking at black people. Why don't we ever diverge?
I recognize that bottle from when a buddy fixed some chicken (this was many years ago) i never could find what it was called. Amazon review average is 4.8/5 and i agree. This shit is the real deal
So, he just pours oil on the skillet and fries the chicken? Doesn't sound bad at all. Have you tried it?
Fuck off
Obviously it tastes better if you put on seasoning. If I have to cook for people I use oregano, cayenne, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil for my chicken breasts.
I eat purely for functional reasons so when Im alone i dont give a shit.
>can't cook
>That's why my
>leaf gf
>rather than her own
>leaf family
>i guess when leaf has no culture
>That's why white ppl like migrants cus they bring exotic culture/food.
your shitty culture cant cook and food is not all of culture its fucking food
They didn't invent either of those
Blacks don't define "seasoning" like whites do. To blacks, "seasoning" is shit like hot sauce or random processed spices (Dash) dumped on top. They don't even use pepper or salt.
i feel like dumb breeds of humans are concerned with retarded shit like whether or not people put seasoning on their chicken, like nigger is there any hope for you if that's what your mind and energy and focus goes toward? is genetics really the unsurpassable measure of a creature's intellectual capacity and worth? i'm losing faith in equality of races everyday -- it's apparent that europeans and asians are of a higher genetic stock.
The reason niggers think this is that white people tend to get good cuts if meat like a ribeye steak. You don't need much more than some salt and pepper for that.
Niggers get cheap, low quality flank steak that needs lots of seasoning/marinade to even be edible.
>implying we didn't conquer the world just to import a variety of different spices to season our chicken
Progressives have a very reductive view of culture. It's all cuisine and clothing to them.
More like pleading with whites to use seasoning, as if it somehow affects other people.
>Blacks literally invent nothing
>Commit crime 24/7
>Go to jail
>Work the kitchen there microwaving plastic plates
>Get out
>Get hooked up with kitchen job
>Do mostly prep work, like seasoning chicken and peeling tatos
Yeah, because that's basic work delegated to retards.
In my experience, White people are the only ones who know how to actually season food, as in using ingredients to elevate the flavors within a given dish. POC only seem to know how to slather something in so much spice that it overpowers anything else that could be in there.
>white people tend to get good cuts if meat like a ribeye steak
The biggest steak respill is that a medium-rare piece of meat needs no sauce or seasoning because the blood and juices flavor the meat.
>Watch alot of food Network, mostly Chopped, Guys Grocery Games/Diners, Drive-ins and Dives
>Few black chefs, mostly white or euros
>Saying wapeepo don't know how to season
Bad meme
Has anyone ever explained that the reason other cultures' foods are so highly seasoned is because they were such inadequate hunters that their sustenance consisted of carrion and the spices were used to cover the stench?
Whites have no need for an arsenal of seasonings, because we either cure our kills or eat them fresh. Whites aren't reduced to eating road kill like vultures. That's niggers, spics and poos.
It's just the northern European's that get caught not using spices.
Mediterranean trade routes carried a lot of spices.
>Saying wapeepo don't know how to season
Chefs are in charge of all the staff in a kitchen, which is mostly blacks who do the seasoning.
You know that isn't what that is, right?
They're right though
Cajun seasoning is now world famous and was made by American nigs
Wanna know how I know you're full of shit faggot?
just say niggers, you PC cuck
I will fly over to that frozen shit hole you live in and fight you
because black people are desperately looking for the "white n word" simply to annoy you. Don't let them win.
I'll say whatever I want when I want, you NAPA.
I might not over season my chicken...
But I have great credit.
Because they just want (You)s, they don't actually care about whether their post is funny in any way.
no thanks, my blood pressure already gets high enough from all the bullshit I have to put up with in this world.
So you did need to get out of your white nations to get some flavour, lmao.
Somehow what used to be a "southern food vs. yankee food" thing turned into a "y pipo vs kangz" meme. Having said that, most black people cooking is horrible. Their idea of good cooking is too much salt on everything, too much sugar in their BBQ sauce, in any slaw they make, shit they'll even add sugar to fucking turnip greens.... Fry it, salt it, sugar it up, and let it sit out on the kitchen counter for four hours seems to be the standard for most black cooking... if they even COOK. Most black people just pile junk food into their shopping carts these days. "Soul cooking" is largely dead. It's mostly little old black ladies who know what soul cooking is anymore.
If they have to resort to this to feel superior, even though its not true, I have to say we white people are pretty fucking awesome.
>Colonel Sanders was black.
"Coming this Fall..make sure you pay your TV license!"
I am not much of a cook
I eat my steaks blue rare and put like salt and pepper on it
niggers will cake it full of seasoning and then cook it "well done" cause to them that means it's well done- good job. so they now have an overcooked steak that tastes like shit and is covered up with layers of SPICES
I am a shark anyways; i do give a fuck how good my food tastes as long as I can eat it
Oh God no
>eat my steaks blue rare and put like salt and pepper on it
They didnt go to elementary schools to learn how white people literally traveled around the world looking for new spices and shit
Dutch flag
>Cajuns are an ethnic group mainly living in the U.S. state of Louisiana, consisting in part of the descendants of Acadian exiles—French-speakers from L'Acadie in what are now the Maritimes of Eastern Canada.
>American doesn't even understand steak
I really think niggers have different taste buds. My roommate and every one I've known gets insane with salt.
Niggers don't stop pouring salt on something until you can visibly fucking see an actual white layer of salt on their food. Its disgusting.
What's the white way to cook chicken
Honestly. I've been to almoat every state in the US, and tried a bunch of shit. But soul food? Not good. Collard greens done right is good, but 9/10 they taste like shit.
He is, good meat dont need any spice save for some salt.
>hurr look at roastie cooking you wyppl
If I'm eating for functional reasons I don't really care. If it's a holiday or we have guests I season and make a 5 course meal. Black culture is such shit that they pretend to be royalty and the only ones that can cook.
If they put the effort that they put into social media banter into building a career or planning for a future, could you imagine what they could accomplish.
If you stop eating sugar and particularly salty and fatty things then your pallet resets and it's amazing what things actually taste like. Can still use salt a little though.
it's the best
niggers and some white people are mentally insane
This is very true, but brit food is objectively horrible
>americans believe buying pre-made shit means they know how to cook
Doesn't matter if their food stamps can't afford it, they just steal it.
Work in a butcher shop and my boneless ribeyes & T-bones are constantly being stolen by black people on a weekly basis.
In the last 3 years, I've dealt with maybe 1 white trash shoplifter.
>white people don't season their food
>they just literally fought wars over spices
The pathos of irony.
Lol you think nogs are making spices from scratch or something?
The problem here is what white people and black people define as "seasoning" something. For white people, seasoning is a nice rub with some salt, pepper, and a tiny handful of herbs and spices. For black people, seasoning is saturating meat with hot sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, curry powder, chili powder, paprika, cayenne, etc etc etc to the point where you're not tasting the natural flavor of the meat, you're just tasting the seasoning.
White people season meat. Black people meat seasonings.
Who dis
I find this meme laughable. White people literally circumnavigated the globe because they wanted to get spices. Try to meme this fact whenever anti-whites bring up the spices meme
That's the fucking entry level redpill for steak. That's the fucking popular opinion on steak.