Berserk is good again? What is this sorcery?
Berserk is good again? What is this sorcery?
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It never stopped being good.
Miura is slowly getting used to digital drawing.
What do you guys think of the digital art? Is it better or worse than the earlier chapters
Seems really detailed for digital drawing. Maybe he's using it on and off?
How much of the story will the new anime be covering? Conviction to... ?
End of Golden Age says hi, faggot.
From the looks of things, probably up to Fantasia.
I thought the Sea God arc was fun. Sure it was slow, but the result was worth it.
When is the next chapter
Look at this, faggot:
Looks fine to me. It's not as gritty, but I don't see a gigantic difference.
But it's already late april, I'm asking what date
just saying... i wouldnt mind if he toned down the detail by like 50% and had more time for more pages.
>seems really detailed for digital drawing?
Wut? I don't see why digital should limit details
Nah, it's still bad.
What happens to Farnese after Casca is de-derpifified?
She uses Guts' Behelit by sacrificing Serpico to become an Apostle.
april 28, translated some time after that
you're a nigger manga was always good
The only people that like modern Berserk are lolicons, just like Miura
When does next chapter come out again?
Nevermind, should have read the thread.
All these hiatuses have just been miura prepping another eclipse level plot twist
I don't see the problem.
>he didn't stop reading at the end of the golden age arc
Explain yourselves. Nothing can top that arc.
Why are you acting superior because you only read one part of the manga?
>End of glorified flashback
What about it?
Judging from the OP, it probably ends with Skull Knight fucking up and ruining the world.
After re-reading it, the entire boat arc is much better when you aren't waiting seven actual years for it to end.
So how are they going to stop griffith?
Send Rickert to do the job. He's the only one that can lay hands on Griffith since he's the last remaining member of the Band of the Hawk that wasn't sacrificed.
why does the hair look so different compared to before?
I think the moon kid will show the old members of the BotH while Griffith's doing his after-battle spirit thing showing what he's done in the past
>modern berserk
I would also like to present this as evidence for berserk not falling in quality due to character design. Cute things help bring out the horror in everything else, this has always been true.
She joins Casca and Guts in a threesome.
Rickert already fled the capital. I doubt he's getting back in.
>implying Casca won't go celibate
>open chapter
>dark, detailed, grim artwork of the berserk of yore
>there's even symbolism
>could Miura be regressing into a good author?
>miniature casca starts jumping around
>Berserk is good again?
Seems still shit like in the past five years
Goes back to her planet bringing all her jolly friends with her
The sunday afternoon allegory and shitty muppet Caska troubles me deeply.
I regret getting off the fucking boat.
why are people upset about mini casca
>Golden Age is a flashback
Never before has there been such a widespread inaccuracy in a fandom before.
Berserk started en medias re. Meaning the first arc was more akin to a flash forward than anything else.
Caska will run away and end up in service of Griffindor
She'll get some bullshit magic power and Gutsy will be forced to fight her
Party will be forever infested by fucking unfunny muppet Caska forever
Betting twenty bucks on this.
Posted this a few threads ago. So far, it's following it pretty closely, so I'm pretty sure this is what we're going to get.
What's wrong with mini casca jumping around?
Griffith and Guts had some goofy moments too you know.
Its shit.
Do we seriously need another fucking mascotte filling panels with unfunny jokes? a mascotte that's actually the superdeformed version of fucking "tragedy, betrayal, rape, miscarriage and madness" Caska
Because almost everyone that liked berserk in the ancient times liked it for being grim and edgy. The only cute girls got fucking cut in half or turned out to be demons
The Eclipse is everything, for me at least, that berserk did right. Sullying the revisit is almost like sullying the original. Cute doesn't belong in my berserk.
Puck has been around since the beginning you mouth breathing autist.
Every new chapter is just a torture.
Just fucking end it. I can't take it anymore
And he's been annoying and completely needless from a narrative standpoint from chapter fucking one.
I shit on your shota elves. come at me
that little puppet is just a fucking representation of caskas personality right now. its just a little stupid kid living in caskas broken shell. that was like just a small part to show caskas current state and you people already get mad.
Puck isn't a cute, comedic gag character.
Correction, he wasn't back then. He served to counter Guts, almost acting as his conscience. Puck always implored Guts to do the right thing, but he was usually being too naïve.
There was a purpose to cute puck, and he didn't ruin it by using the character as a joke until schierke came along.
>Berserk is shit now
>Just kidding Berserk was shit in the past too
What point are you trying to make?
but you said "cute doesnt belong in my berserk" but there was always cute in your berserk from the very beginning
>lost children wasn't good
>conviction arc wasn't good
>falcon of the Millennium empire wasn't good
what is this shit taste im reading? ill only give you the current arc cause we were 7 fucking years on a boat.
The same point of this guy
No see, his response actually had thought and merit put behind it. Yours was just inane bitching.
Different user, but millennium falcon arc was garbage.
Lost children was the best arc, conviction a close second.
I don't give a fuck, muppet Caska is painfully obiouvsly just something that will be added to main party in real world. Another excuse for Miura to doodle crap gags instead than closing the fucking story
Do you really think Caska will be back to normal after this?
She'll be the same as usual, but muppet will interface people with her or something like that
I don't even care anymore enough to type
Just fuck you and everything else. specially Miura
>People act like Berserk has been the adventures of Guts and the kiddy crew for the last hundred chapters.
>its actually been thirty at most and just feels like its been forever because of the hiatuses.
Seriously. Even with Schierke and the rest, the manga wasn't light hearted until the ocean adventure, which didn't even last that long in story.
We've literally just been stuck in a cool down arc for over a decade because of the breaks.
>muppet caska is painfully obviously just something that will be added to the main party in the real world
>she'll be the same as usual but muppet will interface people with her
I actually have no idea what youre trying to say famalam
to be honest i'll admit it was weak but i didn't think it was garbage. it sets up for when griffith fucks all of them over......if we ever get to that part.
I honestly believe people form opinions based solely on memes
These thirty chapter took like ten years. is that long enough to get pissed?
Has it actually been confirmed that he's drawing Berserk digitally now?
Honestly, the problem with Sup Forums as a whole is that people get too wrapped up in irony.
So much bitching isn't about what people genuinely like and dislike. Its about the memes surrounding shows and what people who you dislike like and dislike.
You're literally restating what I said in my post. Next time try to read.
And even if you are mad that you had to wait, what does that have to do with whats in the manga? Seriously are you autistic or something?
Genuinely asking.
There's alot of evidence for it. In one instance he even copy pastad one of the characters into two different chapters.
>Seriously are you autistic or something?
I am. what of it?
I don't get the outrage. She's not even a permanent character.
It shows. Keep your genetic disadvantage in mind next time you try to discuss series with the mentally firm.
>She's not even a permanent character.
Wanna bet?
Please don't bully me with your superior intellect
>Figurative representation of Caska's post eclipse mental and emotional state brought to life in a magical projection of Caska's inner self
>It's totally gonna stick around once they leave, somehow
>People are mad about mini casca and berserk not being a manga for edgelords anymore
>even though berserk has had jokes and cutesy shit since the beginning
what the fuck is wrong with this retarded fanbase
It isn't about intellect. Its about being predisposed to a lack of empathy, lack of social ability, and reasoning that centers around obsession rather than logic.
I just hope you're right.
People don't understand that a dark story loses its sting without moments of levity.
Now, I don't think she's going to become a permanent character. Nor would I say I'm "outraged" about it, it wouldn't be the worst Miura did.
Just that, we're currently looking at the eclipse from the perspective of casca. Everything is done remarkably well at first. Like dog guts dragging around a broken casket, for instance.
It seems to me that Miura was attempting to use the small casca to showcase here current mental state. That's nice and all, but this is better represented by the broken shell in the casket. Adding her was just adding comic relief to a scene that really shouldn't have comic relief.
Re-read the manga. Alternatively, kill yourself.
What happens when said moments take up space to the point serious aspects get outnumbered?
mini casca is her current self and the shattered doll is her former self
the little caska is part of the represantation in my opinion. her size just shows what a little part she is of the actual caska.
Then the balance is shifted to a happy story with some tragic moments to underline the glee of the rest. But that's not what happened here. And you just know things are about to go south again. We're going for eclipse: take 3
This is one of the first pages in the first volume ever put out under the berserk name. If tiny caska becomes a main char (she wont u spergs) its not like itll be changing much of anything.
nnNOOO everything must bE DARK AND EDGY
Solo Guts is best berserk, fuck his crazy wife and JRPG party.
I wish I could
don't you remember she's his ______
It was never good though?
The anime really fucked me up dudes
How can my spirit recover after knowing that piece of shit exists
You don't.
You're all deluded
The art looks like shit still. The most recent chapter was a heavy handed mess of symbolism that would have been somewhat meaningful had Schierke not explained all of it. Miura's still written himself into a corner and Berserk will never start releasing even somewhat consistently ever again. I liked Golden Age, Lost Children and Conviction and I think that's good enough for me.
There's only one berserk anime and it finished airing in the 90s
The third movie was okay.
What will be Casca's reaction when she's back ?
Deluded no......desperate yes.
all three movies where good, anyone who thinks otherwise is a silly.
>thinking shes ever coming back
user pls