Guys we need to spam this everywhere, Twitter, faceberg, and all msm social media sites
The enemy made a mistake
Other urls found in this thread:
i see no indication as to which "news channel" this comes from. am i missing something?
"Diversity is our strength."
Who is 'us'?
For them to state as much so openly only proves they are desperate. They are scrapping the bottom of the barrel now. Attempting only to implore the true party loyalists.
bump for justice
I don't get it. Is it a democrat board meeting stating what everyone already knows? What's the big deal?
why did you let an autistic child scribble all over your screenshot?
This memo confirms that the Democrats are using massive third-world population replacement to remain in power. They can't dumb down whites in liberal brainwashing institutes (colleges) fast enough, and more blacks are having abortions now than ever. Therefore, import illegals and dangle the threat of "deportation" in front of them - "Vote for us because the ebil Republicans will send you home!" Why is it that the Democrats always seem to run EXCLUSIVELY on a platform of fear? They used to scare little old ladies by telling them the ebil Republicans would take their pensions away. I guess enough of them died out so it's no longer a viable demographic to run that threat on.
Imagine my shock
Absolutely correct the Dems finally showed their true side and alot of whites are going to get redpilled
I got this picture from a based kraut from a dead thread DONT LET THIS SLIDE
Anyone have the leaked memo?
It's not a dead thread stop spamming the board fuckwad.
I certainly fucking hope so. Most Republican lawmakers are either hopelessly retarded, anti-American, or both. Republicans turned a blind eye to illegal immigration for FAR TOO LONG, as they knew cheap labor would appease their big-business constituents. All they were doing was creating both an economic bubble and a power bubble - Pop! Now the economy is trash and they're struggling to remain in power. Trump might, MIGHT help us finally turn this around. After year one things certainly do look more promising.
Bump for freedom
Everybody already knows this already...
You think this is a surprise to democrats; it's not.
They all understand this and WANT it.
They WANT to give our country away to niggers. That's the party platform.
Here it is I used a screenshot because I'm too lazy
and the republican dont give a shit
What the right does is see only the sentence about the dreamers being used for voting, throws out the entire rest of the memo about trying to protect dreamers for the humans that they are, and boils down the entire thing to "DEMS ARE EVIL DEMS ARE EVIL DEMS ARE EVIL". They do it every time.
Fuck off lefty fag
Correct. That's the real issue.
Instead, they accept it and say "how can we turn muh based latinx into conservitards?"
well we all knew this, but at least we can spam this in normies face so nobody can deny that dems are actively undermining our voting process and the option on the table for dealing with them is mass-arrests and possible helicopter rides...
Political parties should ideally be about ideals, not about staying in power or relevant by modifying the voter base.
You treat people like cattle. The entirety of your "empathy" is based on patronizing those you see as inferior. The thing is: you're too dense to even comprehend it.
establishment republicans and democrats are one in the same, of course they don't care.... these are the same dick-less "NEVER TRUMP" faggots they betray their voting base on a daily basis
Yes, this will redpill the normies about the left and its (((masters)))
What must it be like to perceive through your eyes? How warped and distorted is your perspective that you can just assume whatever you want about how I think?
Should give them all permanent resident status. With no right to citizenship. Thier children should not be jus soli citizens either. We should only allow children of at least one citizen to be alllwed citizenship.
I think this is a fair trade off.
>refusing to accept immigrants because of their crime rate is immoral
>sending immigrants home because of the crime rate there, is immoral
Everyone knew it but now here it comes from the horse's mouth, how can people like Jeff Flake justify voting for this shit when it only helps Democrats
How about we deport you but keep the beaners? Sound good?
we're way past the point of compromising with you interlopers, either leave or face enslavement/death
Because I can read you like a book. Your views aren't your own.
>I'm a genius, I'm a wizard, I can read your mind!
Even worse is that Reagan at least knew the beaners wouldn't vote for him which is why he restricted the inflow of immigrants to only 300,000 a year- beaners were never supposed to get citizenship, only provide cheap labor without voting.
Then along comes Bush who increases Clinton's immigration laws (which already pushed immigration to 600,000 a year) up to 1 million to "be compassionate". And he did this because he got 50% of the Hispanic vote in Texas, so he assumed that smelly third worlders and "homeowning, English-speaking Hispanic Christians" were the same shit and giving them citizenship would get more Republican voters.
Bush wasn't a retard for the reasons liberals said he was.
How much are they paying you Oliver Willis?
Feel free to kill yourself
No, just an actual empath who was patient zero for the conditioning mechanisms you fell prey to.
Good thing you elected Trump and not a New York democrat in Republican clothing.
By the way you post your definitely a faggot
>Dems view illegal immigrants as a new voter block
Is anyone surprised? We have warned everyone about this for literally years.
The Dems do not see a fool proof path to success going forward without the formation of a new voter block which will be made up of illegal immigrants. They must import new voters from outside of the United States if they have any hope longterm.
Dems will lie and deny this endlessly until they get amnesty passed and then they will say... "oops I guess you were right... thanks for allowing us to secure a new voter block".
Shills are trying to derail this thread stay on topic and add any info related
I'm surprised they would play the hand, now.
>a large group of people that actually had to struggle to get something they wanted overwhelmingly vote D
Its just Tuesday folks.
What's the source? This looks faker than the starbucks thing
you write like a woman. a 28 year old woman who wears glasses.
Honestly fuck the democrats
Yeah we already knew the left subvertly would use illegals as a voting block but they just showed the obvious for some (((reason)))
They feel like now or never. Just be as open about their agenda as they frame Trump to be about The Wall or anti-immigration. They see Trump as an opportunity to just get it all out there.
I am just glad they are no longer hiding it. It is no longer a conspiracy theory to claim the Dems want to import new voters when then are opening pushing for it.
Interesting perspective. I never considered that their own base might waiver (considering how they'll already believe anything.)
I already posted the source lazy fucktard
We're going to read the fucking text. You don't need to tell us where it is.
I just said I got this picture from a based kraut from another thread
>half assed plebbit tier psychology personal attack
>"no u"
you lose, get the fuck out fragile bitch
As if you needed further proof the Democratic Party was objectively evil.
They've always been the party of demographic deck-stacking. Pre-Civil War they wanted slaves to count as whole heads on the census so Dem states could get more reps in Congress. Post-Civil War they used Tammany Hall and the Irish/Chinese to stuff ballot boxes. Today California has like 8 extra representatives because of the illegal Mexicans. This was never not the game.
You know (((who))).
they're referring to the fact that "the fight" aka campaigning for DACA is important to democrat's success (it's apparently a winning issue, although I doubt that)
they're not referring to changing demographics affecting electoral success
Source is fox
Here's a direct link to the memo
And for you truly autistic retards, here's the memo itself
Yes I understand that but this is proof to show that they would rather flood the us with beaners than actually help their fellow countrymen.
How is palmieri not in jail yet, what the fuck do the feds even do?
yeah, lets all decide to care as much as when republicans were caught admitting voter id laws helped them win elections by making it harder for black people to vote
weigh that against giving dems daca when they want daca,
then lets stop pretending all left/right politics isnt about pretending to represent what your constituents want
Hey there shareblue how is that distraction tactic working?
Anyone who didn't know this for the last 20 years is beyond retarded. The only hope dems have is 1)running their obedient nigger pets 2)running a woymn 3) sabatoging the vote via illegal aliens
This is VERY common knowledge OP.
The #1 thing we need to be focusing on is to REQUIRE ID TO VOTE. Period. The reason this hasn't happened is because It's cost $5. Technically this is a "poll tax". Therefore we need to make IDs free. Use all your power to do this. We NEED voter ID. Imagine how badly Hillary would have lost if she hadn't rigged the vote, and bussed illegals from state to state voting multiple times. This is the only reason the demoshits even come close to winning.
I said this before. Isnt buying votes illegal? So then democcrats are committing a crime every time they promise hand outs to voters. Higher taxes free healthcare all that shit is used to buy votes. This is just icing on the corruption cake. Theyre corrupt to the core.
Bro if you don’t support voter ID you’re clinically retarded.
A drivers license is voter ID. A photo ID costs less than a pack of beer.
You know who doesn’t have voter ID? People who don’t belong in this country. The same ones who voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in sanctuary city states.
Vote selling is what democracies have been based on since Ancient Greece.
hey foxnews, is yours?
>Requiring voters to have a Voter ID is equal to Illegal immigrant given voter rights
You faggots need to import new niggers from the 3rd world and promise them gibs on the backs of tax payers to get new votes.
Also, have a nice tall glass of pic related
HOLY FUCK we are a constitutional republic dumbass not ancient Greece tier degenerate democracy
Yes but they have no reason to vote democrat besides the handouts. What do republicans offer? Jobs and prosperity. So you dont need fucking hand outs. The democrats dont want to earn their worth they just want handouts and free shit.
Implying that I'm a republicuck KILL YOURSELF.
>struggle to get something they wanted
that's not how you spell "illegally stroll across the border and collect gibs"
>only racists believe in the rule of law
vote dem
yeah, i agree that an id is an easy thing to thing to have with you and should be required for voting
but you cant pretend it wasnt implemented to help republicans get votes
especially after multiple people were caught admitting to it
and of course that voter fraud has only tallied literally 36 people in combined four elections
>redefining retard for you
there you go, retard
go suck your daddies dick
Again implying we give a fuck about dems and repubs try at least harder sharblue your tactics are amateur tier.
Wtf am I looking at
putting an end to the wide-spread disenfranchisement of the American citizen voter is racissssssss
ah okay thanks for clearing things up libshits, blacks are too fucking stupid to get ID's.... now let's hear more about how we're the racist ones here
>has only tallied literally 36 people in combined four elections
Because the FEC is shit at their jobs. If a state doesn't release voting records (the entire sanctuary city network does this) how are you supposed to prove it?
Ask Jill Stein what happened to the Michigan recount. You'll find your 36 number gets blown out in a single county
1/10. terrible. just terrible. you have no idea what's going on, do you?
We already knew this
It is still important to show this to be honest
lol, no we're not. When has the Constitution ever impeded the growth of the state? Not to mention the fact that any nigger with access to a DNC bus can go vote.