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>another bitch
just great
Alright for a Faith-War build, I don't know how useful the Golden Age thing is, but that's probably good as well.
how does that Civ compare to Civ V?
And still no Ukrainian civ. Fuck you, Firaxis.
Civ is only good when one or two expansions have released and Civ VI is only getting it's first one soon.
Civ V is still better, but Civ VI is where the future is at.
Guess il wait then
A respectable decision.
Norway is the Viking representative in Civ VI though.
Sweden is a city state.
Denmark isn't even in.
Hey Georgia
You have to create it yourself. Firaxis can't change your culture or history
>Ukrainian civ
>Firaxis can't change your culture or history
well they gave the niggers a bunch of civs, didn't they? and made a bunch of female rulers.
An independent Ukrainian "empire" is even less believable than nigger women ruling Asia Minor.
I still don't understand how anyone could like a shit game like Civ.
can you play as Swedish Empire in these games? or as vikings? i like total war games but I've never tried Civ
What's shit about it?
Sweden is a playable faction in Civ V as part of one of the expansion packs I believe.
The games are not historical at all though and you should stick to Grand Strat/TW if that's what you want.
It is supposed to be a board game taken too far, with everyone functioning mostly the same, but with different factions having different strengths. This means, though, that every Civ advances at almost the same pace and you won't see gunpowder meeting stone age warriors, like what happened historically during the colonial times.
It's a good 4X game, and it's meant to be that, not historical commentary.
You can make love and marry a horse in this game?
The game is slow and it is rare for anything truly exciting to happen. Wars are quite lackluster as is city building.
civ is like ck2 or vic2 or eu4 for normies
Oh ok. Probably sticking to total war then, thanks frend
Yes, I believe you play as Gustavus Adolphus' Sweden in Civ 5
crusader kings 2
female rulers did exist lol
btw enjoy Mohammad spreading his seed in your country collapsing your system and using up its resources without contributing resources (other than semen) of his own accord. enjoy working 10 extra years to finance his semen.
holy shit not even amerilards are this dellusional
You can play as independent Ukraine in Paradox games though. Pretty hilarious when you conquer whole Europe as Ukrainian Empire.
Very progressive.
Oh, cool. What about Carolus Rex?
If you want to play as Sweden in a strategy game I would recommend Europa Universalis 4. Sweden is one of the best nations to play and (I believe with a mod) you could have an option to form Scandinavia.
I know a little about Georgia but why are they a new civ? What did Georgia do that makes them a significant civilization? I don't know anything really significant about Georgia other than general stuff like they exist.
Apparently though from a 2 minute google search, the leader Tamar is actually considered successful so at least firaxis has a good reason for choosing her other than another token woman in the game.
without mod.
But for comfy play as Sweden you need many DLC. All paradox games have shittons of them actually. They are worth it in general, but anyway i hate their DLC policy
civ is a shit game anyways
also cleopatra porn when?
>tfw still no portuguese civilization