Well? Don't tell me you forgot to do it today?
So why is tomboy best girl?
Well? Don't tell me you forgot to do it today?
So why is tomboy best girl?
read from left to right, it is the story of a cold-hearted man denying his pet further patting
>tfw I've reached enlightenment and fully understand what tomboys are for
>fall in love with a boy
>accept that I'm a homo
>boy turns out to be a girl
Is tomboy love the straightest fetish?
Please stop posting this image, I don't like being reminded that my favorite H artist fell off the face of the earth.
Why tomboys threads always end up being deleted?
Of course.
because of fee hees like this user
Mods are faggots.
What happened?
>I don't like being reminded that my favorite H artist fell off the face of the earth.
and who might that be?
Konchiki, like so many fallen h mangaka, started a non-h serial. And no one is even translating it.
because h manga artists give the payoff too early. All their life they have designed fapping material for people who cum after a few strokes, and now they have to keep some otaku interested for a year? yeah right
SAUCE! I remember is loli but I don't remember the name.
Help an user here, I just realized how to make favorites in sadpanda.
Well since this thread is really just a continuation of the last one that got deleted I may as well post my reply here
Because gender dysphoria and having a penis is cool
Because of 3DPD blogging retards.
Translation=dumb mods and dumber anons who don't realize it's perfectly reasonable to discuss things on a discussion board
Is Ebino considered a tomboy?
Sounds about right.
Why would blogging about your life be acceptable?
Out of all the H-Artists out there, Konchiki is the one I could see pulling it off though... I think the lack of scans is a case of his rep getting damaged with how he handled the ending on Manyuu Hikenchou and his work no longer being tied to a "Name" artist.
Look for "Run Girl Run" by Konchiki on Sadpanda user.
loli tomboys a best
why isn't there more ebino art?
It's kinda hard doing some of those. Various tomboys accept their feminine side.
Because it's talking about stuff.
It doesn't belong on Sup Forums though. This isn't your blog or chatroom.
Actually yes it does belong on a.
Anime isn't just anime, it's discussed by people. Who do things. This is all very shocking I know, but get this, sometimes people like something for how it compares to their life.
I should also add that things like >3dpd posting should be considered blogposting to you because it's a person making statements because of their life experiences.
Tldr you are dumb
Well people on Sup Forums disagree and so do mods so what are you going to do about it? How can you be so narcissistic as to believe people want you to shit up the board with your blogposts?
By your faggot logic we basically don't need rules at all and every board should just host whatever people feel like at the time.
What's worse user, me talking about things or you making endless shitposts about how people shouldn't be doing something that doesn't really exist?
And pointing out something that is absurd isn't narcissistic dude. It's just discussing. If I say I like tomboys because I'm a bit of an introvert and would appreciate someone who can give me a bit of a social hand, that's explaining my opinion. That's a good thing, and far better than reposting the same stale meme/pasta/BESTGIRL.jpg every single thread.
I don't know what makes you bend my words that much
Nobody cares what you want faggot. Sup Forums isn't your blog how are you not getting it, this isn't about you? Fuck off already faggot.
seems like a good story
Tomboy are bro's who are cute and have a vagina you can fuck and make tomboy babies with
that's why tomboys > traps
I guess so but she lack the whole "I'm not girly" and "I'm just one of the guys"
Tomboys are built to be NTRd from their boyfriends by fat old businessmen. Nothing excites tomboys more than to be taken by stronger and more assertive males.
You're worse than the blogposter, please fuck off forever.