Is an high sperm count correlated to high testosterone levels and viceversa? Apparenlty my sperm is pretty fucking healthy, but I didn't test for testosterone.
Is an high sperm count correlated to high testosterone levels and viceversa...
I dont know, but the size of your balls is directly linked to your test count, which is also the reason why traps have micro balls.
Doesn't matter how many you have if they're not motile.
I love udders
>currently no-fap
It is a sign of good health and hormones.injecting exogenous test will nuke sperm count but endogenous test promotes it. Infertility is side effect of low t.
balls are normal I think, not too big.
they do move, they don't test only the overalll count but other factors as well.
kek, sorry bro
then I think I'm fine. The PH of my sperm is good, their motility is more than fine and they are fully formed. Since the whole soy thing debalce I've been kinda paranoid since I eat tofu and drink soy milk once in a while.
Sertoli cells produce sperm, Leydig cells produce hormones.
Generally if you are healthy and balls are in good shape, they will produce both well.
No fap has no basis in real medicine and is merely Eastern superstition.
That said, beating off ten times a day is not productive it at all, neither is looking at porn because your brain thinks you have a harem and reduces your desire for real women.
Jizzing once every day or two is proven to healthy for you.
How big are your balls? Actually that doesn't really matter unless they're out of whack.
Good you got more than the count looked at. Tons of sperm cells out there that aren't viable.
Sertoli cells are helper cells that guide spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) through differentiation. Sperm are generated by SSCs.
People talk about nofap and noporn here all the time but they also post pics that make your dick wake up all the fucking time. Its fucking hard when you're on day 7 and get hard just seeing some skin. The urge to go on gif and keep going is strong.
I don't really know the dimensions of normal balls. I think they are 4/5 centimeters in the longest point
Thank you for the correction, much appreciated.
Quacks will tell you that masturbation is a perfectly healthy act with no evidence. There is more evidence from nature that masturbation is bad than good.
t. A doctor
Sounds pretty average. Why'd you get tested btw? Seems like an odd thing to do on a whim, especially if you didn't figure on getting a bunch of other stuff tested out of curiosity.
me and gf thinking of getting a baby :) they don't test testosterone for that, just the health of the sperm
well you might as well close this thread now retard, some cheeky idiot is going to reply to your post with porn saying YOU MEAN LIKE THIS? :))))
Oh, I figured you'd just start fugging and then if it wasn't working you'd try to find out what's wrong rather than spending the time and money. gl and don't forget to get married.
No fap is unhealthy for your prostate, and too much fapping is bad for your mental health and lowers testosterone. Once or twice every 3-5 days is healthy.
I don’t think so, not in my case anyway. I got tested because my wife and I were trying for a baby for 2 years and it wasn’t happening. Turned out I had a very low sperm count, yet my T levels were fine. What ended up causing my low count was 2 varicoceles on my testicles (enlarged veins that make your balls overheat and makes it difficult to produce). I had an operation to fix the larger one on my left testicle, and my count shot up to 20 million in less than a year.
The recovery was painful, but I have a 2 year old boy as a result now. Best of luck man.
She is going to catch a draft
It usually follows but who cares? Sperm count doesn't mean much, all it takes is 1.
High test is only good if it correlates with the levels of estrogen. Too high test and very low estrogen=bad penile function. My levels are considered normal or what my doctor would say, "best optimal" and have above average sperm count. I'm no bio student, but avoid xenoestrogens as much as possible and you're good.
You know the oddest thing is my left nut is not only decidedly smaller but also clearly engulfed in a wad of varicoceles, but none of the docs who ever administered penis inspection day ever bothered to mention it.
Seriously how do you carefully show a guy how to feel his balls for signs of testicular cancer and not say
>oh btw that spongy stuff there is a bunch of veins, not cancer
You amerimutts should really stop clogging threads with your ignorant shitposts.
This is true, but you have to factor the sperm that don’t move, or swim in circles. A normal persons motility rate is only 30 or 40% I believe. There’s even sperm missing a head or the head is misshapen. Having a count of fewer than 15 million makes it very hard to have a child.
OP you cant just post a pic like this and then not post any more
at least include one (1) pic on each reply you post -___-
It’s not considered a medical necessity to have it fixed, unfortunately. My insurance only covered the procedure because I said it caused me pain and discomfort. The urologist who did my operation flat out told me he didn’t think it would improve my sperm count, but it helped tremendously.
Sure. I have no particular interest in getting it fixed at this point, but you'd think they'd mention it. They'll tell you right away if your BP is slightly high and you can take drugs if you want, or if your heart beat has a tiny bit of valve flutter, or if they estimated your BMI to be out of range without measuring it properly. You'd just think it would be good practice.
>No fap has no basis in real medicine and is merely Eastern superstition.
meanwhile in reality 60 ounces of blood is equivalent to 1 ounce of semen in nutritional value.
[Citation needed]
>No fap is unhealthy for your prostate
There is solid evidence for this. There are some self reporting studies which try to correlate prostate cancer with lower ejaculation frequency. It has nothing to do with fapping specifically, and there are conflicting studies that say frequent ejaculation INCREASES risk.
I agree, I’ve had the varicoleles since I was a young teenager, and only recently learned what the are. It’s funny you mention it because my dad has one too, and he got it checked back in the 80s thinking it was testicular cancer.
There is NO solid evidence I should say
That’s not side boob. That’s bottom boob. I like
this man speaks truth. More than wanking its porn leave that shit. More addictive than cocaine; think how long you spend watching porn instead of doing something productive.