Do gay whites get into the ethnostate?
What if we keep the fagginess to a minimum and just buttfuck eachother in private?
Do gay whites get into the ethnostate?
What if we keep the fagginess to a minimum and just buttfuck eachother in private?
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Neck yourself, paedo. Why won’t you answer me, GayJew? Are you scared of being called a paedo?
>Why won’t you answer me, GayJew?
do you wait up all night for his response?
It must be agony.
If they keep it private and dont act gay, sure
sure we will just eliminate homosexuality with eugenics anyway
Nah cunt you had your chance at equality and just like the roasties you emulate you always take it too far
The answer appears to be yes.
Brilliant! If someone is gay we'll just stop them from breeding!
I wonder why nobody has ever thought of this
I didn't do any of that
Our only crime is to love other white men, user
We let them in but direct them to the gallows
what a waste
Yes, at least Ryan "while you fucked women I studied the statistics" Faulk can come in.
Gay people used to get married and have kids to fit into society. Nowadays being gay is acceptable so gays aren’t having kids anymore
Yeah, yeah. #Notallfaggots
You're not worth the risk
If you keep posting pictures of naked guys all over and parading around about being gay in private then people are probably going to come to think of you as an annoying faggot. Just saying.
Gayfag here. Sometimes I daydream about living in the 60s. Shit was easier then. I daydream about being a don draper kind of guy (but in the medical field) married to a hot trad wife who'd keep my suburban house spotless; having three kids; and at the same time I'd love to have a gay lover in the city. Just like don draper and the NYC whore he bangs on and off.
I hate modern women more than the MGTOWs. And i also hate gays trying too hard to be women. Also, women in the workplace drove the wages down and there's too much competition nowadays.
Why weren't they happy by making sandwiches, it's not like they had to earn a wage or anything.
fucking women how i hate them.
> just like the roasties you emulate you always take it too far.
True. Fucking modern gay culture.
Nigger, you do know that faggots have children with women, right? Any way, all faggottry will be purged by fire.
Well nobody knows I'm gay unless I tell them (and I dont, unless they ask about my husband). So, I'll be there whether you like it or not
Gays aren't white
>hey john
>you know...
>this is kind of weird but I've always wanted to ask you
>you know that husband you have?
>are you
>you know
>I mean
>do you go the "other way?"
there are some conservative gays. What about him?
Pics of you and your husbro plz.
it's called San Francisco. And it's as much of a shithole as you imagine
nah bro. Thats my bro husband. No homo
The majority of gays actually do breed. There's a lot of social pressure to start a family and act straight. The families are dysfunctional and end in divorce in most cases (where divorce and homosexuality are legal).
The only exception to that is Western countries, where homosexuality is acceptable. If it is genetic, it'll be eliminated in the West in a generation. If it's not eliminated, then it has psychological or chemical causes after all.
Oh boy here we go another Canadian intellectual.
I don't get upset when I see pictures of attractive women
Fucking grow a pair
I have a pair and idgaf about seeing other guy's pairs. I'm just saying if you waltz in saying
>i'm gay lol but I'm not the kind of gay that needs to tell you :3
Then probably people are going to see a logical error.
They're already there! xD
I don't know about faggots, but Traps are the spice of life according to Richard Spencer, so they're definitely in.
No normal person actually cares about gay people. The retards on Sup Forums who shriek "we're gonna gassem" are just asshurt muslims larping as white people
>Putting your dick on that carpet
Imagine if you had a foreskin next time your dick knocks the rim of the bowl. And they call cut cleaner?
reynad, is that you?
>No normal person actually cares about gay people.
Fuck off. They don't keep to themselves and propaganda influencing small children and sometimes raping them.
>They were executed after being convicted by the court of having raped a 13-year-old boy.
You're a paedo enabler of Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey.
>literally posts muslims murdering people
good job
>tfw you're such a homosexual that you've found the niche groups on tumblr that claim to be so pro white-male that it turns them into homosexuals, and they only give a damn about pro-white, anti-women, anti-muslim sentiments and Donald Trump and the Confederacy are the greatest ideologies around
Unironically, /ourgays/.
If being gay is something that is partially influenced by genetics (something I believe), then gay people will always exist regardless of how much you crack down on it on an institutional level. Gay culture and acceptance should be shunned imo, but going full exterminationist against gays seems like a futile task. Ryan Faulk of the Alternative Hypothesis is the prime example of what a gay/bi person would be in the ethnostate; he doesn't make his gayness central to his identity. Peter Thiel is another good example.
So, to your question: Gays shouldn't be excluded from the theoretical ethnostate, but gay culture/acceptance should be rejected. AKA: America pre 1960's.